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Everything posted by BullGrad95

  1. by the way, velcro, I think I've got you in Fantasy Football this week. Ready to go down like UCF did last week? ;D ;D
  2. wish I was going. why do people (2 USF alums, one being family) schedule weddings during football season?
  3. Wonder how this changes our relationship with Sports Fan Attic....
  4. Look, I hate to beat a dead horse (Knight), but I know what I saw.  Within 50 feet of where I parked, and within about 75 feet of several trash cans was a pile of bottles strewn on the ground that numbered close to 150.  And, yes, that trash belonged to part of the UCF contingent.  I witnessed a couple of trash cans being kicked over, and there was broken glass absolutely everywhere.  I've been out there in lots 6/8 every single year, and it never, NEVER looked like it did after the game the other night.  I know several others on the board who have personally told me the same story.  Maybe the TSA is used to the lots looking like that after the Bucs games, but it has never been like that for one of our games.  No exaggerations here.
  5. Agreed. The back half of the schedule will show us where we stand in the BE.
  6. You either ignored it or "chose" not to see it. It was impossible to miss.
  7. they can't handle Ohio, and suddenly we're the lightweights? We'll see in a few weeks.
  8. Thank you for at least acknowledging that the UCF students were a bit out of hand. I understand that you didn't personally see this on Saturday, but you know that this issue exists. A lot of the UCFers have acted like we're out of our minds, and that USF students were instigating everything. As I walked out the stadium (before I hit the disaster of a parking lot) I was approached by a UCF alum, who shook my hand and gave me a "Good game. Hope you make it up to Orlando next year." I know the alums were there for the pagentry of college football. Seemed like the students were there just to wreak as much havoc as possible.
  9. Not a chance this thing comes near us. It'd have to take a serious right turn, and the upper atmosphere won't be letting that happen. We'll be clear for Saturday. (knock wood)
  10. This Constantine guy is a complete tool.  If he's wasting his legislative time worring about UCF/USF, his constituency needs to rethink who they vote for next time he's up for reelection.  Who does he think he is questioning CJL's authority within USF's athletic department?  Fans showed respect for each other?  This guy obvisouly didn't walk through lots 6 and 8 on his way out of the stadium.
  11. At halftime, I'm standing on the stadium side of the club access doors. A visibly intoxicated UCF student comes up to me and says: "Sir, you really didn't expect that we would actually beat you guys, did you?" CLASSIC!!!
  12. Look, I've heard enough of the UCF excuses (alcohol + students = stupidity). Flat out, your students were out of control. In 8+ years of USF football, I've only missed maybe 5 games/tailgates. MikeB is right. Our fans can party with anybody, but we take care of our "turf". At the end of the night, the trash cans may be overflowing, but the trash is where it should be. Last night, there was more broken glass than I've ever seen. I counted at least four overturned cans. The group of UCF students that was near our van must have left 200+ bottles on the ground. They just pitched their trash everywhere. We have a little respect for our stadium. Obviously, UCF "supporters" sure don't seem to have respect for anything. I doubt I'll make the roadie next year, only because I don't care to subject my family to what will probably take place next year when your record going into the game will be 0-27.
  13. Hey Mav-Hole, I can personally attest to the harassing of pregnant women.  My wife was one of them!!  UCF fans are the absolute worst I've seen in the entire existance of USF football.  I'd play S-Miss any day of the week over that bunch.  What a pile of drunken idoits. ÂÂ
  14. I may have disagreed with Howie, but man, don't let it drive you away!  Everyone here has a right to their own opinion.  Several of us didn't agree with what he said.  I personally heard it live on the radio.  No biggie.  Just my opinion.  I even posted on this board that I respect his enthusiasm and love for our school.  I hope he can get over this hump and come back to his home here on the board.  His knowledge of this program is phenomenal.  He's a well-respected person.  I didn't really think that it got too personal.  Regardless,  Howie, we miss you.  We're your brothers/sisters in green and gold.  Give us all another shot!!
  15. My first post was definitely knee jerk reaction. I was still fuming when I got home from the game. We did encounter many gracious UCFers when we first left the stadium. I'm definietly more uptight with a pregnant wife, and as I said, I've never felt unsafe in our own lots until tonight. Their students were heavily, heavily intoxicated and completely out of control. I guess that's what I get for not ponying up the money to have reserved parking. I get stuck with the riffraff. Making them our ***** on an annual basis would be more fun that I could imagine. Maybe, I'll back off on my original post and just say that I'll make sure that I'm never near the opposing team's students in the parking lot any more. I'll be calling Athletics first thing Monday to look into reserved parking.
  16. Sorry for spewing so much. With a prego wife, I'm a little on edge. I've NEVER, NEVER felt unsafe in our own parking lots until tonight. I'm just glad that our students were in the north lot and UCF students were in the south lots. If the two had mixed after all the booze consumed today, it would have been total bedlam. Guess that gives us a real good excuse to burn down that dump of a stadium next year.
  17. Let me be one of the first to report back. I've been tailgating since day 1. NEVER, and I repeat NEVER, have I seen a bigger bunch of A--HOLES in my life. The UCF student were a complete classless bunch of idiots. Let me start by saying that we've got two pregnant women in our tailgate group. As we're walking to the stadium, we were harassed by a slew of UCFers. As I'm helping my pregnant wife over the short white fences in the parking area, the UCF students were throwing food and beer at us. The other prego girl had 3 UCF students literally walking about 6 inches behind her giving her sh!t the whole way. In the stadium it was fairly civil. As we went out to our car about mid 4th quarter, the parking lot looked like hell. There were garbage cans strewn all over the lot. Beer bottles were all over the place. The UCF sh!tbags obviously have no idea of how to use a garbage can/bag. We witnessed several near fights as we made our way out. FCUK UCF! We should buy out our contract tomorrow and not waste any more time with these panty wastes. We put them in their place tonight, and we should be done with them. As an alum, I've got to say, BUY NEXT YEAR'S CONTRACT OUT TOMORROW!!!
  18. His personal life? Wasn't he getting a divorce at the time? Is that earth-shattering news?
  19. You are always the comic relief on this board. :D :D
  20. You have way too much time on your hands 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  21. Thanks for being the beta test for us. You obviously found all of the bugs in the system.
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