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Everything posted by NovaBull

  1. We all should have been CFB coaches. Apparently you can make millions and continue to fail upwards your entire career without even hinting at being a decent coach. I’d say the Peter Principle is in full effect here, but I thought Fitch’s ceiling was waterboy...
  2. Only 3 assists so far for the Bulls through almost 3/4 of the game. This isn’t gonna cut it. The loss of Rideau (a floor leader and general) seems to be hurting much more than anticipated.
  3. I’d still rather die forcing the QB to make quick reads on different pressure looks vs giving him all day to read the defense. Doesn’t mean either will work though...
  4. I’d be curious to see how many times we rush four or bring a blitz compared to other years. I’d suspect you’d find this year we’ve played with only three down linemen more than any other team in recent memory.
  5. The secondary stinks because we’re only rushing three on every play and Gabriel has five seconds to find a man. Its very hard to cover for more than 3-4 seconds as a DB.
  6. You have to have offensive production before you can see a decline in offensive production.
  7. Fortin looked like he had potential based on the four snaps he saw (plus his time at UNC) so I’m not counting him out yet. Not impressed with anyone else I saw behind center though.
  8. Agreed. The Big12 has seen the death of the lowest-regarded major conference before when it watched the BEast get picked apart for its scraps with the leftovers moving down a level. Now the Big12 is in that same precarious position as the former BEast (lowest man on the totem pole) and they have to know the ONLY way to stop the death of the conference is to bring in additional teams. That most likely means bringing in the best of the next best conference - the AAC - which opens the door for a jump back to the big boy table. When this happens, USF has to be in a position (financially, department-wise and product-wise) to capitalize on this opportunity, as it’s pretty clear there is going to be a 64-team true FBS, with the also-rans being relegated to AAA status.
  9. Not really buying into it, but just kinda sad to even think about it in those terms. You very well could see the Big12 expand and them swoop in to take Cincy, UCF and Houston - leaving USF as the only once former P5 school relegated still to the minor leagues. This next round of expansion feels like it could be the last chance for USF to get back to the big leagues and the current path is just getting worse by the day. I really hope I’m wrong about CJS and he turns into a great coach, but when you consistently put a sub-par product on the field for years in end, it gets hard to see the light.
  10. This saddens me to no end, but also feels somewhat probable based on the last 4 years trajectory.
  11. Ah dang it, C-USA not Sunbelt...my fault. I know it may not seem like it, but the AAC definitely holds more cache. Potential NY6 bowl, better facilities, more money for the athletic departments, etc.
  12. Make no mistake, the AAC (for all its warts) is still the tallest midget when it comes to the best of the rest and definitely has a better perception than the Sunbelt, so I am not going to crown CJS as king of the recruiters. If anything, we saw that Willie ABSOLUTELY had an eye for offensive talent as evidenced by how many guys played/still are playing on Sundays and this certainly doesn’t just go away now that he’s at FAU. If I had to place a bet on who’d be the better recruiter over the next three years, I’d still lay money on Willie even with the worse conference affiliation.
  13. Sir, please refer to him as Joey Freshwater... Lane Kiffin denies using 'Joey Freshwater' alias but says he's used a different one - SBNation.com
  14. 5-10%? Might as well punt on 3rd down just in case we bobble the snap.
  15. Yep. You have to play to win the game, period. We’re so mentally weak and dumb it’s painful.
  16. He absorbed too much of that Chuck Strong complacency masked as calm
  17. But could you out-throw him by getting it 25 yards in the air?
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