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Everything posted by mellobull

  1. Pass ...Me too . Just curious that's all . I think we need someone with Head Coaching experience at the very least besides having an rep of being an top notch recruiter
  2. Read this tweet from scoop about Neal Brown -( Offensive Coordinator Texas Tech) has an interview for a head coaching job scheduled in the south . Him being in Texas (Tech) what do they mean by south ... Three jobs com to mind : Louisiana Tech, FIU, and USF . Could it be USF .... Hmmmm ? Kentucky: Sources tell us that Texas Tech offensive coordinator Neal Brown has been offered the same position at Kentucky; but plans to interview for a head coaching vacancy in the south later this week before making his decsion
  3. With the Coaches and staff , admin, etc , that new what was going on . And with other reports of cover-up by campus police . Makes me wonder how many players that were aware also ?
  4. So why did they just fire Tressel for not reporting a minor infraction and stop there ? But they then punished the whole OS football program for lack of institutional control did they not ? . This was caused by just three or four but they all are suffering for it . Besides this was an Institution cover-up . How much more out of control can you get ? Just saying .
  5. You got the right Idea and you are da lawyer . So when can you start drawing up the plans ? I'm ready for anything right now . The Haves taint going to let us dance at their Ball so why not .
  6. Would not he be better suited to play on the offensive line if indeed he is a tad slow ? A 330 lb OT monster opening the way for Lamar , Shaw etc WOW !
  7. just wished this highering stuff was done with already even...bet wollard even wished it was done : too old Pete would be the best hire!
  8. just hope that whoever is tabbed for coach has the run n gun style and not the the crawl n stall..of course that may mean another couple of years to get the right players for the system..don't think Lutz or just about anyone else with a few exceptions can take what players we have now and win right away,,,so it still looks like the building gos on for a time anyway we look at it.
  9. ,,WISH BIG! Think..Bobby Knight while your at it... all it takes is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$;D
  10. ...............she aint nothing but an hounddog..............albeit a cute one ;D
  11. hey, maybe Woolard brings in RP ;D ;D ;D
  12. 7 degrees here in mizzo this morning...currently 29 n snow with 30mph wind gusts brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...well anyway, anything below 50 is to cold for baseball no matter where you is...boy I sure miss Florida
  13. looks like may end up with 3 -4 star and and 13-15 3-star recruits...which would be the best recruiting year yet...
  14. Wouldn't CJL have cancelled his visit had he really commited to Toledo? 8-)
  15. on the scout sight you go to team recruiting rankings, at the bottom of the page you will see " how are these rankings calculated "... of course you have to be a registered member to access ...
  16. does this mean your mouth stays closed if don't catch it?...maybe if the mouth stays open beforehand it would be a sure catch...seems to be sure way of getting your foot stuck in your mouth .... ;D ;D ;D
  17. Doc Holiday.. LOL! sounds like a shoot out.... If Rod leaves...like to see Terry Bowden fill the gap..the Bowden name would give the BE more credibility yet..
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