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Everything posted by GoBulls84

  1. That 9th inning was rough. He just stuck with Otero a little too long. I was surprised he didn't bring in Yuri to start the 9th
  2. What ever happened with that Hixon kid?
  3. As in rugby & football? Punter and runningback maybe? ;D ;D
  4. I've been to 2 Saturday night games (Jacksonville and Manhattan) this season and Dex was all over the ball in both games it seemed like.
  5. Looks like he was #3 in his group in the bench press
  6. It seems like every year, somebody is saying Cal has their best team yet under Tedford, and yet every year, they stumble at some point or another and disappoint everybody
  7. I emailed Brett about this a while back and he said he hadn't heard anything yet, but would update if he did
  8. I'm with E.T. on this one. If we win, well then they're where I expect them to be this season. But if we lose, I won't be shocked, and I still expect us to run through the Big East
  9. I was at last night's game before the hockey game, and I would've been out today if I were not at the State Fair. Definitely gonna be comin out to more games
  10. Sweet, thanks. Just wanted to make sure before I showed up there
  11. Haven't yet been to a USF baseball game. Is it the same deal as the rest of the sports? Free for students?
  12. Because UCF showed in their last visit to Ray Jay that they can hang with us :
  13. All the Beef Studs did with that incident was show that they are a bunch of cowards. When the one guy threatened to punch him, he said do it then, and the guy starting saying "whatever man" as he backed away. Also pushing around the girlfriend of the guy who was sick. Not to mention that "Red" kid getting in my girlfriend's face carryin on when she calmly approached him about the situation. It took severe self control to keep me from decking that little punk
  14. As you said, most of his fouls were in the 1st half. When Syracuse went on their run in the second half, it seemed as if the refs put away their whistles when we were on offense until the game was well in hand with just a few minutes left.
  15. I hope we smack them down worse than we did back in '05.
  16. I'm not saying it's THE reason we lost, but it didn't help that we couldn't go to the hoop without being hacked and it not being called, but the instant we breathed on one of their guys, it was a foul, oftentimes right after they missed a call on the other end. The officiating in the second half was a joke.
  17. Was is a short ugly kinda fat blonde chick? She was causing a lot of problems at the football game too (not to mention, she did "push-ups" while in a skirt, which almost made me vomit) *EDIT* Didn't realize that was you Billy Naw dude, this was a chick that wasn't at the game. And she had the nerve to say that Heather didn't know what she was talking about. Talk about hypocritical
  18. I'll be there helping out Arthur again. How's the knee doing by the way?
  19. Was anybody else as apalled as I was at the love fest that appeared to be going on with them in the game tonight? The second half officiating was AWFUL. IMO, it was a big reason for the second half fall off
  20. Oh, and that Nilla kid repeatedly harassed my girlfriend for 3 or 4 days straight calling her "*****" and other various fun names despite her being completely civil in her responses. And funny story, he and this other chick (who decided to join in the fun despite not being at the game and having no clue what was going on) only decided to drop the issue after Deans were notified
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