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Everything posted by SilverBull

  1. Depends who is on the other side of the line of scrimmage.
  2. I would never begrudge my kid having a shiny new toy as long as I am not paying for it. Mazel tov!
  3. Entirely possible and is why I hope we don't start going ape **** crazy with the expectations coming out the gate .. At my age, it better be success right out of the gate. There are only so many gates left for me to see...
  4. With the attendance that these two teams have drawn, I don't think rushing the field will look quite the same.
  5. I like the numbers, but as my financial advisor caveats every communication: Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
  6. We know that how? If it makes you feel any better, he does get my bride's seal of approval and I always thought highly of him (though the latter may offset the former somewhat).
  7. Saw ESPN had Horn as the No. 17 ranked PIP (player in portal) as of last night. Looked like there could be some interesting talent available out of Florida and Carolina that could possibly help our cause.
  8. From bombing range to urban university Today, our fair city hosts the military nerve center of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tampa has served as a vital strategic point since Florida because a U.S. territory. The...
  9. Maybe. But if I was Deion, I don't think I would want those Buffalo chips.
  10. Interesting. Too bad he skipped out. I kind of like the Gator's bowl offering. A trip to Vegas and a stadium packed with Beavers.
  11. Only appropriate for a university built on and old bombing range. USF: Rebuilding since 1956
  12. I think some of the reactions to this hire show troubling symptoms of bipolar disorder.
  13. To me the only thing that concerns is if we will be the weakest ranked team on all these other teams' schedules.
  14. We probably really won't know what to think until the next head coach's press conference.
  15. Hopefully we negotiated the buyout with that timeline and action in mind... I say if he doesn't go 2-0 against Bama, out he goes!
  16. I guess he'll cost what he will cost. I am just glad that now all this is being paid with OPM.
  17. I keep reading that USF went cheap. How cheap could it be? Did I miss reported details? I think I read somewhere AG was making $1.2 million as an OC.
  18. After not sleeping at all last night (having nothing to do with all this), it is pretty much what I expected. I have no expectations or idea what to expect. But it can't be much worse than the last 3 and 1/2 years, can it?
  19. Just lean into it. Acceptance can be freeing.
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