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Everything posted by michibull

  1. Thanks a lot for the compliment, I try to be. I think this has spiraled a little. My initial response was for people being called pathetic and to re-examine their lives. I felt that was a bit harsh. I personally don’t see a problem with the habitat activity, as I stated before, I believe in community service and growing as a good person above sports. That said, I can understand why people would be irritated that they weren’t spending more time on football activities (it is a big business and we are in a tricky spot with alignment right now). I like to understand both sides of everything and as @puc86stated, “when you win, everything is all good; when you lose, everything is magnified”. That’s all I was trying to say. Sorry for the drawn out misunderstanding.
  2. Just to clarify, I was not whining, I was merely stating a fact that if your goal is to win football games and your not, you might want to focus on football. There’s a reason Michigan fans were ripping Jim Harbaugh a new one for taking his teams to Europe, while they were losing to Ohio St., Michigan St. and Penn St. since they stopped doing those trips, they’ve started to win a little more (although not against OSU, haha). Look man, I’m all about team building and community service, I’m not on the football team, but I’m sure losing every game does not make them feel good or proud, that’s all I’m trying to say.
  3. Are you saying my I made an ignorant statement about the kids not going to USF for the education, or producing good human beings? I ask because if you didn’t read another couple sentences, you would see that I personally reaffirm that sports are NOT important in life. Meaning, that I value life experience, human service and education more.
  4. Your absolutely right!! Football is just a sport and these kids are STUDENT-athletes first. That’s why education and grades are a priority over playing and winning……… in realty you are right, but let’s be honest, that’s not the world we are talking about. College football is a big business, these athletes are not going to USF for the education (they are not even allowed to take challenging classes), their way is paid for and coaches are expected to win within a couple years (and they make millions of dollars). This is all about football and money, and the USF football team building a house for habitat for humanity, while losing to every team they play, will not get us into a P5 conference. Believe me, sports are not important in life, I am very open about that; but I we truly value a winning football program, we need to treat it as such. If we believe in eduction and life learning (as a university should), then let’s abandon the P5 football and continue to focus on academics.
  5. What about “Alumni Field” @ “whatever corporate name” Stadium. Try to maximize the alumni base connection/pride and try to tap more fundraising. We could do the Arthur Blank mode and make concessions affordable to entice more families to come out and fill the seats. Also, we could have a long bar like at the SJ Earthquakes stadium (PayPal Park). Like it was said, need to offer an experience to entice fans to come out.
  6. When your making $2M/year, I don’t want to hear excuses. Everybody had to deal with COVID. Just because it’s your first year and you have no talent, doesn’t excuse you from not performing. Year 1 was filled with A LOT of mistakes and very little improvements. Year 2 is starting off the same way, 4 games in and we are still one of the worst FBS teams. We are in a G5 conference and we still can’t win a single game against a FBS team.
  7. Or smart? I don’t want to hear about “soft” fans. I’ve been a Detroit Lions fan my whole life and I’ve been a South Florida fan since 2003. I cringe at the thought of how much money I have spent on these teams, how much time I’ve spent reading, talking, and watching these teams. They have shown over the years that they don’t care about us or winning. Sports are entertainment, and that’s it. It literally does not improve my life with the exception of the momentary joy of a win (which has been greatly out numbered by anger and frustration with so much losing). I will not stop supporting my alma mater, but let’s be honest. I’m spending more time with my family on weekends these days, and I’m better off for it. When USF shows that it cares as much as I do, I’ll watch more, but they have used up all of my blind “loyalty” and I’m not drinking the kool-aid anymore.
  8. And that’s without going into in game play calling and management. Well said Puc!!
  9. I think this is a fair question. We’ve been told that Florida is the most fertile recruiting state with large amounts of talented football players and that our recruiting is getting better, CJS is a young up and coming offensive coach and that the players have bought into his plan. We’ve been told that the culture is changing in a huge, great way. We’ve been told that it can’t get any worse. Therefore, it’s natural for us to get our hopes and expectations up. As for my expectations; I expect the University (academics and athletics) that I love, support and stand by, put the same amount of passion into being the best it can possibly be. I have not seen that from them, therefore I am upset and fed up with it. I see this team being a 1 win team (FCS only because there is no passion from the players or coaches). I see us being a 1 win team next year and the year after, because until I see fire and emotions from the coaching staff, Nothing on the field will change.
  10. I didn’t watch the game yesterday; but if our QB is not selling out for first downs, he does not have the toughness or attitude to lead this team. That would be a reflection of not only the player but the coaching staff as well (which is maybe an indication of why our defense is soft as well). I cannot see a situation where Grothe, BJ or QF would not put their head down to get it done. We have never been the most talented teams, we have not had the best coaches, but with QB’s like Grothe, BJ and QF, and “go get ‘em” coaches like CJL and CWT, they had a fight and edge to them that won games we shouldn’t have. You don’t see that at all with USF football teams of late; there is no killer instinct, it is a sterile, bland, passionless type of playing style. That’s why no one cares about them and why we are losing the few fans we have.
  11. That has been the main focus of this thread. Jerseys get us nowhere, we all know that. A brand new IPF, OCS and lockers rooms will catch us up to the current college football program standards. This is a business and if you want to attract top talent and investors, you need to give them something to buy into; merely being in the 17th largest media market is not enough.
  12. When you are established, there is never a benefit to “renting”, that’s true in life and sports. The only time “renting” makes sense is if you are unsure of your situation or can’t afford it. In the business of sports, it takes money to make money. Sometimes you need to take on debt to get it done and start reaping the benefits. Renting Ray Jay is a big part of us being in this situation. There’s a reason that nearly every school that plays have their own football stadiums, even the smallest schools.
  13. Maybe, but Tulane is not getting into the B12. With that statement, that particular article loses credibility.
  14. I agree with everything you said. Too many coincidences to ignore. I also think that everyone in college athletics knows, time is running out and expansion for G5 is nearing its end.
  15. They wouldn’t take us, we would be the only one without an OCS.
  16. But the subject is so depressing now, more depressing than the Lions, if that’s possible, haha.
  17. Yeah, I was one of the few here that was upset we traded him. I thought he was a very good QB and an even better person. He had no help other than Megatron and didn’t deserve the criticism. I think you guys are going to tear it up with him.
  18. No way, I don’t find many Lions fans. I’m actually the opposite of you with the Bucs as my 2nd; but yeah, it’s crazy that we have never figured it out or even gotten lucky, haha.
  19. Haha, fair enough. Yeah, he’s still such a cool kid, I’m afraid of middle school. I do admit, the soflo from last night was cool. I just don’t like the chrome all the time.
  20. Yeah, I personally don’t like the new chrome style helmets, looks desperate and bush league. My son loves the SoFlo from last night, but he’s 9 years old
  21. Completely agree!! This should be our full time helmet. Wasn’t it voted a top 4 helmet in CFB in 2008 by ESPN?
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