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Everything posted by twillybull

  1. Watch the replay of the Rutgers game... the o-line blasted open some major holes against them. The RB's don't seem to be fast enough (or able to change direction fast enough that is) to capitalize on the opportunities. I saw at least 2 plays that would have been 30+ yard gainers if we had a back as fast/nimble as Andre Hall. We should see a decent running game this week even without Ponton back, as Uconn was real soft on the ends last week and the Offense seems to be speedy enough to the outside to take advantage. I really expect to see some of the option this weekend. Anything to keep the defense honest, as Uconn has a pretty **** good secondary. When Ponton comes back, there should be marked improvement in the running game. Enough to make the offense a well balanced unit.
  2. The option may rear its ugly head a few times for this game. Hey if they couldn't stop it last week, why not try?
  3. I finally got to see the website... looks very good and promising. I know it's early, but maybe this will be the springboard to the "Grothe for Heisman" campaigns!
  4. The Bad (notso bad that is): Running back is the biggest missing link right now. The O-line really opened up some gaping holes against Rutgers. For lack of a faster RB this could have easily been a 35 point ballgame. The kicking game needs improvement, but isn’t in as dire straights as earlier this season. The defensive line is starting to experience the injury bug / lack of depth. The Good: T-minus 13 days (at North Carolina) and Ricky Ponton returns. So does Jackie Chambers (possibly one of the best return men in the Big East). And Josh Julmiste comes back as well ( fast wrecking ball at defensive end). Seriously, Julmiste back on the D-line will FORCE teams to double-cover him. Ponton should be the man at RB, he’s fast and he's a good "between the tackles" type of RB. The addition of Chambers only helps an already great position. The Outlook: I’d say pretty good. In 2 weeks vs. N Carolina, watch out! The offensive line was busting open some pretty big holes Friday night, all that's needed is a RB to take the heat off the young QB. If they can keep defenses honest with a decent running back, then watch out… here come the bulls. Rutgers and Kansas ignored the running backs the whole game and keyed off on Grothe. Even then he had absurd yards / stats against both of them. The Bulls will only have to keep defenses honest and big Matt will make them pay. The defense would be great with a little more depth. The anticipated return of Julmiste should help to fill one gap. The Defense was on the field for over 40 minutes in the Kansas game and only gave up 13 points. They didn’t do the best at stopping Rutgers running game, but I doubt any more teams on the Rutgers schedule will hold them to under 35 points. That’s a pretty good showing missing some D-line starters and having played 40+ minutes of football with only a 5-1/2 to 6 day turn around. This week UConn comes to town. UConn has a great running game, not what the Dr. ordered for our defense. On the plus side, they gave up 41? points to Navy on Saturday. Now they might have been looking forward to this game, but I think the Bulls have an honest shot at this one. Then if the returning players next week play up to expected levels, then there really isn't a team on the schedule they can't hang with. Any thoughts?
  5. Grothe looks great now... If we can get a RB to step up and take some heat (keep defenses honest) he will look like a god.
  6. They Should paint the field. Hell they should leave it with the USF paint job until the Bucs win a game at home... May last all season then.
  7. I agree, he's a pretty good runner. We can't ask Grothe to beat teams alone... all we need is someone to pull some of the pressure off of him and the offense will rock. The running game was the difference between the two teams last night.
  8. twilly, my buddy, and USF alum and season ticket holder, owns Elmer's on Mac Dill just south of Gandy Blvd on the east side.  If you go in there I am sure he will put it on for you.  Ask for Randy and tell him Gene sent you.  If he is not there, they should have enough tv's to accomodate you.  Good wings and usually a good place to hang out.  Bullsmania, Thanks! I'll have to check it out!
  9. I said it before, I'll say it again. The running game MUST show up for this one. Now that it's gonna be windy, this will be more important than ever.
  10. Moving from Tampa to Miami is the equivalent of leaving New York for New Jersey... Why in the hell would you want to go there?
  11. BCS teams can afford the payout for "tune-up" games. With the 12 game schedule, and losses counting more than anything for a shot at the championship, why not give yourself a chance to get serious reps and an (almost) guaranteed win? It's amazing that USF has come from being the season opener "doormats" to a BCS team with a tune-up I-AA game of their own.
  12. **** that sucks! I figured with the big Bull sign on the side it might be a good place. That and it's in drunk staggering... err walking distance from the house. Ohh well, after last weekend, I'm probably just gonna catch the game at home.
  13. How about Pat Julmiste? He's a big kid and isn't afraid to run people over... He's put up some good rushing numbers in games before. It'd be interesting to see him get into the mix at fullback.
  14. Anyone headed to Beef O Brady's in South Tampa (McDill Ave)?
  15. Yeah, Grothe will continue to run when the opportunity presensts itself... but if the Kansas coach watched any of the UCF game (you can bet he did) they will be ready. We need another threat in the backfied or they will key off on the QB all day. Watch for Kansas to put a spy on him and consistently drop 6-7 into coverage to keep up with the recievers. If someone, ANYONE in the backfield can take some pressure off Grothe this week, they'll be able to keep the Kansas defense honest. Then Grothe will make `em pay. If the running game come out flat, this may be a long night for the Bulls.
  16. It doesn't matter who they have behind center. This game should come down to 3 things: 1. Will the running game show up? This will be crucial as Kansas will look to bottle up Grothe... If the RB's can take some of the heat off of him and keep the defense honest, look for Big Matt to light `em up. 2. Special teams... the punting situation is not good at the moment. The Bulls need a good day out of the punters. 3. Mistakes/penalties... it's been fewer and fewer in each game this season. The Kansas game looks like an even matchup, so whoever makes the fewest mistakes will probably come away with a W.
  17. Yo Eatsit, Thanks for the pics! Glad to hear the wife is okay. That sun was absoluetly brutal. It amazes me that the kids can play football in it. We all drank about 5 bottles of water each and it still didn't make much of a difference...
  18. THANKS! My brother in law and I have a bet for the first UF game. I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer to collect! ;D
  19. Does anyone know where you can get the list for future non-conference opponents?
  20. Why in the hell would we want to play them with all the negative publicity (generated by their side)? This game is a lose-lose situation for us. They have fallen behind us and need any shot they can get to claim they belong in the same class. Let's face it, we're the new kid on the BCS block. We're a directional-name school trying to make our own "tradition"... distancing ourselves from them as much as possible would really be the best for us. We need rivalry games with Miami and the other two BCS teams in the state.
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