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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. Paradisepoker.com sportsbook has USF as 9 point favorites That seems like a risky bet to me. I tend to avoid betting on my own teams-- to avoid any type of jinx factor (wish I would have laid that 50 on USF against PSU though).
  2. That is exactly what I do. Kind of pain to do this year but it works. Best move is to head back to McDill (Ohio to Lincoln, left on Woodlawn, right on McDill, Right on Columbus, RIght on Dale Mabry, Right on Tom McEwen, right into Lot 5). Takes about 10 minutes to drive that way. Be sure to hang your parking tag on the way over there-- they will wave you into the normally restricted right turn lane.
  3. doom and gloom having actually seen all the QBs playing on the field, I can assure you that PJ is playing the best of them all and is a LEADER of the team as well. Stay negative smazza- that way if we do beat some teams youthink we have no chance against, you won't have to reverse yourself all over again.
  4. I liked the shirt dude--- it was very sharp. The colors kind of fit our new uniforms a little bit. Anytime you put USF on something, it's value goes up ten fold, imo
  5. Denson has loads of talent, but at this point true game experience is lacking. PJ is much more polished in that regard at this time. But the coaches are working in the other guys when possible (like the FAMU game). That is important, because we could lose any one fo the QBs we have at any point-- so we need that type of development process-- the practice reps-- the game experience-- in case something happen to our current starter (PJ). One thing is for sure-- we will get Denson and his talents on the field somewhere.
  6. s now now-- this isn't a beauty contest-- it's about SPIRIT! Speaking of which-- check out the current standings: Auburn's chick got a huge bump from the last time we posted standings-- this doesn't look good-- that's a lot of ground to make up. Vote people-- VOTE!
  7. Steve-- I'm telling ya bud, we are much improved this season. It's a tougher schedule, but it is certainly looking up for us. Give them a chance and stop living in the past.
  8. one game at a time, imo and ANYTIME you can beat Miami, it's a good thing. I don't care if they are 1-2 at the time-- since beating them helps us recruit players out of their area somewhat (it sure doesn't hurt). Mazza--- granted it was 1-AA balling last night (which I'm sure you didn't see-- no TV)-- but the defense looked like a Bulls defense again. Guys flying to the ball, looking huge and cracking skulls. Worst part-- we probably won't have Nicholas after this season (or Tim Jones/Terrance Royal/etc). Best part-- the rest are all very young and look very promising. C4 has some Randy Moss like quality moves and speed-- not sure if he'll ever be a great fit at QB though it's possible. PJ looks much more polished than years past-- he's truly matured. Denson shook off those PSU jitters and has a serious motor (still kind of question the arm strength-- we'll see). But ****-- what a receiving corp and the offensive line is just impressing me more and more. We just gotta start winning and take care of business against the Knights.
  9. Z-man I don't recall seeing that chair but I'll bet that Matt picked it up. It was gone when I put away my stuff (the last stuff out there). Might want to post a heads up on the BBer board to keep it in scope. nice meeting you bro and welcome to the sub-herd.
  10. I don't have a big problem with someone voicing the opinion or even calling the names and all that other BS. I tend to disagree about the ***** factor--- yeah, in our first game (and first ever college game in front of 100K+ for many of those "*******") we had many dropped, catchable passes. We did get that situation turned around for the most part in the second half. That is the important thing to me-- that we got over whatever was going with that. We lost to a team estimated to be a 21+ point favorite by the betting gods--- yet we beat that line, gained the respect of the PSU fans/team (I Think), and were still in the game almost to the very end. We didn't get shut out, or allow a sack and had several sacks. I was pleased (for the most part) with how USF played that game. It could have in fact been better. But hearing that Duemeg called our guys that really isn't that big a deal. I've heard him use the same exact BS when talking about other teams-- the same term (CP) with the same reasoning. Based on BEING there, I just didn't see it that way. Some of the passes were over/under thrown. Some were just good plays by the defense (it is possible to defend a pass). I guess the bottom line is that the "press"/air time is a good thing. If it gets your blood boiling, call him up and make your case. DOn't make it just about the names he used-- make it about why you thinking USF deserves more credit for the game itself. Final point-- We are a second class football school folks. Get used to that until we garner the larger alumni base, the money associated with that base, and earn the respect we WANT on the field. No one ever said the big time was going to be easy, even for the fans. PS-- rebe is a big USF fan-- he took on the role of The Reaper in his last years of a late education. I don't know many folks who would do something like that-- so don't lump him in just yet with the blue hair alumni please-- it just isn't accurate.
