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Everything posted by gibbsak

  1. Not so sure this is premature... He should be on the hot seat. Not so sure he should be out tomorrow.
  2. This kind of thing for m VPoA MK is why I still have hope in the future of the program. Edit: That move was the complete opposite of that fool in marketing.
  3. There's an idea to reduce any buyout... Change his position... Demote him, but risk keeping his salary. Let him get fed up/insulted and leave. Would the contract say he's guaranteed salary to only be head coach? I would imagine he is guaranteed a salary unless he leaves on his own. Don't mind me...just grasping at straws.
  4. That's what I'm saying...work with what you have, you built it. Adjust your schemes to make them work.
  5. You have to be able to work with what you have... especially in year 3 with barely a handful of CWT's recruits. Love him or hate him, at least CWT was smart enough to make the right changes and lucky enough to have a great few players on offense.
  6. So far, it looks like VPoA M. Kelly has been doing the right things for USF, and doing them in his own (and what seems to the the right) time. I'll keep faith with that for now.
  7. I don't think it'd be the different you're hoping for.
  8. I agree. until about halfway through the first season I was on board I've had my doubts ever since. More flags? Guess it wasn't just sterlin that was the problem.
  9. I do like seeing that at least Wilcox is fighting. Went for more heads on that with a little fight.
  10. Thought this was interesting... https://watchstadium.com/news/analyzing-the-conference-realignment-that-shaped-todays-football-landscape-mcmurphys-law-09-17-2019/ Rutgers laughing all the way to the bank.
  11. Not that I know anything, but I never had the impression CCS was the best game time coach.
  12. What happened to the main character or whatever Strong was blabbering about?
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