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Everything posted by HOTMello2005

  1. Who is FAU?  Seriously, I always thought you guys were one in the same, couldn't understand why you couldn't pick between I and A. Hope you were kidding....just in case, they are two different universities: FAU http://www.fau.edu/index.php FIU http://www.fiu.edu/
  2. Thank you, ApplePJ. BTW, when's the next time that you guys are going to hang out at the Bull Ring?
  3. From a current HOT member....Thank you Triple_B for your donation. Eric, thank you so much for those kind words. Yeah, that's HOT!!! 8-)
  4. HELLO!?!? 1) Driving while having consumed alcohol or any drug(legal or illegal(even more stupid)) is stupid. A good way to get yourself or someone else hurt or killed. 2) I'm sorry, but a D1-A team during the season should have a much tighter curfew and internal discipline than what we are exhibiting. 3) Anyone of AGE(21yr+) knows that you shouldn't even consider having more than one drink and then drive during the early hours of a major national holiday.....the roads are going to be crawling with cops. Plus, see #1.
  5. I give mad props to the cheerleaders.....They're literally busting their butts....( teasin') Dude, that squad is tight!  I bet they're in better physical shape than any of the students in the front three rows. We all wear green and gold.  Why are we fighting with ourselves?  Shouldn't we be unofficially trash talking about the other teams?
  6. I wouldn't assume that. Both will play against FIU, if healthy. Both may even play against UCF. Great thing is that the qb position is in the best shape it's been since Marquel .............. now if we could just work on the kicking game. We have a kicking game?!?!? :-/ :-?
  7. I agree...it was way too funny. It looked like they were doing it for the first time. And if the students did rush the field after a big win, they would not even be close to getting the goal post down. I think if they invested the same people that were trying to get the goal post down in actual security to prevent the stroming of the field would be more effective use of resources. That $11,500 could have been donated to H.O.T. for our new uniforms....ROFL!!!
  8. We as a Bull Nation need to set the culture at our games. We need to as one to make it known that it is not OK to wear FSU/UF/UM/OCCC colors at a USF game. This is totally unacceptable. It is only OK to wear the opposing school colors if you or an immediate family member is a current student or alumnus of that school. OTHERWISE you **** better have GREEN AND GOLD ON!!!!!!! ;D Come on... 1) Would you goto a Buc's vs. Saints game with a Kansas City Chiefs jersey? 2) Would you got a Lightning vs. Philly game with a Detroit Red Wings jersey? Doesn't make sense, does it? Here's an interesting marketing ploy for a game....First 5,000 fans that are wearing FSU/UF/UM/OCCC cap, they trade it in for a Bulls cap. New York Mets do this from time to time when they play their subway series games vs. the Yankees.
  9. {Bull Horns} for Zero. Thanks for the compliment.
  10. STAMPEDE!!!! http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/news/story?page=contact/espntv
  11. STAMPEDE!!!! http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/news/story?page=contact/espntv
  12. I was watching the UK v UL game at a local Beef's when the slightly drunk guy at the bar asked who my team was. Mind you now I was wearing a Bulls ball cap with the iconic U and a USF polo....He then proceeded to say, "UF or FSU?" I looked at him like a deer in headlights and then proceeded to point with one hand to my hat and the other hand to the logo on my shirt...And he still didn't get it! Then he went to say, "Oh, I'm a USF fan, but UF is my first team. I went to school at USF for a couple of years and had season tickets for a while." I moved to a different part of the bar without responding. OIY VEY!!!
  13. I'll admit, I harass any person on the USF campus wearing other school colors. I got someone so good that for the rest of the summer session, my fellow classmate had to rub it in my face that he was wearing USF gear.....I was loving every moment of it! ;D Here's a nice approach, if you see someone wearing other school colors, go up to them and ask them how they like our campus and school (make them think that you assume they are visiting). When you get the reply, "Oh no, I'm a student here." Then you make them feel small about the colors they're wearing like, "Could have fooled me. A true USF student wouldn't wear another school's colors. Have a nice day." But say it loud enough for everyone around the person to hear the comment too ;D !!!
  14. I with with ya on that, 'cause I hope so too! I would tend to believe it plays a psychological factor, but the overall big picture it has very little relevance.
  15. I think the report is a broken tibia....season ender for him. I hate seeing any athlete get injured like this. But, that's why the games are played; anything can happen. Who knows, Stripling could step up to the challenge and be as dangerous as Bush... When it's time for the Bulls to head to UL, we'll be prepared like last year for whatever UL tries to throw at us.
  16. My first season playing the Sousa...The bell cover does muffle the sound. It's even more weird playing with them on. And what Billy said about the stairs is true. It's a logistics issue. I can't wait for USF to finally get our OWN field on campus with accoustics in mind for the betterment of the college football experience.
  17. I think it's great getting plugs on ESPN. However, let's take one game at a time. Don't get trapped by the "Gambler's Fallacy"....Games played in the past between two teams does not affect the result when they play again in the future.
  18. Need to move the student overflow to this end zone. Nice photo!!! That's H.O.T.
  19. RU victory over UNC gives me some concerns when we have to face RU. I hope our D-Line gets in sync by Sept. 29th in order to stop RU's running game. I was at the Rutgers game last year and we barely pulled that out of where the sun don't shine! I also hope that the QB position is solidified for consistancy and leadership as well as Plancher's knee is OK to give RU some of their own medicine. As always, GO BULLS!!!
  20. At the Miami game last year: Announcer: "That's another Hurricane" .... PAUSE Crowd: "First Down" {Hand motion for first down} I think it's great that we've come up with our own first down cheer.
  21. Well, that's kind of my point about the powers that be having no idea how to market a college football team. They're treating us like we're the Bucs, when we're completely different in terms of fan interest and marketing. IT. LOOKS. AWFUL on television and makes for a cavernous feeling if you're anywhere other than the student section. You build fan loyalty (and thus, money) by showing your own loyalty to the people who are your biggest supporters -- and by "support," i mean presence. Amen, brother!
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