  11. for a second there, I thought your post started with the phrase "complimenting or whining" because that seems to be about all you ever hear on this board anymore. I miss the level-headed game introspection we used to get. Now it seems like nothing but a bunch of cry babies and wannabee head coaches who would rather micomanage BS stuff like the color of uniforms or the size of the lettering on the names--- than to give those kids credit for trying their hardest to win the game against PSU for us-- something they were clearly seen by the rest of the world as a major under dog to do.
  12. We've got you penciled in on the depth chart for the Bull Backers tailgates. Sign that offer letter buddy
  13. FYI-- It is my personal experience that ANY game that you are physically on location for (Bucs, Bulls, away games)-- as long as you are there--- you can find tickets. Sometimes you pay a slight premium, sometimes you pay less than face. But there are always tickets floating around for the exact reason NJBull had happen to them. In other words-- if you want to go, go. You will find tickets. PS-- Bucs tickets can be had for under-face value until they start showing some sort of resemblance to 1998-2002 seasons.
  14. I took some shots but when I called Brad-- got no response. I took that to mean real time wasn't going to happen today and moved on. I have some pictures... nothing earth shaking.
  15. well--- ya know-- I might have gotten a couple of things wrong in that prediction. Maybe I should have went with Iskra instead.
  16. Howie stole the image of my ticket without giving me any credit for it. I'm going to tell Duemig.
  17. Point #1 Duemig is a tool -- he will always be a tool. I was listening to that barf bag he calls a radio show TWO years ago (2003) and he laughingly lumped USF in with a terrible Baylor team as far as betting was concerned. You want to get to Duemig-- hit him with information about how WELL USF has faired in terms of point spreads. Maybe not last season-- we had a tough year (couldn't say how well we did against those spreads but we did have some upsets go both ways). But every season prior to that, we were very solid agianst the line. Hearing the crap he said about USF as if no USF fan was going to hear it or call him out on it sucked majorly. Point #2 Howie is not exactly Mr. Tact. At least that has been my impression of him in our meetings. Perhaps it's the New York guy in him-- I don't know. That he got through to talk in the first place does say something for his tenacity as well as the amount of free time he has in his retirement. I didn't hear what he had to say but based on the comments of those who did-- well, of course it could be handled better. The whole show sounded more like a disaster in terms of CJL not giving it a whole hour and several other things like Gators getting through (probably to talk about Urban Meyer-- yeah-- like the guy hasn't had enough media attention). Point #3 Coach Leavitt can handle a long interview if he wants to talk to you. The folks who work with him during the season on the radio show and even Al Keck on the TV show will attest to that--- he is as down to earth and genuine a person as you will find. He may have had personal reasons to get out of there quicker. I don't know what to make of all this stuff more than that. Like most things USF in the media, it will most likely be at most a page two affair. Just be thankful smazza didn't call in.
  18. easily handled? That was an enormous upset. Get your facts straight. A nine point win is not a drubbing. That was probably MBs best game ever. Anyway-- we have capitalized on it in several ways. You don't want to see those because your glass is currently 1/8th full.
  19. that's not what I said. check this poll-- which was equally influenced Best of Florida poll
  20. two things: Yes-- we did not have a good year last season and we face a stronger schedule this year (again) But-- are we doing so badly that we need to start cleaning house and throwing away quality staff simply because a handful of woe-is-me fans aren't getting the results they over enthusiastically expected-- in spite of their own failure to support the program? Steve-- to put it plainly as possible-- you can't pull your support of something and then complain that things aren't being done correctly. Either stay the course and do what you can or find some other team to root for that you can count on giving you great results. That would be USC--- which I have the feeling is already your front-runner of choice at this point
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