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Everything posted by DJBulls

  1. Wearing that trashed in the sun would probably make me puke as well...
  2. He threw 10 TDs that entire season...and he wasn't a freshman...get outta here with that nonsense
  3. For the fans that are upset...be lucky BB didnt start...the score last night would have been close and quite frankly I'm not sure they would have won the game...there would be your meltdown...
  4. The fans on this board are a freggin joke sometimes...things are rarely stagnant in college football...they are probably going to improve as the season goes on...I don't care who the opponent is...IT IS RARE FOR A QB TO TOTAL 5 TDS...albeit one in his first start.. good lord man...
  5. And with that...I believe he tied the freshman total td record...may have broken it...
  6. No depth chart or media...so we won't know till probaly close to kickoff...slip the TDS guys a 50 and they might tell you before then...
  7. This...they are just delaying the inevitable when Blake plays a stronger opponent and struggles...that's what is the most frustrating about all of this...if McCloud starts the 2nd half of last week none of this charade would be occurring...
  8. Roberts and Sanders have improved considerably since last season...especially Roberts...
  9. My guess is that Blake is getting another shot because a depth chart this week isn't getting released and there is no media access before Saturday....so I get to save blurting a giant @#$% until 6 on Saturday when Blake trots out there...
  10. Yes...in the opening game it started off with a lot of energy then it took the normal cheesy, cringeworthy turn
  11. Even against lesser competition against FIU..their starting qb completed 30% of his passes
  12. I reached out to Brad asking if I could change my username a few years ago and never heard anything back..if there is a simple way to do it I missed it...
  13. Yup...I remember watching as a kid wondering what in the hell I was watching
  14. Blake looks like Joe Montana in practice...then the ball is kicked off and it look like a Benny Hill re-run...
  15. Its not... he has shown the same tendencies since last year...I am going to revolt...of course he looks good in practice...ITS FOOLS GOLD
  16. Snap the ball and see how fast a bag of concrete can run for it's life...that is what the last 7 quarters were before McCloud came in...
  17. Blake isn't starting moving forward...it would be insanity to trot him out again expecting a different result...
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