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Everything posted by MikeG

  1. Think about that folks-- this is a team with 4 NCs and they continue to avoid bothering with an on campus stadium. For some schools they just are not practical. It might work at USF in the future to build one but not for a while. If we wait as long as UM is waiting for the Orange Bowl to self destruct, I will be very much dead. How we lose out to Miami in the recruiting game must involve a complete disregard for the home game facility.
  2. not sure where you heard any of that from sounds like either a joke (40 yards per carry? please) or a lie
  3. This may sound crazy, but playing that game Saturday was actually a step forward. We had not played any of the Big Three until then. Had we won, you could replace "step" with the word "leap"
  4. We tend to take a few steps forward and the occasional step back. But we still are making progress. It's a matter of patience, which is a hard thing to sell to folks who are used to instant gratification.
  5. this should be moved to the Florida sports board mods?
  6. what is interesting is how extremely small the advantage needs to be for another team to be able to beat you on talent alone. I was not impressed by Miami's coaching or play calling. They simply threw some athletes out there and out played us. Maybe we were a little more nervous-- I don't know. It's not like a lot of our guys haven't played against these same guys in high school.
  7. I don't think you are seeing the entire picture when I refer to the whole Big Three thing. I'm not just talking about football, but fan base, donors, and media attention. We need to catch up in those areas as it helps in all areas of the school and the sports teams.
  8. true -- I am referring to "expert" ratings of players. And the out of state type players they can afford to go after. Two linemen from Texas, others from PA, NJ, etc. They look at the talent base as being nationwide, while USF tends to look statewide (not a bad choice). I think many have stated that USF couldn't afford to turn the ball over. We did that and they capitalized each time. Then we abandoned our game plan to try to get a quick fix. I prefer to forget this game at this point. THe players and coaches might learn something from it but what I saw was a team that was not hitting on all cylinders on offense. The defense was sound for the most part but the offense gave Miami too many opportunities.
  9. Did you see the interview with him as he left the field? He blamed himself for the loss. In fact, he put the entire loss on his shoulders. That is not something a coward does. He didn't throw with fear, he just threw poorly too often and Miami capitalized. He's a good leader, if not a stellar QB. We need to give him our full support on that alone.
  10. I doubt you'll get an argument that we are ready. Until we can recruit for the same players they get, will we ever?
  11. I disagree somewhat (big surprise). I'm watching the game right now. We started out with a pass (Jackson drop). Followed by a run by Hall for 8 yards and then a swing pass to Hall to get a first down. At some point though-- we went away from that play calling--- not sure why other than Miami was stopping most of our normally effective play calls. We did abandon the over the middle passing for the most part it seems. Saw that against UL too. I get the impression steve-- that when you say "same old" you are saying "look at USF-- losing again" as if we jut lost a game to Army.
  12. way to give up on PJ after one loss to a top ten team pathetic PS-- Unlike some other QB recruits in this world, MG does not seem like some head case who demands to start. If he earns it, he will start. Until then, let him prepare himself so that you don't end up saying the same lame crap about him that you do about PJ. Broken record "our QB _______ sucks-- we need ______ to start now".
  13. I did see that pass as a key point since if he is able to shake the one guy in front of him, Jackson is off to the races. I really wanted to see that race too. Hard to say if it was THE turning point- but it certainly could have changed the game for us had Jackson slipped past the UM defense. When we did turn the ball over, we did not give Miami a first down-- and forced them to kick a field goal. That was great defense there. But basically-- the first quarter lost us this game-- very much like the 1st quarter against PSU. If I had to pick a turning point, two come to mind: 1) The first one may have happened up in the booth. At some point, we basically abandoned the running game. With a guy like Andre Hall, I feel you need to give him his touches. It gave me the impression of previous seasons where a failed play would cause us to avoid it. Miami didn't seem worried about our pass which leads to #2.... 2) Putting in Denson. I know we were trying to shake stuff up or perhaps give PJ a chance to collect himself. Regardless, it seems pretty much the concensus that Courtney is not quite ready to be thrown into that role at this point. Plus-- I worry that it will crush PJs mental focus if he feels the coaches have an itchy trigger finger. Those are just opinions-- I think anyone who feels we did not look at least decent against this team is delusional. No-- not a clean or fantastic game. A disaster-- not even close. Just a good effort and some bad breaks and plays here and there. Just remember folks-- we beat UL, a team most said (on this board too) we had very little chance of beating. Cut the team and coaches some slack for that reason alone.
  14. I disagree that our defense got tired. The damage was done in the first half primarily, mostly from turnovers, poor punting, and some big plays on Miami's return team. Our defense battled hard all night-- and don't get this wrong but Miami's offense is not their strong suit. No-- their defense is where they win games. I was impressed by their speed. We were just a notch below that. Had we not shot ourselves in the foot early on (one drop that could have gone for huge yards; one fumble; two overthrown passes that got picked off), we could have been in this game until the end. I am thankful the Bulls covered. Losing some cash on top of the loss would have sucked a little more. One thing for certain-- we were not blown out of the stadium. The scoreboard reflects lots of fortunate short fields we had to defend from the get go. One thing-- when you are sitting there and you look over at oneof the corners, you see the "NCAA record 58 home game winning streak" and realize that Miami protects their dilapidated house very well.
