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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. Seems to me the team that is full of itself-- at least from a fan perspective is ours. I think we can win. But we are in no position to be boastful at this point. Sure hope we can play as well as last week. I have faith-- I'm just not much for smack talking in general.
  2. I left the field prior to the game being over. I'm glad I missed the entire event-- it seems like it god very ugly indeed
  3. smack talk is totally useless imo let's talk football
  4. I was just kidding around-- it's good that we have someone willing to verify. It's even better that it is my buddy.
  5. I would also remove the mini-threat at the end about the students stopping coming to the games. We don't want to give the students any reason to be apathetic toward the program. TSA is the bad guy here for being overzealous in enforcement of known rules. The students who jumped the wall were also out of line-- but let the punishment fit the crime, imo.
  6. When OU lost to TCU, I think they made this list. Do you think the bastids at ESPN will do this to UL? That would seem like a slap in our face.
  7. the line is at 24 or 22 points last I checked get the bet in early if you lay it on the Bulls get it in as late as possible if for the Canes I see this line moving down after USF is 4-0 against the line so far this season.
  8. oh--- my mistake. You seemed to be pointing that direction. me + $50 Zeman -$25 (but worth it)
  9. and to be fair-- I wasn't much of an NCAA football fan until the Bulls got a team. I might root for U of I but I was never even close to as crazed about football until the Bulls came out of the gate.
  10. I agree with Wooly on this one. Basically-- you make two incorrect assumptions. 1) that they know how important the game is emotionally to anyone (well they must if they knew enough to put security on the field but still) 2) That anyone has the right to go on the field when they feel the need. The actions of taking people into custody went too far. But you aren't going to get anywhere talking to the TSA imo
  11. UF standards of entry are higher than USFs. I can't blame them for that line of schtick. Theyt assume someone would rather go to the highest rated institution regardless of what surrounds that institution. For me-- USF was a perfectly acceptable alternative to going to the University of Illinois. I got to be close to my folks, live in a city with lots to do, and save a little money as USF wasn't as expensive as either UF or U of I. Had I grown up in Flroida, maybe it would have worked out differently since I had no idea how much people care about where you get your degree from in this state-- whether they tell you about it or not. I would not have changed anything though-- can't look at it that way.
  12. I don't buy that line of reasoning at all. When I was a student, we worked our asses off trying to get the administration to start a football program. When it happened, it was the best thing I think I ever heard. As for your commuter school statement-- that makes no sense to me at all. People in your dorm going home on the weekend does not make us a commuter school-- it just means we have students who go home. A commuter school has very few people living on campus-- we've never had so many living on campus as we do now-- it is a huge change. And even before then, the majority of students lived just off campus for the most part. I know I lived 1 block from campus. I used to ride my bike to classes all the time on nice days. I personally HATE the whole commuter school line of BS. That needs to end.
  13. I have the entire run in burst mode actually. Some pictures didn't come out as good as I wanted them so I held them back. I had him in my sights from the second he got the handoff in the backfield and then he ran right by me. In those highlights, you can see me standing on the sideline. Zonald was telling me to go to the end zone-- had I done this, I would have missed the entire play.
  14. It is all about MONEY. The rinky dink comment was based on how far $100 million would get us, since that was a figure folks mentioned. And there is no way we could make a stadium that even comes close to the amenities found at RJS for that amount. Unless we can build something that good, why bother burying the program in debt service that will last forever? It's a matter of timing and money. nuff said
  15. ET--- NCAA rules prohibit any team from doing the Name on the big screen recruiting trick any more. We have stopped this practice and it really hasn't hurt us whatsoever. so let's just move on to the Miami game and stop worrying about jumping onto the field anymore. PS-- not trying to hijack that some folks were treated beyond the normal means of stopping them from entry onto the field.
  16. smazza will tell us that we should have been ranked in the top twenty for the past four years-- we're a major school playing in a football state. sorry smazza-- j/k
  17. well hey there, little buckaroo! let me guess-- you knew USF would win this one all along, right?
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