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Everything posted by BiggTipp

  1. Mike Ford got arrested for the "nth" time and was kicked off the team. Jamar Taylor quit football. We had no WR's other than Bogan. Landi had to play WR out of shear necessity. Walk on Stephen Bravo-Brown and Joel Miller both played. Lindsey Lamar also was turned into a WR because there were none. Sterling Griffin got hurt the first time. That offense was not very good.
  2. BiggTipp

    OT: Summer Fun V

    Princeton. No idea of any connection
  3. I think rushing will go down but passing will make up for it
  4. yea when I saw the number his name immediately popped in my head.
  5. Allen Cray was a pretty decent DT while he was here but I think Marshall was more productive. Cray played with Richard Clebert as the two starting DT's on those year defenses. Marshall had a big sack against FSU in 2009 on 4th down. I think it was FSU's last offensive snap that game.
  6. Love that podcast. Best CFB podcast by far. Love the opening. "You wanna be happy, eat a steak!" - Lou Holtz
  7. I realize that but speaking of his style. This kid didn't show any wiggle in the video.
  8. Watched the highlight video...not really impressive. Runs out of bounds...didn't see any making his own plays. Gimme DJ all day
  9. If UCONN were to go I think a serious candidate should be Western Kentucky. WKU has been consistently good at football. Looking at their major sports overall since 2013 (post Taggart) for a good reference across the board. Football: 39-14 Mens Basketball: 70-53 Women's Bball: 99-27 Baseball: 77-46 Softball: 89-70 So my candidate for replacement or expansion would be WKU
  10. Has there been any headway made in the posting of the first game ever?????
  11. Didn't Eric Maggie's get a DUI while he was here. He didn't get fired. http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/bulls/bulls-coach-mathies-arrested-on-dui-charge/2182347
  12. The last part of that game was telling as we gave up easy touchdowns to Clemson and an easy bowl win turned into a squeaker and a sign of things to come in the next two years. So essentially it was the beginning of the end for Skippy
  13. I don't think Willie has a say in who the Defensive assistants are going to be...I mean sure he is the head coach and has to give his blessing for any hire but I'm sure Leavitt is picking his own staff
  14. If you read some coaches Bio's they have coached several positions, sometimes on both sides of the ball
  15. How do we know we don't need them? Were the other coaches wanting to stay? I think they all know where the chips are falling but are tight lipped about it.
  16. I like his podcast too....I sometimes disagree with his opinions but that is life. How fun would it be to interact with people that had your same exact opinion on USF football.
  17. Legree got a 6th year granted so Mathies is gone too
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