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Everything posted by windbane

  1. i agree. rice is good but we have a chance to beat rutgers and erase some of the foul taste from the kansas game. we can still get votes if we win the next 2, if not just from beating rutgers (anxious to see how far we fall from losing to kansas on the cbs sportsline thing. we were 40, they were 69)
  2. Not sure a win over Rutgers will get us votes. Voters will see it as a fluke more than anything. Unless it's a dominating 41-9 performance. I just don't see that happening. USF may win, but it will be low scoring and close... not something that can get a lot of attention. yeah, i'm not saying we'd get votes for sure, but if the same number of teams got votes next week as this week (45), then there would be a good shot. sportsline had us at 40 and and pitt is just 1 game removed from their loss. about half of 1-A teams will lose each week, especially now that most are done playing 1-AA teams. just hope we can start winning again
  3. I'd also like to point out that 45 teams got votes in the coaches poll. so, had we beaten kansas, we would also have significant votes, seeing as how we were ranked about 40. however, we would be right back up there if we beat rutgers.
  4. pitt also got 2 coaches votes, and they are 3-1. they have beaten decent teams, though. just shows that if we beaet rutgers the kansas loss wouldnt hurt much (yes, im trying to be positive)
  5. except there was no garbage time. i guess he means for about an entire half it seemed like Kansas converted. I just don't know what that means. He mentions the fact in the next paragraph that USF almost scored from the 2 yard line (did not mention the terrible spot of the ball for us), so the fumble evens out if you ask me. Fumbles count the same as bad QB-sneak calls. our fumble in 4th cancels their other fumble. other people have said the same thing, but i just dont understand this phrase "probably should have won by more" when we could have easily scored just 1 more time and won. He also mentions that Grothe had 2 INTs but does not mention that on one the WR fell down and the other was the hail mary. otherwise I agree.
  6. he seems to check down a lot and finds open receivers on broken plays a lot. the guy isnt perfect, and im sure he will continue to improve, but i dont see that hes been running too quickly. the protection hasnt been good on some plays and he has to move earlier on those, but usually he'll look around for quite some time before running (unless those predictable QB draws are called...maybe we need to cut down on those a little? particularly on 3rd down or 2nd down and LONG...hard to catch them off guard with draws if thats what we do the most). he started his 3rd game and will continue to improve. but i'm not seeing that many problems so far.
  7. we could still do that this year if we manage to beat rutgers and UConn
  8. defensive play-calling relapsed this week imo. we have been doing the same kind of analysis every week, despite close wins with teams we need to be comfortably beating. nothing changes for me now that we lost. Grothe is obviously our best player, I hope he continues to get better. I hope we arent relapsing to the last few years with the WR drops, and I hope the defense gets more aggresive play-calling to take advantage of our talent. oh, and we still cant run the ball. nothing wrong with analysis. i'll be there next week as we hopefully start our big east year off well.
  9. are you kidding me? did you see the number of 3rd and longs converted? come on...it may be the strong point, but it's not as far ahead anymore. even with no running game. coaching staff needs to put our great players in better position for success. BLITZ. soft zone? moffitt covering WR? come on.
  10. bad coaching. moffitt should not be covering WRs and we should be blitzing with zone or blitzing and man. zone obviously wasnt working and neither was no pressure.
  11. PSU, ASU, and Alabama lost. in AP poll, all 3 should drop out or lose votes (bama) and Rutgers will take 25th spot at least.
  12. Trev Albert: "I really like this offense of Rod Smith, don't you?" Just watched the game and heard that gem.
  13. hope we keep improving. how long is his current contract? isnt the buyout fairly high?
  14. i just can't imagine miami wanting to...but hey, if it happens, that's awesome for USF.
  15. Holy crap, UCF has games AT: Pitt Tennessee Penn State Clemson Miami, FL Wisconsin Pitt again Texas Miami, FL again They won't win one of those games. Why are you even commenting on our scheduling, KL, when your entire program will be grabbing your ankles and using Preparation H by the time your own away games are complete? You could use a game against Buffalo in there. Or, given that they beat you by 4 TDS last time you played them, maybe not... brutal, stupid schedule. wont make our win look as good next year =(
  16. so if we ever compare a future QBs stats with a past QBs, say Blackwell, that autotmatically means we are shoving the past guy under the bus? sure, he could have just compared this years stats to last years and left the name out, but we all know Julmiste was QB last year. if we start comparing future stats to all-time USF records and season records then that doesnt mean Blackwell was worse, it just means the future stats are a little better. i hope Grothe or some other QB eventually surpasses BLackwell's stats by a lot. Doesn't diminish his accomplishments. The fact is that our passing attack is better than last years so far. we'll see how we do going forward. I hope Grothe keeps improving, along with our RBs and OL and everyone else.
  17. i agree...mentioned it somewhere else...i think we should keep trying smith, dorsey, and williams, but mix in Ean maybe a little more. option sounds good to me. we already do those throws to the sidelines and reverses, like you said, so why not try him at a few other places on the field
  18. Forget this game next Saturday you play Nebraska eh...trying to work in FSN and the fact that they are 2-8 the last 10 years the week before they play Nebraska (thanks to Brett McMurphy's blog for that) i'm sure there's something better, though
  19. ugh. every time i look at this thread title i think it's about the "mafia" being infiltrated...i need to go to sleep... oh, and isn't it reporters job to find out why players were suspended? i would have wanted to know. not sure what it hurts except giving idiots from other papers something to write about that doesnt mean much.
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