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Everything posted by BullGrad95

  1. I personally like the bus trip. I think it will make our guys come out even more fired up. BTW, they aren't going to be traveling down via bus on Saturday. They'll get a solid night of sleep in MIA on Friday and be ready to go on Saturday. I'm hoping the bus trip will bring these guys even closer than they already are. They should refocus on the drive and be loaded for bear (again) come Saturday. Don't get me wrong, I still think a lot of what takes place (no E-zone painting, etc) makes us look a bit cheap, but as I've said before, winning brings $$$, which can be spent to create more winning, which brings more $$$, etc..........
  2. I agree that the bus trip isn't all that bad. As several have pointed out, loading up to the airport, unloading loading the plane, unloading, loading the bus at the MIA airport, unloading at the hotel. That will take nearly as long as the darn ride. I'm hoping that the guys can use this as some "bonding" time where they'll do nothing but stew about how little chance anyone is giving them. Motivate, motivate, motivate.
  3. Hopefully, after watching some of last night's game, we'll beat UC without too much struggle. That said, there's 4 wins. We need two more out of the other six games to become b--l eligible. I think that is very, very doable. Let's hope for a great showing this weekend, win or lose. I just hope we can stay under the radar enough to keep the others on our schedule from gunning for us.
  4. CJL would go without sleep for weeks to get these guys ready, and I know they'd run through a brick wall for him. I'm pretty darn sure that we'll be ready for the game. I just hope we can dominate the trenches as we have for the past 2 weeks.
  5. Anyone have any idea if we're bringing a Big East officiating crew for the game?  Normally the visiting team brings the officials, but for some reason, we don't seem to work that into our contracts for every OOC road game.
  6. Unfortunately, the Beef's on 54 is not an official location this year.  I used to help run those the past two years, but family commitments are keeping me away from being fully involved right now. I'm right down the street from that one as well.  For the PSU game I went to the Clubhouse on Fowler.  Great atmosphere there.  Maybe for the Pitt game we can get some Wesley Chapel folk together for an "unofficial" watch party.
  7. 1)  The winner - UM 2)  The final score - 30-13 3)  Bulls total offensive yards - 247 4)  Bulls leading receiver - Andre Hall
  8. There is one word that all of you are forgetting....LIABILITY!!!!! I don't care who is running an on campus stadium. There is WAY too much liability involved by letting students run on the field. Mark my words, if an on campus stadium ever sees the light of day, you won't be running your ass on it unless you're sprinting away from the U.P. Funny how you think that just because the university would run the facility that they'll let a bunch of chuckleheads have free reign over the field. Utterly unbelievable. One day you'll get it, one day.
  9. hey genius, I believe you mean LEGION Field. Legends is about 500 yds west of Ray Jay. BTW, all of you who think that an on campus stadium gives you free reign to storm the field are clueless. There would be the exact same security measures on campus as there are at Ray Jay. The rules are in place to protect the players, officials, and FANS. Remember a few years ago when an opposing coach KO'd a kid who ran onto the field after a game? STAY OFF THE **** FIELD!!!
  10. Last week, we pretty much would have filled the lower bowl. ACTUAL attendance was 40,988. One thing to remember is what Eric Soncrant mentioned last week. Between the 20's single game tickets are not sold to preserve the integrity of the donor areas. I don't know how much capacity remains between the 20's, but there would probably be a few thousand seats there as well. So let's figure it this way: 41000 less 3000 seats between the 20's unavailable for single games less 15000 season tickets equal 25000 remaining seats for single game/group/opponent Barring issues regarding group tickets, 25000 seats need to be sold to open the upper deck.
  11. I think there is some sort of contractual obligation. I thought I read somewhere (maybe the post about L'ville's gripes with ESPNU) that ABC 28 was allowed to pick up to 3 games to televise, those being PSU, UM, and WVU. Being a season ticket holder, I , personally, would have liked all three of those to be road games. Now what I don't know is if because ch. 28 is an ABC affiliate, does that mean that they can only pick up ESPN (ESPNU, ESPN+, or ESPN regional) games? As of right now, the gousfbulls website only shows the UM game as the only remaining broadcast for the entire year. At minimum, we need to have all of the road contests shown in the greater bay area. I'm not of the opinion that you show all the home games, but a couple a year won't hurt. While I think that brighthouse could stand to add both NFL network and ESPNU, I completely disagree with the strongarm tactics that ESPN is using to get them there. Furthermore, for you out of towners, it is a shame that they won't even put the darn game on gameplan. That is a joke. Any regionally broadcast ESPN game should be available for purchase. Heck they'll get much more money out of it that way.
  12. great observation, bien. have to remeber that we've been with UL since way back in the metro conferences days in the early, early 90's. they were very instrumental in making sure we made the jump to the BE with them.
  13. what is the one thing that we all know? winning will bring out the money, which help the program to win more games which will bring out more money, which will help to win more games.......... bottom line.......wait, what was it.......oh yeah, winning will bring out more money
  14. based on their ranking, our impressive student turnout, and the fact that the ville normally brings a few thousand, I think we'll fill up the lower bowl again. don't think the upper deck will be opened, but the lower will be almost to capacity. guessing we'll pull in about 38-39K.
  15. there is so much crap when you get past channel 100 on digital cable.  bright house needs to dump a couple of the 85 discovery channels and NFL Network and ESPNU.  Cable is a joke and a rip off, but everyone I know that had DirecTV or DISH has dumped it because of "weather related" picutre problems here in FLA.  Not to mention I'm on the TIA flight path.  My in laws are as well, and they dumped DirecTV  because every time a plane flew over, their signal would get interrupted. ÂÂ
  16. Roaring comeback last week. Hopefully I can make it two big weeks in a row! ;D
  17. 1) The winner - UL :-/ 2) The final score 38-14 3) Bulls total offensive yards - 212 4) Bulls leading receiver - SJ Green
  18. would love to do that, but it is my sister-in-law, and my wife and I are both in the wedding. luckily, the wedding is at 3:30 so I'll be scouting for tv's come 8pm in the lobby bar!!
  19. beat me to the punch. story is a little different from Gary's synopsis as well.
  20. Right on. Let's get the Dome up to par before we look any further down the road. We need to bring that heap into the 21st century.
  21. Why wouldn't we use ADIDAS?  They seem to have the correct colors.  If you check out http://www.usfshop.com they've got polos in green.  Why not get them to make the jerseys? Mabye when out current contract is up with SportsBell (??), then we can make the switch.
  22. that sucks. take a sick day and drive up.
  23. If this ever comes to fruition, maybe they could use building the stadium as a catalyst to "redevelopment" of suitcase city into a more inhabitable environment.
  24. I've also documented why there aren't any "close" replicas. If you missed it before, send me a PM and I'll explain what I heard the bookstore staff telling Pres Genshaft.
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