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Bulls On Parade

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Everything posted by Bulls On Parade

  1. Agree I mean I could maybe see the switch if the targeted him 5 or so times a game...seems lucky to get one pass his way.
  2. Week 1 vs Middle Tennessee Bama didn't make the list so I think USF does bring in some viewers.
  3. Hope so...they have a better passing game than Bama but not as good a running game. Defense not as good as Bama obviously. If we can score 28+ I like our chances.
  4. Hope not...was hoping some of what UCF did on offense would come here. Gotta admire how they have had 3 coaches and offense Hasn't really changed much.
  5. 100% Wright and even Dukes need more carriers and not same old HB dive get those strong backs on the outside vs some corners...they will break one long.
  6. For sure there is improvement we are seeing on defense the tackling use to be a big liability now that isn't an issue. This Rice game will be a good test to see how this defense can do vs a pretty good Rice offense with a QB that can pass. Hopefully we have play the pass better cause FAMU qb was having some success. Our run defense seems to be the most solid part of the defense.
  7. Defense....but I had a feeling with Dline additions they get better but Alabama game blew me away. They are out of the 100s and I think finish around the 60s or so. I had an idea the offense would struggle some...but BB passing struggles have surprised me the most. I think offense was showing some improvement vs a good FAMU team curious to see how they look vs Rice.
  8. Bama Is a tough team to be aggressive with on 4th down and if you are you better be creative which we weren't but one time I recall and it worked. Offense needs to get more creative with misdirection.
  9. Needs to adjust offense...a good coach will adjust and adapt to what he currently has not keep trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. What we have oline that is pretty good at run blocks. Good stable of rb. An athletic fast qb But an arm that is off on long passes A few decent receivers and a speedy freshmen receiver that hasn't been in the game. I'd go heavy on run and be creative...more screens and sweeps and pitch plays and less long passes and HB dives.
  10. Think once we get into conference play he will be a bigger part of offense.
  11. Yeah I am not sold on this group of receivers are best one is a former walk on player. Might not be till next year we see them start to look decent. We need to build this offense around our RB group and run the ball more in as creative ways as possible and then hit some play action and short/intermediate routes. The long bomb isn't working.
  12. Agree with this all. That is most frustrating I understand we might lack some older playmakers at receiver doesn't mean we can't get creative. All I can hope for is now that conference play starts they will be more creative otherwise this is not a fun offense to watch. Coaches on offense need to step up like the defensive coaches have.
  13. Carter is a true freshmen so no we stick With Brown. Brown will be fine once he gets more experience and isn't playing a top defense. We just need to have patience with a rs freshmen qb. Tired of the qb carousel here. This been perfect year for Gerry possibly to play then let Brown start next season.
  14. Hard to grade him fairly vs proably the best defense we have faced in football in like his 5th start. Luckily for Brown it gets way easier now. But we do need more talent at receiver. Maybe they unleash the freshmen vs Rice? They should add much needed speed to offense. Oline considering injuries did pretty well vs Bama. OC Is my bigger concern. Absolutely no creativity at times.
  15. It was more a schematic plan from above so yea I couldn't tell if shade was involved either. The layout from above did look somewhat like the FAUs stadium. Also it orientation was east to west.
  16. But defense is trending right direction. We definitely have a solid run defense passing defense could still be an issue when we face a qb that's better than Bamas. But they are definitely good enough to keep us in games unlike last years.
  17. It will come down to play of Brown and if the OC can call plays that he can run effectively. I think if defense can play at a high level Definitely could there isn't any team on this schedule we can't beat.
  18. Offense will look better when not facing so much defensive speed. That was a fast Bama defense nobody in the AAC is close to that. We are on the right path.
  19. Yeah the OC we have is suspect, not sold on him.
  20. Lack of offense creativity was most frustrating thing about this game. I know we lack talent but we should still be able to be creative.
  21. Team did well...we need more talent. Next up is Rice we need to win that game.
  22. Yeah it was. Brown looks like a freshmen we will have growing pains with him. Wish we had Gerry this season.
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