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Everything posted by Breedwell

  1. I LIKE TO PUSH CAPS LOCK TOO WHEN I WANT TO GET MY POINT ACROSS INSTEAD OF bolding MY WORDS n' JUNK But seriously guys, I'm all for Flowers getting a few first team reps, but I'd let Taggart and Wulf tweak the offense to tailor to Bench's strengths. Maybe some designed options or zone reads n' such. shorter throws for him? Hell, maybe with a full week of practice he can mentally prepare to be thrown into the game. No surprises.
  2. Offensive line played much better. Very few penalties. Dude. Especially that last quarter. did we watch the same game?
  3. I would like to see him get first team reps. Bench looked great, and then he fizzled out.
  4. Whomever has Brighthouse in the Tampa area, could you tell me what the current program is for the channel the game is on? I have...a free connection, and I've got a dozen or so random HD channels with no names on them. Some are spanish and some are obvious like NBC, but I can't be too sure. Is it the CBS station? The tennis match is ending soon. Potentially.
  5. I saw that score too. Other than Melvin Gordon only having 8 yards on 9 carries thus far, I can't particularly see what is hold Wisky up, just by the stats.
  6. "well, no crap we're all hopeful but afraid to love again"
  7. I'm pretty sure Taggart was trying to get Mack the rushing record by going for it on like 4th and 2. Mack seemed disappointed he didn't even gain one yard. His reaction, and Taggart talking to him throughout that whole portion of the game, made me think Taggart was saying things to him like "you're doing so well you're almost at the school rushing record... do you want it?" or something. Not a bad thing. Quite frankly, I wanted him to break 300 and get into some national spotlight. Would have played him like NCAA.
  8. As a matter of fact, YES.... September 6 7:00 PM Kentucky Wesleyan Tampa Stadium • Tampa, FL SCF W 80–3 Sept 4, 2010 USF vs Stony Brook, 59-14 Not a season opener but against a doormat, Sept 17, 2010 USF vs Florida A&M, 70-17 then put a 50 Burger on UTEP the following week September 1st, 2007. USF vs. Elon 28-13. What happened there?
  9. Do you think it is too much to ask that the QB complete more than 35% of his passes? No, I don't. I know that we could be in a bit of trouble if he can't get his act together. However, I also saw as he found himself as the game went on, and started to throw more accurate throws. There were some drops. I expect coach to focus in on this, and I expect them to dry out the kinks. I wouldn't be surprised if we start next week throwing quick, easy passes to get him more comfortable in the pocket to start the game.
  10. ITT: People so use to seeing us lose, that they ***** and moan now that we've won a season opener again. What, did you want us to win by 50? score 100 points and 13 touchdowns?
  11. Again, it seemed like USF started going to work somewhere in the second and third quarters. They started out slow and confused, and they ended lethargic. It seemed like, as soon as they got the lead, they turned the jets off and tried to coast. And then as WCU wasn't going to have it, they just kinda coasted to the 36 points. Well, Mack trucked it.
  12. If you're going to drop 50k for something as meaningless as this, why don't you consider throwing me a bone or two next time you throw money around? We are just now on the upward climb. The team is obviously a lot more conditioned than it used to, a lot stronger (look at the amount of WCU guys who were leaving the game with cramps, we only had like one casualty). And, a lot of them are freshmen. Its a new defensive system, so there's going to be some growing pains as they settle in. At least they won, right?
  13. Defense played well when they jammed and had to make open field tackles. The offensive line also played pretty well. Much better overall performance compared to last season. The defense was too passive and gave up too many quick passes. The guy had over 40 completions. Basically the first half and half of the third quarter were terrible in regards to White and his accuracy. The 4th quarter and parts of the third were decent.
  14. dunkley on the returns too. Yeah, there was that. You're right. Special teams as a whole was solid. Offensive line play was pretty solid. Also had overall good play out of Dunkley, given the first game on the otherside of the ball. e: Thought Jamie Byrd played well too. Almost had two picks tonight.
  15. A lot of smart camera angles. Looks like maybe a hundred or so students showed up. Over/under (to the people who went)?
  16. This is Christmas Eve for the secondaries in this Ole miss/Boise State game. Goodness.
  17. You know this, I know this, the media ignores this. And first row sports has all of the NFL games tonight..
  18. Odd thing to do after kissing your dogs. Having animal kissing and sex as subset of one another is plain wierd to begin with. You're a wierd guy smazza. What is even more odd is sex with the dog Not after the first couple of times.
  19. I think his use of FSU is a nod at their consensus #1 status after winning the national championship, not necessarily because we played (and lost) to them a couple of seasons ago.
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