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Everything posted by George_Bullnard_Shaw

  1. Up 29-25 at the half. I'm nervous. I hate hope.
  2. The legislature is mostly UF/FSU grads and they don't pretend to legislate on behalf of the benefit of any other schools.
  3. Hey guys, want to join a better conference and stick it to the pain in the butt team that has a special deal and thinks it is better than you? This is the kind of dirty hardball the AAC needs to engage in.
  4. Ya. Only risk is they go P5, but that's a very very low risk. Almost impossible. Seems like it's worth a shot, the other schools don't have a sweetheart deal, they can join a better conference and basically destroy Boise's special deal.
  5. I you can't pluck Boise, pluck the best of what remains and leave Boise in a crap conference with no negotiating power.
  6. I think the forward pass might be a fad. I'm not sure it sticks around in football for too long.
  7. This class is pretty good damage control. About what you'd hope for given the disaster of CCS and the short time frame CJS had. It's nothing but bailing out the boat to keep us afloat while the real work starts. Next class is where we expect excellence.
  8. Conditioning and injuries seem to be an issue for our 3 major sports over multiple coaches. There's clearly a root problem here or a very statisically improbably run of bad luck.
  9. At this scoring rate by both teams USF can just kill the clock and milk the 12 points.
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