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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. Logical point however if Prime is looking long term, he out athletes other teams with USF and then goes to a real contender after he pads his resume here. Colorado is not the right fit and would be a bad decision in my biased view, we shall see.
  2. Poor examples, Bobby got canned, Paterno and Knight got exiled, we are a rebuild, those guys were established which is the difference. Would you have brought Bobby or Joe in to rebuild a team in their late 60’s?? Nope
  3. I love CJL but you can’t ever go home again, he is old, window is shut. Why we continue to debate this when it had no chance of ever happening is baffling.
  4. Hopefully he rebuffs the offer (pun intended)
  5. Happy Thanksgiving and more importantly happy Cowboys gameday, Americas team playing on the best holiday is a terrific annual tradition! How bout Dem Cowboys!
  6. Yes and it is their decision to do so, HBCU’s realize they would have no chance in the playoffs so they have their own championship, it is a nice tradition that they could easily stop but they choose not to. I would personally like to see Deion in the playoffs and see if his team is more than just the hype.
  7. Their choice, no segregation I promise. They want to play in the HBCU championship instead.
  8. It was funny however the FCS championship is played in Frisco every year so I unfortunately know that it is not until the first week of January
  9. I did as well, didn’t watch the last two games and am done, **** it, we never actually had a chance. Hell CBG checked out before us. They are bad and unwatchable which is a bad combo.
  10. I envy you, you are at least angry, I am passed that and now watch the game with no emotion. I didn’t watch a few games this year for the first time in recent memory and was barely checking the scores. Apathy has set in and I don’t plan on attending any games in the future as well, tired of losing. I am beginning to fade away like a fart in the wind, you are still a ways from reaching my level.
  11. I had no idea our D was going to be this bad, if really doesn’t matter who we have at QB when you have the worst Defense in the country.
  12. You are doing gods work, if only we could have gotten Chapel Bull and Brybull on the same page before the relationship crashed and burned.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 46/100 My Time 249 seconds  
  14. For once I agree with you, what the hell does it matter. We should be as loose as the Kardashians, most will hit the portal and Staff going elsewhere, go out and win a game, to say we are due is the understatement of the year.
  15. Hell, I was not aware we had tight ends until last night
  16. 100% agree, besides Boyles who is completing his final season, we are undersized and slow.
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