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Everything posted by GoBulls84

  1. As I read it somewhere else, S&P+ rankings use some of last season's numbers to account for rankings early in the season. They'll start to normalize for this season after a few weeks' worth of data is available, although ours will still likely be skewed at that point due to the fact that we have, in consecutive weeks, FAMU (will skew our numbers lower) and then Alabama (will skew our numbers WAY higher lol). Give another few weeks after Bama and we should start to get a truer picture of the team from the S&P+
  2. That's been my feeling. There were some things to like in the game against WKU. Not enough to win, but there were some positives there. The game against FAMU has to be a "jump out big early and win comfortable" kind of win. Not the Jeff Scott "Slowly Pull Away Special". No ending the first quarter down 7-0. No one or two possession game at halftime. Hammer them from the jump and get the backups meaningful time in the second half.
  3. Dude has like 30 open lawsuits against him. His time is coming lol
  4. New OL, young QB, all new offense. The same thing happened when Goach took over as Tennessee's OC. The passing game takes some time to gel, but it will get there.
  5. Not sure how Atkins' speed compares to Khafre Brown, but he definitely left a little more lead under the ball as if he was expecting someone faster. Not an excuse, just means he has to get in tune with all his guys, understand who has the wheels to get where when he puts it up. The deep ball to Brown in the first quarter was a thing of beauty.
  6. He may not have the same shiftiness, cut on a dime, stop and start running ability Flowers did (few QBs truly do), but he's surprisingly elusive for his size, and as we saw on the botched snap that he still converted for the first down, he's got more power (obvi given his size) to drive the pile and fight for extra yards. The one thing that Q did better than anybody we've had is protect the ball. Even while he improv'd and made something out of nothing repeatedly, he very rarely put the ball at risk. I have faith Byrum will get there with decision making. Especially in the red zone, better to take a 3-4 yard loss on a sack than throw it up for grabs on 1st or 2nd down. Live to fight another down. He'll get there, I'm confident.
  7. I believe we'll find enough of a groove offensively this year to get us to at least 4-6 wins. And Goach will be hammering the skill positions in recruiting, both high school and the transfer portal. Long-term I feel we're gonna be just fine. We just need people to be patient.
  8. For those (maybe understandably) unsure about the offense after game 1, just a side-by-side comparison to Goach's first game as OC at Tennessee in 2021: USF Total Offense Saturday: 540 yards 2021 Tennessee vs. Bowling Green: 475 yards USF Passing Yards Saturday: 166 yards 2021 UT Passing Yards: 144 yards USF Rushing Yards Saturday: 374 yards 2021 UT Rushing Yards: 326 yards Turnover Ratio: USF 0-3, 2021 UT 0-2 That 2021 UT team ended up finishing as the #7 scoring offense (39.3 ppg), #9 Total Offense (475 ypg), #40 Passing (257 ypg), and #12 Rushing (218 ypg). I say all this to say, the passing game will take some time to gel. New OL, newish set of receivers, new offense. But Goach has seen and done this before. Have faith, have patience.
  9. Not with the ****show that Jeff Scott left behind. If Goach had taken over for Willie Taggart and put forth this effort, I'd be concerned. But we went on the road with a brand new offensive system and went toe-to-toe with a top 40 (possibly top 25) caliber team with a top 10-15 offense. The D showed more life than it has in years. We're going to be fine.
  10. Holy ****. This might be the most measured, level-headed takes I've ever seen you post. I actually agree with about 95 percent of this (other than I don't think Goach "blew his load" early, I think we just stopped executing on the easy stuff). I do think Goach uses the FAMU game to get things straightened out, at least for the week. Unfortunately, unless we lose to FAMU, we're not gonna know a whole lot more about this team after FAMU/Bama then we know right now. Week 4 will be where we really start to learn about this team.
  11. Goach never had a chance to keep them. I don't remember when Horn entered the portal, but it may have been before Goach was hired. And Weaver quit on the team with 3 games left so he wouldn't get hurt before transferring. So there was no chance he was staying around.
  12. Jesus Christ, threads like this remind me why I scaled back on TBP for so long. We're already ready to sell Golesh off one game, and Herman's got it all figured out with his team that rolled over Monmouth (but gave up almost 400 yards and 20 points in the process ). We had several 3 and outs and still put up 540 yards of offense. We've got some things to clean up, but that's EXPECTED with a QB making his 3rd career start and playing in a whole new offense. The defense gave the offense several chances to retake control of the game, and that's more than we can say for anything the defense has done in at least 3 years. Guys in the secondary were actually near receivers in coverage, consistently, for the first time in years. The run D wasn't getting gashed for 8 yards a carry. We held them to 6-16 on 3rd downs! The last few years we couldn't hold teams to 6-16 if they averaged 15 yards to go on third down! Clean up protection, help Byrum make his reads quicker, and get some consistent pass rush. This team looked far more competent in a season opener than any of Jeff Scott's teams. If you can't see that, than you're actively ignoring it.
  13. We currently have an 8-game winning streak over UConn, including the last 4 that we've played at UConn
  14. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that FSU is leaving the ACC. Miami could be as well. Wonder if the Big 12 would look at inviting USF to c- block the ACC from maintaining a Florida presence in a major market and make them look at the F_U schools instead.
  15. It's better than the original version with the thicker outline now, but I still dislike it and still wish they'd fill it with chrome green as an alternative to the matte white with gold and the matte green with gold
  16. It seems to me that the thing all these pundits are missing when they keep pushing all these theories involving UConn is that almost every one of these scenarios that the include UConn in still has most of the problematic issues that caused them to go Indy in football and Big East for everything else. The only conferences I could see them going to if they got an invite are B1G (never happening IMO) or ACC. The new PAAC, the PAAWC, AAC, Big 12, etc., are all still unrealistic to me for all the reasons they left the AAC in the first place.
  17. As far as I know, we're the only ones that Goach is Coaching. Unless he's got a side piece university, which might actually explain a few of the days where he's looked physically exhausted.
  18. I believe that was part of what they talked about back in the BoT meeting in June or previous to that. The first step is moving the intramural/rec fields over there, than we can dig up the Sycamore fields and put a dang fine home there
  19. The document approving the stadium (IIRC) is already written up, all but signed at this point. I believe (*knocks on wood*) it's pretty much a formality at this point. Good, now other people are starting to see it! I'm not alone on the island!
  20. It's been stated elsewhere that he thought he was going to get P5 calls after a 10-win campaign in 2017 and when they didn't come, he "became disheartened" with the job and didn't really wanna be here. I'd argue in that instance, he never actually wanted to be here. Allegedly his family still thinks he got a raw deal here even though he took a program with a 40+PPG offense and turned it into a raging dumpster fire
  21. They did tighten up academics for Skip. They also told Skip to stop talking about bringing facilities on campus. They also otherwise were completely hands off with football (because Woolard thought it would sell itself). And then at some point Skip got apathetic and lazy. Skipping the biggest recruiting event of the summer for a ProAm golf tournament on the other side of the country speaks to that. Skip's failures here were a team effort between administration and Skip himself
  22. Eh, we'll probably see at least a couple bumpy games, but I don't think it'll be anything we need to worry about long-term.
  23. Goach at least seems to be more genuine and less BS-y in his approach to pressers. No fluff, just get to the point
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