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Rocky Style

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Everything posted by Rocky Style

  1. It was raining at Wisconsin, so I have to give a nod to this one because there is no rain.
  2. Does it matter what he says? The team on the field has no chance against an AAC team.
  3. LOL there is a red panic button on the right bar of this website linking to your site. HEHE. It's right under all my hot lady fashion ads from my cookies.
  4. Haha did he make a facial expression or just the usual Chuckface.
  5. They said he was wincing or something about his hand earlier when he was getting constantly obliterated.
  6. This is true! We need the avengers to appear at O LINE via the portal.
  7. It may be no-win, but the leader (AD) has to decide what is best for the long term.
  8. Maybe we can be the next FAMU where everyone goes to watch the band. Our band needs to upgrade the unis though. EDIT - Not sure if they still have the giant gray pants or not.
  9. I see the defense trying, they seem quite outmatched however. Offense has no O line, WRs that can't catch or block, and McCloud is getting destroyed out there.
  10. I always say, we haven't hit rock bottom because we have INFINITE BOTTOMS. No one cares, sadly.
  11. LOL they were showing the wrong person when they were pondering what Charlie Strong will say at halftime.
  12. CJL HC and headbutt/slap coordinator, KB as OC, George Selvie as DE.
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