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Everything posted by pascobull

  1. In his last outing (Houston I think) he was something like 0-10 on 3rd down before the game was out of reach. He Hasn't had 2 good games in a row so he's hardly a lock for the job. But he played very well yesterday, he proved he is capable. Now he needs to show consistency.
  2. I don't know anything about Gregg Marshall but remember Craig Marshall? ...that guy was a baller
  3. yea and before that i saw three different times 3rd and 6 where on the first they have that perfect call to Brinkman and he dropped it and then the next two times we had 3rd and 6 they tried to force it to him in double coverage. That young OC we have makes Sterlin Gilbert look like Chip Kelly.
  4. 3rd down play calling and 3rd down execution...it's as bad as we think and then some.
  5. He **** the bed on Paxton Lynch...that kid wanted to be here. Memphis football owes gratitude to Skip whether they know it or not. Memphis was a joke before that kid. We know the impact that one good QB can make.
  6. I've grown to think "bend don't break" is synonymous with "play scared so the loss is moral victory". In the modern era of QB and defenseless player safety, defensive players and coaches need to do whatever it takes to suffocate the ability of the opponent to move the football. Good defense finds ways to frustrate the opponent. Letting your opponent have some success and hope they falter on their own defies anything competitive . "Bend don't brake" becomes "give them an inch and they take a foot". It just doesn't work anymore maybe it never did.
  7. If we ever play UB on the road remind me not to buy an end zone seat in that awful stadium...with the track around the field the end zone seating looks like it's 50 yards from the field...awful
  8. We had 7 scoring drives. I bet we haven't done that in a few years. Having a decent kicker makes a world of difference for a team that struggles to move the ball inside the 30s when the field gets short. I'm happy for him.
  9. why does Joey still tweet to the tbtimes_bulls twitter account? shouldn't they delete that account or give it to that new guy (Purks I think). Maybe i don't know enough about how twitter works.
  10. The one sack i remember was a LB blitz by #5...I don't remember our DEs getting a single sack this year...haven't heard there names all year. #23 was pretty good against Citadel but i think he's interior line
  11. that's actually not a bad idea...a lot of kids get MBA degrees after majoring in something non business. I'm good with that too.
  12. Nah. I'm just one of the little people that are the engine behind capitalism and corporations. I like what i do but it's all about money as a business major. We need those artsy people in the world Frisco. I don't want USF to become one big business and Tech school...seems too one dimensional for me.
  13. I was very happy with the secondary. they were aggressive for once. no question they did some good things there during the bye week.
  14. Yep. and the true feelings are temporary since by next Saturday we should have new reasons to be mad and it will start all over...
  15. Is melodrama the intersection of sarcasm and true feelings? I think that's what we have here.
  16. I understand why schools and parents do what they do, it's often for financial survival. It sucks that corporations and most very successful people don't invest back into education specifically the arts. I think the world is better off with some people majoring in History and art and literature and all that. I also think those degrees should be way less expensive or even free compared to Business school but that would take investment from successful business people smart enough to realize we need more non business people in the world.
  17. That makes me sad. State Universities should not be big vocational school factories for specific hot jobs. Higher education needs a renaissance. I have 2 degrees in business and technology, that was my path because I was already 25 years old and already had a full time career by the time i landed at USF in 2000 as a JUCO graduate. I hate to see 18 year olds that should be learning what genuinely interests them and studying the human condition instead focusing on how they can be the next big thing in a STEM career. Humanity is more important than business and technology dammit! I've discouraged my children from getting STEM degrees because I want them to be better than me and be more than just an instrument of a specific vocation.
  18. He went prevent because they were tired? wow. he needs to watch this a few times before Monday...
  19. We play in the AAC, no excuse to be 17 point dog every week. That's a reflection of the coaching this year. Our coaches have not prepared players to the same level as all the other AAC teams...Don't need elite talent to beat Temple and ECU. Being in the AAC will always mean we need coaches that can do more with less. We might get a Marlon Mack or D Johnson level player once in a while but can't just recruit our way out of losing unless 8-5 is the goal every year.
  20. This season does echo early 2012 (before the wheels fell completely off). The critical difference of CJS from Skip is that I honestly think Skip expected this job would be easier but the truth is Leavitt worked his ass off. Skip spent a lot of time playing golf and preparing for what to say at the podium and was a lazy recruiter. If CJS goes out and recruits his butt off and throws away skip's last 4 minute game plan that was used today he'll probably be okay. As for today, he gave that game away and i hope it burns at him all off season.
  21. we are 1-5 and playing as 17 point dog...play hard for 56 minutes and coast? wtf. young coach learning hard lessons.
  22. CJS wasn't ready for this job. There is no substitute for experience and he's getting it the hard way. He basically surrendered the last 4 minutes, suddenly did everything wrong.
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