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Rocky Style

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Everything posted by Rocky Style

  1. Every time I think it can't get worse, it gets worse. Therefore, I have no idea.
  2. It depends on if they think the OC can inspire the team and somehow run the offense at the same time.
  3. No F-ing way he comes back unless they start turning it around. I would have been elated if we even showed signs of improvement against a good team today.
  4. I pondered posting this or not or how to post it without sounding like a downer, but I have definitely had some pretty heavy stuff go down this year (still trying to recover). It put a lot of things into perspective! I was looking forward to the Wisconsin game all off-season and it was supposed to be the big fun trip. Needless to say, leaving in the rain at halftime wasn't great. Then I already had tickets to GT and live in ATL, so had no choice there but roast in the sun while we goofed around. Now begrudgingly going to Navy because it's on the bucket list. This may be the last time I check the team out in person for a little while unless I can see some sign of direction! Been a die hard and spending what money I had to spare since graduation. USF football was always one of the things I looked forward to every year even at mediocre levels. I still get into it and have fun. All I ask is that we try to do something inspired. Watching us settle for this crap is not cool. I feel bad for all the fans showing up and shelling out their hard earned dollars for this. Even more than money, TIME is the most valuable resource we have.
  5. Dude this guy can't swim and they made him get in an aquarium with animals???
  6. It worked for them. Meanwhile, we are pondering shutting down FB.
  7. They were going big. I can't fault the logic in that case... UVA has fallen too far behind.
  8. Merge Leavitt and Taggart to create Brundlefly - The greatest coach of all USF time!
  9. I literally thought the game was over. I switched back to the UVA/ND game LOL
  10. On the real, he could probably make good money as a life coach and maybe he could charge to run with him on Bayshore lol
  11. USF football is a bizarre and painful landscape!
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