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Everything posted by michibull

  1. Your right, JPP, Selvie, Grothe, SJ Green, Nate Allen, Mike Jenkins, Trae Williams, Jerome Murphy, Amari Cooper, Carlton Mitchell, Tyrone McKenzie, Stephen Nicholas were all CUSA talent level players. If you look at the talent we had during the CJL BE teams, you will be hard pressed to find a more talented BE team. WVU and Louisville would be the only other two you could put above us. At that point we would have been #3 out of 8 teams in the BE, I would call that BE quality talent. You can try and say they were all 2 and 3 star recruits, but it has been proven time after time that the star rating are over rated. There are many busts and sleeper found all of the time. If you say it was the coaching, they still need to be talented enough to take advantage of the coaching provided. Either way you can't say we didn't have BE talent leve teams.
  2. I can agree with most of what you said for sure. To clear one point tho, I didn't say BCS talent, I said BE talent, and I only said that because I feel we had just as much talent as anyone in the BE. Your point on getting spoiled is spot on, I think that's the largest reason a lot of our fan base can't accept our situation now. I also agree with you that the way the CJL firing happened was not right. Although I believed he plateaued, I love CJL and thought he got a raw deal.
  3. - Regardless of how CJL built the program, he did plateau once we got to the BE, his record speaks for itself. CJL got us from nothing to a BCS Conference in 10 years, that will never be duplicated and should always be remember; BUT, he never won anything of note and we were a .500 team in conference once we got here. We had BE talent and in 6 years couldn't win a thing, if it was anyone but CJL, you guys would have shown him the door after 2 years just like every coach after him. - Unfortunately ESPN killed the BE and our growth as a program. Idk if we ever recover, I doubt it, but it depends on future expansion. - The AAC as a whole is a slightly downgraded BE, but the top teams are just a good as the BE top tear was. - CFP/ESPN politics will always hinder the AAC and that's just the reality of our situation. - I personally have accepted our current football reality and look at it as a pure source of entertainment now. The BE years were a blast and I was lucky to be a student then, but things change. I refuse to let this impact my life for the negative anymore. There is so much more to life than this, the game and conference I can't control, so I've learned to not let it bring me down. I love our school and team and will always support them. I will not pile on when things are rough, but I will criticize; there is a difference. I hope we get out of the AAC and into a P5 conference someday, but until then, let's just try and win a conference championship (whatever conference we're in, we want to be the best, regardless of the competition level).
  4. Maybe they should grow up and do their jobs. Is CCS the best coach? No. Do you have the best boss? Probably not. Do you do your job the best you can regardless of who your boss is? I hope so. I am by no means making excuses, but the players are the ones in the field. They may not have the best gameplan or coaching, but effort is controlled by the individual. By giving up during a game, that's a sign of a weak, prideless individual. If your going to hold the coaches accountable, then you must do the same for the players.
  5. It has been less than TWO years!!!!! My goodness, how is there supposed to be any development? Please tell me, nearly every coach struggles the first couple years until they get their footing and system established. I mean, wholly smokes, who do you think we are? We are a G5 school, who is going to come here and win from day one? What coach who has options, would come to a G5 school whose fan base will give them 1.5 years before they turn on him? CCS is not without his faults, but there needs to be more of a commitment and give the guy 4-5 years, then evaluate. You are free to do what you want, but if I was Kelly, I would look at you as an irrational, uncommitted fan and wouldn't worry about losing you as a season ticket holder. Just my two cents.
  6. Your absolutely right about that. The hope I'm holding onto to is that the experience will payoff next year; now this is with the assumption that there are changes made to the coaching staff. I don't think that CCS needs to go, but definitely the OC/DC and possibly some position coaches. We have seen situations when a new coordinator or two comes in, and the same team just looks completely different. I believe we have good talent, they're just not in the right positions or just horrible tackling and I feel this can be corrected with the right tutelage. I will admit that I haven't watched every game, but from the 6 or 7 I've seen, this is my observation.
  7. We may not see drastic improvement on the field this year, but two things maybe happening in the background. One, the experience for these young players are critical; and two, CCS maybe seeing that he needs to make a coaching change in the off season which hopefully is an improvement as well.
  8. I am a 7-0 defender, and I would do it all the same. Wins are wins. We lost to a very good Houston team and we laid an egg today. I for one will NOT pile on a young team like some so called "fans". It's fair to critique performances, but to pile on is a display of a weak person. I will continue to stand up and support my team and school. Do things need to change, yes; but I will not get overly dramatic and call for whole sale changes. We all knew that we had growing pains to go through this year, EVERYONE knew this; so why get all up in arms when we actually go through them. Were we going to win the conference this year? We all knew that was a no, so stop with this whole "I told you so" childish gibberish.
  9. It takes just a little more than a few weeks to be considered great.
  10. Yes, I agree with you. After last year and seeing actual basketball improvement, I was sold as well. I'm relieved that we signed him to a 6 year contract, and I hope by him getting screwed in the GT deal, that he will want to stay here past his contract. It's real hard to find a solid coach that can teach the fundamentals and have the respect and relationship that he has with our players.
  11. Have the new Adidas basketball jerseys been revealed yet?
  12. To be accurate, UCF never won the BE, Syracuse, Pitt, WVU, Louisville and Rutgers were all gone by then. We were already the American when they joined. Your point is well taken tho.
