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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. Nice comeback, I was hoping you had not ghosted me, welcome back bro.
  2. If we wanted a gym teachers opinion than we will summon you, until then please refrain from providing nonsense to the discussion. When we find a simplistic discussion that you are suited for, we will circle you back in.
  3. Have no idea and did not realize CJL had a dad that was a famous coach? Where did he coach?
  4. I actually do love my mom, she is a great woman but no I am not, why do you ask?
  5. We have been letting kids go at a record pace, where have you been. Big boy pants are on, just not sure we can keep them from falling down.
  6. Name recognition, like NEB said, if he sees the field than that team is in trouble.
  7. You knew him and would know better than us but we are all competitive per say and hate to lose. it comes down to how hungry you are, what you are willing to sacrifice and a daddy’s boy normally doesn’t have that hunger IMHO.
  8. No, was in Chicago area when I was really young but moved downstate when I was 8. It is called the rust belt for a reason, but I am sure it is prime for a comeback.
  9. I doubt she is your mommy but I would let her call me daddy.
  10. We get one stud D lineman, I am sure of it, I have an inclination, keep the faith.
  11. And one of the worst things about the early 70’s was losing all of those guys in South East Asia so in the end the 70’s sucked for many, just not you.
  12. Quiet Riot, Ratt, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Sammy Hager hair bands Bon Jovi, Poison, Cinderella etc... all that **** was great. I remember my dad saying 50’s music had staying power and the crap I was listening did not. I realized later we are all a product of our times and the music during that era so in reality one era in music is really no better than any other.
  13. I really don’t care much for the sport but long legged hotties in tights, I will tune in for a game or two since I have + to support our team.
  14. You are crazy, heavy metal in the 80’s was the best of the 20th century by a landslide.
  15. To each their own, from a macro sense I still give it two thumbs down.
  16. I have always been very observant, just remember and from the photos, everything was old, crappy and run down, no cable TV, bell bottoms, disco, basically nothing good came out of the 70’s. The decade was ass
  17. That is very true, I am no doctor but I believe it is similar to lifting weights, you break it down and it builds back stronger.
  18. He drinks a case of Diet Coke a day, I bet he doesn’t see 80.
  19. The 70’s was one long recession, closed stores, rusted and decrepit buildings and I was in elementary school so did not even get to partake in the hard drugs, that decade sucked.
  20. That is another reason it may be better to continue practicing outside.
  21. Since we are correcting each other, Joey Freshwater is more of an alias than a nickname.
  22. I actually would not argue that, I don’t think he takes me too seriously and I really do enjoy his takes, even if he hugs a tree from time to time.
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