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Everything posted by pascobull

  1. If we finish the year with only a single win over a team that couldn't complete wide open 3rd down passes...yea the worst...no doubt
  2. The 2013 team with Eveld/Bench/White at QB was better. Late 2012 and first half of first game of 2013 was clearly the worst because of one player. I think we had a top 40 defense in 2013 but we coudn't score above 17 most weeks.
  3. CJS probably feels some pressure to create some continuity (good luck with that) but I always think it silly when coach's name a starter that's "won the job" when said QB can "lose the job" at any moment. just name the starter for the week unless it's a multi year starter with clear separation and even then say nothing let the 2 deep chart speak for itself. It's the QBs job to do enough to keep his backup on the sideline or become the backup, always.
  4. This is the biggest disappointment of 2020. The secondary no where near the ball on 3rd and long. and on 3rd and 6 nobody guards the line to gain. On 3rd and 6 I shouldn't see a linebacker 8 yards off the line waiting for the rb or wr to run to him.
  5. I do think the 5 low revenue conferences sometimes called the G5 should have a separate CFP. It's long overdue. When the CFP replaced the BCS the committees that rank teams moved the goal posts by emphasizing "Strength of Schedule" which is code for play against the 30 richest programs with brand strength or we'll rank you no higher than 10th if you go undefeated. It's like a country club you have to have money to get in. The so called G5 should produce a single champion every year and rub it in their rich pretentious faces that we don't need or give a **** about those pretentious jerks or what they think.
  6. I will say this. If we start winning 10 games a year and move to FCS over CFP frustration then I'll be fine with that. We just can't go FCS because we're failing. I don't want to see the team I love die at the soccer field like the end of a Benjamin Buttons movie.
  7. If i had to bet with my own money...I say death also. Scott will have to recruit like CWT to survive. I'm still stunned Willy was able to get M Mack and D Johnson in the same 2014 class. That saved us from being dead already. We need another M Mack savior and he did save us as much as Q Flowers.
  8. I too think that being a "Co-offensive coordinator" is an inflated title for an assistant and that Scott will need a year to grow into this job. I don't think he was prepared for this then again CWT was ill prepared for the USF job too for two long years.
  9. USF isn't going to voluntarily leave the AAC (Uconn will show us why that's an awful idea). If kicked out, the MAC and Sunbelt membership would be pursued followed by D-1 independence and FCS. Unless we have an instant FCS playoff team(we don't and our recruiting would get worse than it already is) FCS membership leads us to play at the soccer field in front of 1500 fans for a year or two before they shut the whole thing down. Win or die in the AAC is the only option. We are not going to become the new North Dakota State Bisons. Maybe we model our comeback on the mighty Coastal Carolina Chanticleers of the Sunbelt. I heard somewhere they are a team on the rise.
  10. ESPN+ sucks. last week the commercials we're almost TV quality but during the game broadcast many times it was choppy where i couldn't tell exactly what happened. Was it just me? maybe i was using wifi too far from my router. I'll keep watching it but it sucks compared to TV
  11. Hopefully there's another videographer up in the scissor lift that can come down and help us out
  12. **** as if this day wasn't gonna be difficult enough...that sucks
  13. Yea my house...but there's a community garage sale in my neighborhood so traffic is a ***** today. I just plugged my laptop into the projector so i can watch this debacle on the 100 inch screen. My friend Seth is coming over there's room for a few more that want to save $5.99 and are within 20 miles or so of Asbel Estates.
  14. I just subscribed to ESPN+. Something tells me I'll want my $5.99 back later today. Oh well. GREEN!
  15. All the masks will start to resemble chin straps as the game goes on. Enforcing masks is easy. Enforcing people to keep their noses and mouths covered by said mask the whole game is a different story.
  16. Cincy has an outstanding defense no doubt. But Desmond Ridder is not a great QB so have a very small chance. But yea, 17 points might be the ceiling for us this week. 0 points is quite possible unless Ford can avoid running into his lead blockers.
  17. So what do we think the announced attendance will be? I guess 10,000.
  18. The fear of Covid liability will linger a long time. I just hope next year is normal at this point.
  19. We were the model for upstarts ... now we need to stop being a cautionary tale. CJS has a lot of work ahead of him.
  20. For Taggart, USF was three jobs ago...seems like a short time ago for us. Mike Hampton is prob the only fifth year senior that was here when CWT was our coach...I really wanted to see CJL in person for this one...to see the look on his face when stuff goes bad for us...to see if he's smiling...i hope he's on TV a lot
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