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Everything posted by CousinRicky

  1. He still sucks, WBB isn't leading their conference this year. Fire MK and fire JF </sarcasm>
  2. It's good that 100 of their homes still had functional tires.
  3. So if we were in a higher conference now, you couldn't possibly be as happy as you'd be if we beat Alabama from the AAC next year. So why do you keep wanting to be in a better conference?
  4. So were we in the ACC or SEC when we beat FSU and Auburn? If it comes down to the P2 not playing any out of conference games your argument is better. But we obviously have the chance to beat those teams as long as we can schedule them.
  5. Already talked to John. Got to wait until they go thru the process of letting current members relocate so can't do it until May.
  6. I've only been to 2 games this year. A friend gave me his tickets for yesterday's game but we couldn't make it so son-in-law and grandson got to experience it. I'm really happy they got the chance. I make no apologizes for not getting season tickets this year. Gave them up a year or two ago because the product was so hard to watch. Wanted to give it a year to see how the new coach made out. Based on the performance this year we'll probably get them next season if we can get decent seats. If not, will watch on the + as we've been doing this year. It's a lot to get down there for every men's and women's games.
  7. Totally agree. Until it mathematically makes sense with the shot clock, amount of lead, etc. go with what got you there. And please put your best foul shooters on the floor at that time when you do start to milk the clock.
  8. My biggest concern in the center position. Evelein has improved this year and does a good job on the boards. #21 is okay but needs to get stronger. Not sure Emma will be back. Doesn't look like the 2 signees are centers. So, transfer portal???
  9. And I'm betting most of those are in the second half of conference play. Or, IIRC from early in the season, against better opponents. I may have mentioned that early in the season. I'm guessing it is confidence or the yips. She obviously can shoot the ball. When Romi is out there without Blasigh, the D doesn't need to cover anyone else at the 3 point line.
  10. Appears to be 2 ridiculous bucket hats in that photo. I actually have worn my USF bucket the last 2 days as a rain hat.
  11. Pretty sure all teams try to keep the students off the court until the other team gets back to the locker room. At the YC they have to cross the court diagonally to get there. So guessing they are trying to protect the visiting team.
  12. Hope you're right. We won the game but FAU, after learning that the press will be problematic, will feel good about their chances. And then there is the memory of hearing "over-rated" for added motivation.
  13. We were out during the game. Checked my phone and saw we had a 23 point lead with 11 to go. Just assuming we won we called our son-in-law and told him you're welcome for giving him the tickets. Then he relayed how the game ended. We got home and just watched. If I had been watching that live from home I would have turned it off in the last couple of minutes. My nerves couldn't have handled it. My question to you guys. If and when we face them in the conference tournament, who goes into the game with more confidence?
  14. I've not heard anything from CJF about incoming commits. I know he can't mention them by name. But do we have anyone else committed?
  15. Heard it tonight but can't remember from whom. But they mentioned with the Arena Club and other changes that the total was down.
  16. I hope the mojo changes overnight. WBB loses and Panthers crushed the Lightning.
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