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Everything posted by Ghostbuster

  1. I can't believe people waste brain cells on committing this type of stuff to memory. Did our national anthem's feelings get hurt because 10 ppl weren't standing? ::eye roll:: Let's be sure to go after everyone who doesn't take their hat off too during the anthem...because it's a well known fact the anthem and the country it represents, hates hats. For someone who hates people getting political, you sure had no problem hijacking a celebratory post about Mack and making it political.
  2. That...is literally proving my point about ESPN valuing CUSA less, so thank you? That link shows ESPN doesn't want any more of their games so CUSA had to shop them to anyone and everyone, including a platform that DOES NOT SHOW COLLEGE FOOTBALL. That's exactly what a lesser conference has to do. So just stop. I mean I am after this post because I'm beating a dead horse. There's enough factual evidence to show the markets are less, the air time is less, the media rights deals are less, the number of their teams making NY6 is less.....so eventually you call a spade a spade and say it's a lesser conference. Which makes the little offhand comment I made about your pal Skip (having done an admiral job in a...gasp... lesser conference) perfectly reasonable.
  3. ESPN seems to think they're not on the same level based on tv deals doled out (this article compares them). https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2019/03/20/ap-source-american-athletic-makes-12-year-tv-deal-with-espn/39229011/ But if you'd rather ignore that so you can knock down USF and put Skip on a pedestal, go for it. Ignorance is bliss as they say.
  4. Lol I'm clearly the unbiased one here because I literally had to go look up the guy's record since he left USF. I have no interest or feelings about him now. You on the other hand are going to bat for him and have all these cherry picked recent stats you're able to spout off. I merely pointed out he had trouble in years 2 and 3 at USF against P5 teams like our current staff. That's a fact. I also said he had success at a lower level (pre USF and post USF). That's another fact. If those facts motivate you to rush to his defense and try to prop him up more, then it is clearly you that is biased. If you don't realize this after having it explicitly pointed out then I don't know what to say.
  5. Lol I l was wondering why you had a "in bowl games" qualifier until I looked at this year's schedule and saw the loss right off the bat Texas. Then I checked other years' schedules and saw numerous P5 losses. So yes if you ignore everything that goes against your argument you are right haha.
  6. Spoken like someone who is truly remorseful and understands what they did wrong. You appear to lack introspection because if you had any you would see your actions are something to be ashamed and embarrassed of. And you would fully acknowledge how wrong it was, instead of making an excuse. I'm harping on this because I don't want what's left of the fanbase that shows up on gamedays to think it's ok to pull this garbage in the name of 'being a fan'. Guess who's watching you yell and berate the team? The players, their friends, their families, potential recruits, pee wee players invited by USF, bands from middle and high school invited to perform alongside the HOT. All of them will have a negative image of USF because of your actions. You are hurting USF and it's ability to attract students and athletes all because you didn't know how to properly deal with an angry feeling caused by a game.
  7. Maybe try being a respectful person number 1 and take the sports fanaticism down a couple notches. Wrong. He harassed college kids because he lacks self control and was on the verge of threatening me by saying "keep running your mouth I’ll make sure, Come find me". Don't defend behavior like that. Someone should have told him a long time ago acting that way is reprehensible. Apologizing online and attributing it to being a super fan who wears it on their sleeve isn't taking accountability. And the kids harassed at the game won't hear his "sorry". Neither will the parents of the kids in the stands.
  8. Forgot to answer this thread's question...I think Charlie is toast after the way the SMU game went down, but not until the season ends. Yes he owns one of the best single season records but he lost the game that mattered in 2017. He has consistently lost against teams with a pulse, owns the longest losing streak in school history, the worst home loss and biggest margin of defeat. Now with SMU passing us by, there's nothing for fans to be hopeful about. Nothing that we appear to be building towards... and I think that's going to force Kelly to change his tune from 'get the IPF done' to 'win back the base'.
  9. Based on what I've seen from his in game coaching I don't think there's anything to neuter. Our current staff has also proven capable of beating teams at a lower level. But eerily like ole Skippy, they failed against FBS competition in years 2 and 3.
  10. And if ppl like you keep harassing the players I'll keep texting security.
  11. You know I saw someone kinda drunk with a beer can in his hand walk down and yell at the players around the second qtr. Think it was some middle aged dude but not sure because I try to avoid eye contact with people who are embarrassing themselves and causing a disturbance. Would actually make me happy if that was you. Otherwise it would mean multiple ppl harassed our players.
  12. Bye Felicia. You're such a big man for yelling at kids who put themselves in harm's way for 0 dollars. I bet you spent a whole day getting ready for today's game and really strained yourself standing and sitting in the stands. Meanwhile they actually spent months putting in time, sweating, getting beat up. But please feel entitled to berate them because you bought a ticket. That's hard work.
  13. Does their stadium still bounce up and down? Are their fans still delusional enough to treat that as a positive, and as a nick name? Til those answers are no I will continue to call that out as something to be mocked and laughed at. I'll stay away from insulting their on field performance tho.
  14. Got a hankering to build a crappy high school stadium and cheat the state out of funds?
  15. He'll say we started off strong, had self inflected wounds from turnovers and didn't have the resolve to bounce back because it's a young team without veteran leadership to keep guys motivated. And "Thought we were ready" is a sure money quote.
  16. I'm guessing he wanted to make some noise by beating a bunch of big teams, play in NY6, and raise whatever draft stock he has. Starting off 1-3 sure won't accomplish that so he probably thinks trying again next year is his only shot.
  17. You mean the 07 team would have been the underdog in a high profile out of conference game? Bet the house on them!
  18. Wisconsin was a chance for a statement game. SMU is a 'are we still afloat' game; just a chance to show we haven't fallen behind an AAC team.
  19. I had to look up the guy (Torell-who?). I'd say it's cute that he's trolling USF fans and going to bat for UCF fans, except for the fact it just goes to show that the world we live in is one that increasingly rewards those who can stir the pot the most. Getting the most attention, likes, and followers are the goal because facts and fairness just don't "sell" as much.
  20. Except a winning record against UCF. But wait, they had their P5 amenities, P5 players and P5 fans that year, how ever could they have lost? Maybe they didn't have a P5 coach that year.
  21. We might want to put Evans in at QB for the reps instead of Barnett...
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