  15. just by seeing that smazza is starting threads again and questioning how the team is run. Have fun for the next two weeks guys-- losing to Miami is not the end of the world.
  16. I cocnur with Wooly's sentiments. Of all the universities in the state, Miami is the one who needs to do something very soon about an on campus or new stadium. When was the last time they repaired the plumbing? or painted? or put up a sign to help you find your way around? On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best, I rate the Orange Bowl a -50 skrillion. Maybe it works for them-- I think it just plain sucks. I would have said the same thing if we had won. How can you be a BCS team with a $44 million dollar budget and NOT HAVE A REPLAY SCREEN? Are they afraid that it would get stolen? And those fans were extremely rude to everyone and anyone. You would think they were the ones beating a top ten team. They didn't act like they've done this before or that they expected to win. They acted like they wanted to destroy everything that wasn't draped in Canes garb. I concur also about the fact that MOST of those jerks were not alumni of the school. I would doubt many of them ever made it much past high school. I guess the world needs ditch diggers though.
  17. also to Chicky-- two things: 1) the guys who are in jeans and jerseys are either hurt or redshirting or transfers who cannot play. 2) Gregory is a transfer-- just like Denson was last year-- so he is not allowed to dress for any game this season. He may be using his redshirt year during that transfer season process if he had it remaining (likely). I don't know why he wasn't down on the field. I think he could have gone down there if he wanted to as part of the team. We can only dress 65 players as the visiting team and 100+ when playing at home. To smazza and the other "sky is falling" crowd--- As for drumming up the whole "PJ is not the answer" crap all over again, please review this season and tell me when he didn't deliver a decent performance before this one. This game mirrored the PSU game in many ways. We had drops and didn't have the best effort we could have. We tried hard but we could not overcome the opponent. Such is life. Be glad we are sitting at 3-2 at this point in the season. It is probably higher than most thought we would be and we are geting tons of press in a year when we were an after thought in the Big East.
  18. You have to wonder why Miami left the Big East. They had one of the easier routes to a BCS bowl in thier hip pocket and now they have to beat FSU/VaTech/etc for that in ACC. Some have commented how much easier it is for a team, like USF for example, to qualify for a BCS Bowl slot as compared to the other conferences. As for recruiting impact-- doubt it is going to change much. Recruits can see we are not as stacked with talent as Miami but that was never really a matter of contention anyway. We showed a lot of heart in the UM game. We have lots of season ahead of us. There is no reason to panic or make drastic changes after losing to a top ten program. We shouldn't even feel sorry for ourselves. What we should do is look at the film and work on getting better. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger in the end and playing at UM was just another step in the progression of our program. We will be better prepared for them in talent level when we meet them again imo.
  19. TO be fair-- those predictions about Cinci were made by absolute morons. They graduated a ton of seniors and lost their main offensive weapon. They are not a good football team this year.
  20. let's worry about the game first and then see what it does for us, one way or another. C'mon Bulls--- give Miami all it can handle and then some.
  21. I think it's safe to say that the results of last week's prediction contest are official. No one has come forth and questioned those results. I win-- move along, nothing to see here folks.
  22. so much for good sportsmanship two wrongs do not make a right and I'll wait for those who devalued my team's worthiness to eventually acknowledge they were wrong on their own time.
  23. I looked athe pictures from Zonald-- if there are more that show something beyond normal detention methods, I didn't see it. Arresting someone, even as an agent for the sheriffs department (i.e. deputized posse) carries alot of risk. But the physical act of grabbing someone and gaining control is never an exact science. OK-- there are some people who took it too far or even acted like jerks about it. DUring the game, one of the net guys was jawwing with our fans about how UL was going to make a big comeback. He acted unprofessionally and has no interest in the Bulls. How he got his position is beyond goofy-- they must hire some real assclowns (we knew that, didn't we-- people who couldn't care less about USF work all over that stadium-- -TERRIBLE customer service is almost expected). Anyway-- back to the point. Great win and all but let's just stay off the field. Why force this issue? I've seen plenty of people arrested for jumping onto the field at various times. You don't know what they are up-- and you certainly cannot afford to err on the wrong side. So those folks get grabbed up by any means possible. It's the rule-- there is no exception to this. You don't work for uSF-- you are a student and an attendeee. If you did have rights, well hell-- just jump the rail before the game starts and go hang out on the bench-- what the hell-- you own this joint and USF won't mind. That seems a little beyond realistic. Just because we see some other school doing this on TV-- that doesn't mean anything. They got away with it or dont' care-- that's them. They probably don't also have rules about throwing a football in the parking lot. It's NOT FAIR-- but here's the key point NO ONE SAID LIFE WAS FAIR. Can't we just be happy about the win and stop this stupid need to run around like we are crazy?
  24. once again, I am amazed at our never satisfied fans. We hear that they finally are getting some socre board improvements and instead of rejoicing in the adding (and needed) improvements, we ***** about something they haven't fixed (as far as we know). You want to fix those seats? use the ones from the top of the stadium that over time hafve seen much less use. Wow-- that was hard to figure out.
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