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Everything posted by GoBulls84

  1. Update: The screenshot attached is from the resolution to approve the debt issuance
  2. They're clearly delusional on the first point, but there's some validity to the FSU aspect. FSU's higher ups and boosters loathe the idea that the "4th best" program in the state is set to make more money than them. Thus they want to get out and go to B1G or SEC where they can essentially double their current income. ETA: If we somehow ended up in a conference also making more money than them their heads would all collectively explode by us both making more money than them and having achieved AAU status before them. Some of them were already pissed we pulled that off.
  3. USF being 82 and FAU 127 in the final Director's Cup standings would say otherwise. Hell, FAU's athletics as a whole finished behind FIU.
  4. I may be misremembering, but I believe the $30M a year offer came AFTER USC and UCLA announced they were leaving for the B1G. That's why it was so insane for the remaining Pac schools to demand $50M a year. The difference in the Big East deal is we had the same viable product going to open market that declined the ESPN deal, and thus ESPN set out to devalue that product by pushing the ACC and Pitt/Syracuse to come together. They couldn't have the egg on their face of losing the Big East (especially basketball) product to another network for more money than they were paying. In the Pac's case, they absolutely should have taken the $30M offer and spent the next several years building up the value of the remaining conference to get more money down the line
  5. Pac4 plus USF, SMU. Memphis, Tulane gives them 8 with the bigger brands in the AAC. If they intend to add another 2 from the MWC down the line, they could add 2 more from AAC to give you 6 in each division, or they could invite 4 MWC, and make it 8 from the AAC to form a 16-team PAAC with two 8-team divisions I'm drawing up the paperwork already!
  6. The problem is you'll have to subscribe to Apple TV, then also subscribe to the PAAC package, or PAACage if you will. I get the MLS and MLB TV for free through T Mobile, I wonder if T Mobs would offer the PAACage for free too? Holy **** he died? I didn't realize he died.
  7. I looked down at apparently the precise moment the lady set them free because I missed it too
  8. I would imagine like other conferences it would take a super majority to make that happen
  9. I thought the crux of the Pac-__'s deal with Apple was that Apple didn't want to share with a network, they wanted the whole package to themselves. Marinatto rode off into the sunset bitter as hell about what Pitt and Syracuse did.
  10. It doesn't seem believable to me on the grounds that you're gonna invite 4 teams ... there's still 10 others and they're gonna vote to dissolve? And what? Go back to C-USA and they're $700K per year media payout? Yeah right, they'll take the exit fees from those leaving and keep the current media deal.
  11. I'll be honest, the allure to me of remaining AAC and absorbing the Pac-4 is that we have a deal with ESPN, where I have to pay very little extra to watch our games most weeks. I have Apple TV, but I have zero interest in having to pay another separate subscription to watch our games on there.
  12. I use to play that week's matchup on NCAA on the morning of game day (or midnight if it was a nooner since we were always at the lots by 8 a.m.). Maybe when NCAA makes it's comeback next summer, I can get back to that tradition and we can start winning games again
  13. Honestly, I remember seeing that bit live and being confused AF afterward, but it was so insane yet endearing that it's one of my all-time favorite USF moments. I still quote that from time to time
  14. Nah, here's his actual real Twitter account Interesting group of ADs choosing the schools to expand with. They chose FAU because USF is leaving. Rice, UNT and UTSA because Smoo is leaving, and UAB because Memphis is leaving?
  15. I think the networks are banking on the idea that all college football fans will still tune in to watch those two super conferences whenever they break off and do their own thing (whether it's all current members or they drop some of the dead weight). What they don't realize is we already have the NFL, we don't need an NFL Lite, and college football fandom is way different than CFB fandom
  16. 1. Yes 2. Fiftyleven Hunnid 3. 9 (3) 4. 13 5. War Daddies (I know it's KP's DL right now, but if the defense is playing physical, impactful football, expand that nickname to all of 'em) 6. The collective defensive line. I expect more pressure this year, which should lead to more turnovers and chaos in general being generated.
  17. That's kinda my feeling as well. Jives with the timeline I've been feeling for a little while now. It would be terrible to put out the renders and show off what we're gonna build, just to have the BoG deny the debt issuance and we're left with nothing. This way, they get it approved just ahead of opening weekend, then we can go on the PR tour with the renderings during the early season excitement.
  18. Update: The OCS debt issuance is officially listed on the agenda for Tuesday's Facilities Committee
  19. Oh, I fully expect it to end up on one of these committees' agendas based on timeline and previous comments. I'm just watching for the applicable agenda to make it more real
  20. Soooooo Board of Governors meeting for 8/29-30 added another committee to the Tuesday meetings at some point yesterday or overnight. 4 out 5 committees for Tuesday have agendas, no mention yet of USF or the stadium. The same 4 committees are listed for Wednesday 8/30, but still no agendas posted there.
  21. How many Pac-__ teams made in the playoffs before their demise? I'll save you the research, it's as often as a G_ team has made it. ****, now we're seeing why they're killing off the Pac_
  22. Yet another bread crumb... Go away Mr. Fun Police. Let us have this.
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