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Rex Havoc

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Everything posted by Rex Havoc

  1. Thank you for answering that before I got the chance. Gilbert isnt using the talent we have to the best of its ability. CCS is the one who brought him in...so it falls back on him.
  2. I agree 100% that team had playmakers and heart. They also played much tougher competition
  3. Not passing to the TE or RB also play a factor in this. The middle of the field is open a lot also, but we don't use it.
  4. Luckily for us that's the same day we get to finally see our entire playbook.
  5. I hate to say this because I cant stand ucf, but Scott Frost Is way more exciting than CCS.
  6. Winning big and putting on a show is what people want. CCS seems too old school.
  7. offense has taken a couple steps back with Ccs and Gilbert.
  8. I've noticed several times this year QF looking upset with the playcalling, then CCS goes and says QF is upset with himself. I don't buy that. I agree with you that the players on offense don't buy into Gilberts system. They had swagger and looked amazing last year...this year you don't see that.
  9. They need to pass DJ the ball and let him run. It worked well last year. We haven't passed to our rb and TE enough this year.
  10. He should get more rushing attempts and DJ should get some passes. They haven't used both of them properly imo
  11. What do you think is the reason for this? I think poor coaching plays a big factor.
  12. The offense had swagger and was aggressive under Xcwt. We are vanilla and boring now.
  13. This is the first game I've been upset about the defense. Towards the end they weren't even trying to make tackles. Where is the pride and leadership on that side of the ball? The playcalling on offense seemed a little better this game, but it hasn't been good all year. Like you said we have more talent than the teams we have played.
  14. We haven't really played any good teams yet. Good teams take advantage of sloppiness. I really hope we can correct some of these issues. Like everyone on here I just want us to play up to our potential, which we haven't.
  15. The sloppy play will eventually bite us in the ass.
  16. Exactly. Several of these games have been much closer than they should have been.
  17. You really think this team isn't underachieving?
  18. Bingo! We're lucky the teams we have faced are bad. It's week 7...we should be able to have a complete game by now.
  19. And poor leadership, especially on the defense. It's like they didn't even want to try and make a tackle.
  20. CCS is definitely underachieving. I know we are 7-0, but a high school coach could have lead us to wins over the teams we have faced.
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