  13. I agree with this!! It doesn't upset me that UCF has passed us because they have a culture of foul play as a university and athletics programs. It's the likes of Houston, Temple and Navy of 2 seasons ago that bother me because that should be us.
  14. Since seeing the improvement Gregory got from this team last year, I have been extremely excited for the season to start. By the end of the year we were competitive with most teams and you could see the kids playing with improved fundamentals and a game plan. I'm hoping for a 500 record, but continued development is my hope. Here's to an entertaining basketball season!! Go Bulls!!
  15. This 1000% it's a definitely good way to give your program a bad name, especially when we're in a G5 conference.
  16. And this is the exact problem with the CJL apologists thinking. The "marquee" wins over shadow the "marquee" losses; and this is because with any single win like that, we still have 0 conference championships, 0 BCS bowls and 0 NY6 bowl wins. I personally would trade the non conference wins of those years for wins against Rutgers, Cincy and UCONN (you know, the actual games that matter), this would mean we would have won the BE and played in a BCS bowl. And we didn't even have to go undefeated to do it, most years one or two losses would have won the BE, but he couldn't even do that. The excuse that the BE was much more difficult back then is all relative. Did we not have similar talent to the other teams in our conference? Similar money? Then I don't want to hear it, sounds like another excuse for CJL. I want better for our program and school.
  17. I don't understand why people want to go backwards and not move forward. I appreciate all that CJL has done, but the bottom line is I want a Conference Championship, I want an NY6 bowl win and CJL never did that. I want a better coach than we've ever had, I want our program better than it's ever been; which means we need better coaches, not to rehash the past.
  18. I don't know how that is a criteria for defining a good coach or not. All I was saying is that everybody wants CJL back and I ask why? He was a .500 coach in conference for his entire career. He didn't consistently beat the teams we were supposed too. We would start out fast and fizzle out half way through the season, every single year, nothing changed. From 2004-2009 our defense could not stop the run up the middle and our QB draws were our go to plays. I mean, come on man, let's not let our nostalgia cloud reality. Yes, wins against Auburn, WVU, FSU were all fun, but going .500 in your conference every year will win you nothing of consequence. That's all I'm trying to say.
  19. 5 years in the BE, 5, not one or two. Let's not forget that UCONN, Cincy and Louisville were brand new from our same league (which means it was half BE and half CUSA). I agree that our growth was all on him and as you said, it will never be replicated. That does not excuse the fact that once we got into real teams and coaches, he was just mediocre. You can drink the Kool-aid all you want, but numbers don't lie. Those are hard nosed facts every Leavitt apologist has to face. You state things like our backups weren't good enough or we were playing one league above our talent: whose fault is that? The coach. Again, he had 5 years in the BE, more than a full recruiting cycle and he was still just average. Until you have REAL facts to dispute his record, I don't want to hear it. I love CJL, I think he got a raw deal, but I can still admit that he was an average BCS/P5 coach. Also, if he was such a great coach, why wasn't he ever given another HC gig? Mike Leach is coaching.
  20. I agree with everything you said. I would also add, as many have said, that for being a defensive coach, our defense plays like they're poorly coached, missed tackles, too many players out of position and a seemingly poor initial game plan.
  21. Ok, here come the Jim Leavitt apologists. - All Rutgers did was run up the middle with Rice and Donald Brown was nothing special, a "good" coaching staff would be able to "game plan" against this, especially when they do it every single year. - We still play Cincy and UCONN ( not the biggest games of the year for us) and Rutgers is one of the worst programs in America. - To try and compare yesteryear with now is not a valid comparison. Different conferences, recruiting and income/BCS impacts. - The biggest games of the year for any team is when they play the best teams in the conference. The moment ESPN destroyed the BE, everything changed for us. - Jim Leavitt's record of 95-57 (conference: 25-26) (BE: 17-18) hardly screams "great". He was a good coach and nothing more. If he would have still been our coach, would we have fallen into despair like we did? Probably not, but we weren't exactly consistently beating people we were supposed to. The P5 schools that weren't familiar with us, we beat a lot of them. Our conference opponents who knew us, beat us very often and that's on the coach. All things being equal, usually conference records are a tell tale sign of how good your coach is. I say this, because when you and your opponent are familiar with each other and have similar talent, it's up to the coaches to gameplan and make adjustments to win, CJL's record speaks for itself.
  22. Haha, yeah, because he had such a stellar record versus Rutgers, Cincy and UCONN; who we always had more talent than.
  23. Ok, my last post on this: - the purpose of the CFP is to ensure that the best TWO teams are in the 4 team CFP; which it does that. - the NCAA tries to make as much money as possible, therefore it has a bias to big money programs getting into the two other spots. - If a G5 school wants to get in, it has to leave no doubt to the CFP committee and the public media. They can do it by scheduling the toughest they CAN get. - Unlike basketball, upsets and cinderellas are much more rare, so the CFP will side with the traditional powers when there is doubt. Therefore G5's have to send a clear message with beating multiple P5 teams. And that's the last I'm saying about this.
  24. I never said that, thanks. But to save my breath and say that every school controls their own schedule. If you a G5 and you want to make the playoff, schedule all of your non conference games against P5 schools. Stop asking for hand outs and take control of your own life. If we played Clemson, Alabama, OSU and we win those games, they couldn't keep us out of the CFP. Everyone has a chance, schedule big games and win them and your in. Period!!
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