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Everything posted by twillybull

  1. Isn't it entirely possible, Twilly, that even with perfect play calling, our offensive would be ineffective in picking up blind-side blitzes? Seriously, our [highlight]o-line needs some major help[/highlight]. Certain players at certain positions, OL and DL, didn't execute against the Ville. I don't think Smith is to blame for that. Just my opinion. YES the O-line needed help, that's PRECISELY where a change-up of offensive schemes comes into play. If the o-line is getting beat in pass protection, help them out by send them out attacking with the run. Our O-line isn't that impotent. When the opposing D is getting pressure every down you have to adjust playcalling to keep them honest. The problem with last Saturday is Louisville didn't respect the run, they just pinned their ears back and turned up-field to get to Grothe every down. The only way to counter this is to run between the tackles and exploit the running lanes that the D is / may be leaving open. Funny that when Rod did run it up the gut, Ponton found some holes. There's a reason teams try to establish the rushing game to open up the pass. The playcalling doesn't need to be perfect, it just has to make sense.
  2. Offensive line is not the issue. Rod is. Louisville was blitzing the house and Rod didn't do anything to exploit it. How many times did we hand off to Ponton on our first 3 drives? Anyone?
  3. Sorry tb, if I had jumped off the "bandwagon" it would have been at Pitt or Uconn last year. The two worst rushing defenses in the BE last year, and Rod gave up on the run (with Andre Hall no less). It's been a year, and he looks just as incompetent. Rod Smith cannot call a good offensive game unless we seriously outman the competetion, period. He is impatient, gimmicky and afraid to run the football. Sure Louisville is a very good team, but not as good as we made them look. The offensive line was having trouble, but the coaches didn't do anything to help them out. Here's a little lesson for you: a draw is what you call when the passing game is working and you want to catch the D-line off guard, think fake pass. A QB draw should only be called 1-2 times a game in short to mid-yardage range, and not when your QB is hurt and especially not when the D puts a spy on him. A reverse is something you call once a game when the defense is overpursuing the running backs. If it is your staple offensive play, then you are in BIG trouble. If you want to use speed to beat guys on the corners, how about the ole toss sweep? This downright BAD playcalling has got to stop. If not we may fail to produce points against ANY decent defense (that's done it's homework). Seriously, what the f is wrong with lining up and handing off to your #1 RB? When they did, Ponton made positive gains... As for the fsu offensive woes, don't pin it all on Jeff. Bobby not instilling discipline is what has killed the once mighty FSU war machine... to have a QB (allready in trouble) miss classes, park in handi-capped spots and not even get in a whiff of trouble well that just opened the door. Or how about a placekicker that was always getting in trouble missing curfews and getting into fights. Bobby let him get away with it. Or what about the QB and his roomates that almost started a chemical fire in the dorms (way back in 95)? Or how about the free shoes U scandal, where a thief was allowed to stay just to give them a chance at the national championship? Yeah Jeff stunk it up, but the rot in that program goes all the way to the top. Jeff was the "squeaky wheel". The fsu boosters will figure it out now sooner than later.
  4. You shut up Joe... He tried everything?!? Were you even watching the game? Rod never adjusted his play calling to the blitz... It was his fault for virtually giving up on the run to a team that has shown vulnerability to it this season. It is RS's fault that when he finally did call a rushing play he either called Matt Grothe's number or a HB draw (never recommended when the other team is rushing 6+ every down and getting good pressure). Louisville only had to pin their ears back and get in the backfield... they did not respect the run game whatsoever and thanks to Rod, they didn't have to. I blame the lack of offense in this game on Rod's HORRIBLE playcalling. It was the same freakin' script from the last 6 games and UL was ready for it. How about another "out-pass"?
  5. I'm sure he would if they'd GIVE HIM THE BALL!!! And for the love of GOD don't call a draw as your running play when the UL defense is rushing 6-8 players every other down!
  6. Than Rod Smith as the offensive coordinator! That was absolutely horrible and again very predictable. Why give up on the run at the get-go (to a team that gave up bunches on the ground against WVa and RU)? Why did that look like the same script we've had in the last 5 games? Louisville was ready for our play calling and USF did nothing to adjust until it was too late. That out pass on the last series of the first half (that should have been intercepted and returned for a UL TD) was the final straw for me.
  7. Joe, How is Rutgers playing 2 top - ten teams a bad schedule? Last I checked the Big East is a BCS conference. We're not helping them in SOS, are you kidding? Last I checked the BCS put us up to 42 or so, and we add ANOTHER team RU beat with a winning record... just who the F did USC or UF play that merits skipping an undefeated team for a shot at the NC? Was their loss to an NFL team or something?
  8. Hmm, just ask Pitt what kind of effect back to back losses to Ruttgers and USF have on a program... This guy can kiss my Bulls! UF would have at least 2 losses in the BE this season, because they wouldn't have conference referees in their back pocket to make up for an anemic offense.
