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Everything posted by BigShoop

  1. Im suprised he didnt call us Southern Florida................. :
  2. It's been what, 3 weeks since we knew our opponent? I dont remember any posts breaking down East Carolina's roster. If there were any, please point me in that direction. If not, let's talk about the actual GAME in this thread. Readyyyy, go.
  3. Yes in fact, he does. You see, he's the one IN CHARGE of everything. Besides what Bien said about the date of the game, I agree with everything he said. The date comes into play, yes, but it CAN be done for those who's Christmas plans involve Christmas Eve at mom/grandmas house. Start driving after the game is over and you get home in the middle of the night sunday morning. Wait till early sunday morning(like us), and get home in the middle of the afternoon sunday. Make it happen, folks. Make it happen.
  4. Does anyone think that 3 games in 3 nights mightve had something to do with it? This team has been playing once a week since the beginning of the season. It couldve been a factor. If you can present a reply without your hate Mac OR love Mac bias, I'd love to hear whatcha think?
  5. They werent on the 10 yd line in the closing seconds?!
  6. Yeah, maybe we shouldnt keep score and give everyone a trophy ET......
  7. And the football team was one play away from losing to FIU, UCF, and WV as well. 5-7 wouldve looked a lot worse, wouldnt it? Whats your point?
  8. Shoop does. And he dosen't think it's okay to call for a USF coaches head. Yet he called for Rod Smith's head in the past. Wow, i'm gonna commend you on a superb job of taking bits and pieces of a whole bunch of stuff and making it sound like a conveniently good argument. Let me break it down for ya.... - Shoop does...........not. Never have I said he was a "genius". I've always said that he may be or he may not be, and I'm willing to give him a fair shot to prove himself. - I DO think it's ok to call for "a coach's head"...........if warranted. In my opinion, Coach Mac doesnt need to be. See my previous statement. - Rod Smith. That's your "ol reliable" when it comes to BigShoop, isnt it? I've been fair with him, in my opinion, in that i gave him props when i thought he did well this year. I also stated numerous times that he improved this year. That being said, dont be confused and think that I'm a fan...not even close....but he has improved. I'm pretty sure that I wont hold my breath waiting on you to give Coach Mac props. Besides, youre a Miami fan, therefore I hate you.
  9. Velcro consistently makes some of the best posts on this website.
  10. If you OWN - much less wear - Eagles apparel, you should just go ahead and find the nearest bridge and drive off of it. We wont miss you.
  11. Let's think optimistically and say we potentially take 10,000 to the Gator Bowl.........and be outnumbered by DOUBLE and STILL have negative comments made about our travel numbers. Then what? It's almost as if, for the travel reputation of the program, we almost need to not win the Big East until Grothe is a senior. It would give more fans the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. (How stupid does that sound?) Oh, and smazza is totally right about the Big East tie-ins. They're awful.
  12. elaborating on what i said in the other post.... there are about 5 or 6 that will want to fire coach mac no matter what, about 3 or 4 who will support him no matter what, and everyone elses opinion seems to sway with every win or every loss. it's kinda funny, but predictably boring at the same time. I said before the season started, that barring injury, we were gonna make the Big East tourney. That pretty much guarantees an NIT bid, which is a good step in the right direction for the program. So i guess to answer your question, yes i'm along for the ride.
  13. i totally agree with that. any publicity is good publicity, just spell the name right. Or in Matt's case, pronounce the name right.
  14. you dont win awards "on the field", you win them in the ballot box.
  15. What about all the OTHER camera angles?! Remember ESPN owns this game. I'm certain they'll take care of the camera angles. Or the cameraman and director will be doing Alaska high school football. replays? kickoffs and fgs? there is no way to "hide" empty seats....
  16. A couple things: 1 - Why is a man that weighs 270 lbs wearing #1? That's pretty funny... 2 - Check the minutes played in tonights game. How great is it to see that only ONE player played more than 30 min(31) and that NINE players played 10 minutes or more, except 1(who played 7 min).
  17. Just a general comment: McCullum is a genius or an idiot, depending on the outcome of each and every game around here. It's almost comical.
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