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Everything posted by Matt

  1. baptism by fire? are you serious? no wonder we aren't in consideration for a major conference. If the majority of our fans see a name like Michigan St and get intimidated by it.
  2. Exactly!! Much rather have this guy over Robert Weiner. Can't wait to see the recruiting class next year that Willie T will put together.
  3. Rick Pitino has been very vocal about his displeasure with conf re-alignment. same with jim boeheim. it's a shame because Football is obviously the one driving the changes but the other sports are the ones who feel the biggest impact. Football is 5 or 6 road games MAX. But basketball, baseball, volleyball, etc. play 10-30 road games.
  4. USF has been a travel misfit for years. Our closest conference member was Louisville. almost 900 miles.
  5. Just as Willie Taggart did with his time around the Harbaugh family
  6. so your stance is- well no one else was smart enough to hire him so he must be awful? you dont know every individuals circumstances on where or why they worked somewhere. The guy is a former USF great, from the Bay Area, has strong contacts among High School programs, and was hired in a limited capacity position. Why are you being so combative and demonstrative about him being hired?
  7. DUI or not, Blackwell is a good guy and has some good contacts in the area. Chase Litton, the top HS QB in Hillsborough County has already publicly acknowledged that he is now interested in USF with the hiring of Blackwell...via twitter.
  8. He was probably the best QB we've had here in school history. Always made great decisions in the pocket and really was exciting to watch. My first year at USF was his last year here in 2002. Since then I think he played with the NY Jets for a few seasons and coached some HS Football here in the Tampa area. I'm sure someone else will have more to add but he was a class act and can only help our football team.
  9. Same deal they offer for softball .... and the 4 add to Priority Points, for when they build the OCS. can you leave your priority points in your will?
  10. what everyone doesn't realize is that the gap between the Have and Have Nots in College Football is only getting larger. Not smaller.
  11. so does this mean we will FINALLY have a lead blocker???? and no more 3 RBs lined up in a horizontal line when we are on the 4 yard line and they all end up just running into each other??????????
  12. of course- i dont think anyone is saying stars dont matter. it is the best scale available. the fact is, they are judging 17-18 year old kids who live at home and try to project what they will do in 2 or 3 years on their own. My point is- the original study just seems flawed because of the amount of Rivals Top 100 that end up at the same schools competing for the same position and same starting job.
  13. Also keep in mind that of these 100 kids each year, about 90% of them are going to 20 different schools. (I didnt actually look at the raw data but there are about 20 schools that typically end up getting most of the Rivals Top 100,,maybe even less than 20) so if you figure that is 100 kids a year, for 4 years: 90% each year makes it 90 kids each year for a total of 360 kids going to 20 different schools. there are only 22 starting spots per team, and you can pretty much remove Center from that (when is the last time you saw a Rivals 100 who played Center?) Point is...there is so much competition at these elite schools. it is hard for these kids to really get on the field and shine. some don't have the work ethic, some have poor grades, some get hurt, etc.
  14. hey----one for each win during their senior season. not bad.....if we were 11-1 maybe. but when you are 3-9....puke.
  15. but Brad- i dont know if your video can top this one....
  16. geez---how big is that Center? He looks like two of the other kids on each others shoulders.
  17. Data- what I am saying is CWT has a much higher upside then Holtz did/does. and we are in a position where we need a young, unproven (read: Cheap) Head Coach. We can't afford to throw a ton of money and large buyout after another "Name"
  18. Holtz doesnt speak till about the 16 min mark
  19. Skip Holtz talking about the new class at LA Tech. I think I've heard some of these lines before. Skip is a great guy, good PR man, but not and X's and O's guy. Unfortunately we did not have the budget to get good Coaches around him. He is best at working a room. Not working a locker room. CWT been around the block a few times. He will know what time it is when the pads are put on.
  20. met CWT earlier this month. he definitely has confidence and some swagger to him. its nice to see. but he still knows how to treat people without being an ass. he is the right hire for us at this point in time. i think this is a case of how long can we really keep him. i know most people thought that with Skip but lets be honest....if Skip's last name was Johnson no one would have been that excited. He was a head coach at UConn and then to ECU and then to USF. if he was that great with that kind of name he would have made the jump from UConn to somewhere much bigger than ECU. CWT is only on his 2nd HC job. I firmly believe in the Harbaugh style of coaching (i am a 49ers fan) and CWT and Jim Harbaugh are two peas in a pod.
  21. as for Darrell Scott...ummm, productive...yes but nothing to really write home about compared to his hype around his on NSD when he was a high school SR and ended up at Colorado.
  22. and yes- Mike Ford would have been a beast if he didn't have to worry about this detail about "going to class" see International Bowl as example.
  23. Mike Ford and Darrell Scott had some of the best Highlight Tapes of any RB in HS football history. Look how that turned out. I'm not saying Tice will not be great but lets not get too carried away based on HS film. How bad the kids want to work to get better, how coachable are they, and grades are all huge stepping stones from HS to D-1 I'll get carried away if I want to. But thanks for the advice anyway. This is a message board. you posted your opinion and i posted mine. save the sly remarks for somewhere else.
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