  9. 1. Do you BULLieve USF "can" win 2morrow ? HELL YES!!! GO BULLS!!! 2. Where will you watch the game ? Home. 3. What will be the deciding goup in our victory; Offense, Defense or Special Teams ? All 3. They need a group effort to win the next 2. 4. At 7-3, are we at what you expected before the season? Yes, was hoping for 0-2 losses, but the team is still too young to pull that off (not to mention the refs absolutely giving away the Rutgers game). 5. Do you even like Papa John's Pizza ? Can you say heartburn in a box? Seriously, WTF is up with those Papa John's commercials? Pizza should not bubble and smoke like that under any circumstances... hot or not. They must put some sort of weird chemical on it to make it look fresh out the oven. Instead it looks toxic.
  10. Joe, you give way too much credit to the SEC. I cannot believe you would rank a one-loss UF over an undefeated Rutgers for NC. UF got lucky last weekend that the referees wanted to screw Steve Spurrier.
  11. You bet your ass it's comparable. Just because a team has some name recognition does not mean it is any better of an opponent. The SEC is not the only conference playing football. I guarantee that UF would have AT LEAST one loss in ANY of the other BCS conferences, including the Big East. You mention several Pac-10 teams, but until recently the PAC-10 was considered the doormat out of the big conferences. What about the ACC? Less than one year ago, the ACC was supposed to be the end all to be all of conferences... look at it now with Wake Forest and Georgia Tech are the two front runners and Miami and FSU questionable to reach bowl eligibility. There is a distinct difference between the BCS leagues and the non-BCS leagues. That is mostly dictated by money $100K payouts vs $1Million payouts to the schools. Once you get in that door though, each BCS league is comparable to any other BCS league. That's pretty much evident in how close those statistics below appear between each league. I think it would be interesting to see these stats expanded to show out of conference record vs other BCS league opponents only, it would probably result in simiar numbers again for each conference.
  12. USF will have an added challenge in beating a team that wears red... all three losses were to teams that have red as a team color. From the 7 victories this season, not a one has red as a team color! It MUST mean something
  13. Or is it the play calling by the Rod? I'm still not convincend that our game plan is a little too predictable and "gimmicky".
  14. Yo GoCards, UF fans can be dickheads... but some of them can be pretty cool. My brother-in-law and his GF are both UF alumni, but both attend every home USF game and both wear Green and Gold to root for the home team (another reason I get pissed seeing someone in a UF or FSU or Miami shirt in our stadium). A lot of UF fans are very smug towards anyone outside of the SEC. You'd think they were the only conference to play football! The Louisville fans that we traded jests with at last year's game were pretty cool, it was a lot of clean-spirited fun... just how a football game should be. The West Virginia fans at the end of the season... ehh not so cool. Hands down though the UCF fans were the absolute worst I've ever seen. I think Louisville definitely has the upper hand going into this game, and I don't expect them to be looking past us (esp after last season). On the flip side I think USF is a hell of a lot better than the team that thumped UL last year. This should be a heckuva ballgame! GO BULLS!
  15. I'm sure the $35 would be more appreciated (and much more useful) as a direct contribution to the University athletic department. Or how about donating it to the band?
  16. Glad Matt is the optimist and there is no reason he shouldn't be. The Bulls have a hell of a shot to win the next three games! If the defense can stuff Brohm and stuff him early, USF should be very competitive in this game. We just cannot afford the number of turnovers that we've averaged as of late and expect to win. Looserville will make us pay for those... Of the two getting the boot... Thed Watson is a Senior, if he can't be trusted to set a good example by now... well you don't want that kind of bad-ism on a team from a "leader". I really feel bad for Chambers though. He has gone through the ringer with family losses. Unfortunately he's been in trouble more often than not. Didn't he get into a fight on campus last summer? Put the second failed drug test in there to boot and I see why Leavitt would pull the trigger.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the new policy take place next year ? It would still be a 6 game suspension for 2nd offense this season. Either way, it's just blind speculation by McMurphy again...
  18. This game has been circled on their calendar since last year's meeting. After last week, they will be hungry for a win, but any sort of early lead by USF may capitalize on some raw emotions and turn it sour for the Cards in a hurry. Watch for Louisville to come out pumped... that is until the Bulls deflate them again! GO BULLS!!!
  19. If RU is undefeated and passed over for the NC game by a one loss team, it'll be a very big controversy (and rightly so). An undefeated RU would have beaten 2 top 10 teams in the last 4 weeks of the season. At the very least it would provide more ammo for the anti-bcs, pro-playoff crowd...
  20. Factor in the rushing yards and rushing TD's I say Grothe is numero uno! T-elbow may give him some competetion next season, if he's not kicked out for grades (at least those are the rumors).
  21. This would be an awesome game! I think the airfare is cheaper than flying to the Birmingham bowl.
  22. The Syracuse fans I had the pleasure of running into (and it honestly was a pleasure) were very friendly.
  23. OH POOP!!! > I guess it's just close ranks and keep on marching...
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