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Everything posted by BigShoop

  1. wasnt that darek sharp? if so, he ALWAYS pumps up usf sports, so i seriously doubt he was knocking us. besides, facts are facts.
  2. Football is 12 games. Basketball is 30. Football is played once a week, basketball is multiple. It gets REALLY redundant, no matter what "side" youre on, to harp on it after every-single-game.....miamisportsfan83.....
  3. Yeah, for once I actually read every reply in its entirety. Usually basketball posts end up being a bunch of skimming through the hate and praise of the coach. No one EVER wants to talk about the players, so its kind of refreshing.
  4. Last year, they played with a 6 man rotation, and a walk-on PG, and still competed late into many games they shouldnt have. ANY talent coming in should improve the level of play, even if all they do is give the starters a rest. You like to wait until after something happens and then just jump all over it and over it and over it and over it.
  5. Holmes and Jones were seniors, and one of the got drafted. Of course they were better.
  6. I appreciate Pat Julmiste bringing his brother to USF. Hows that?
  7. THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO ARGUE ABOUT THE COACH. This is a post to speak about the players and their play. Hell, you can actually talk about the coachING, but let's please have an intelligent conversation that doesnt involve firing or not firing the coach. Thank you. Now, onto the point.....what's wrong with this team? Since Verdejo and Gransberry, the team now has 9 players averaging 18+ min/game, so it isnt like we have 5 guys playing 35+ min/game like last year. Also, they have a guaranteed double-double now, with Gransberry averaging 13.4 pts and 11.6 rebs a game. Shouldnt that give your team more opportunities to score? Outside of their 1st game(87 pts), the Bulls have scored 63, 59, 69, 62. Verdejo was lights out for a game or 2, but has cooled off and now is averaging 11.8 pts/game despite shooting 40% from the floor and 42% from 3pt land. Um, shoot more? One thing that sticks out like a sore thumb is free throw shooting. Only 3 guys shooting over 70% from the line, and 5 guys at 64% or worse. Maybe a few of you basketball experts can help me out here, I just wanted to throw a couple things out there to get a discussion going without talking about the coach. It might be a little bit more fun around here this way...
  8. Good choice, Mike. He played well this year, and keeps getting better with every game. It wasnt that long ago when I used to call him Mike "cant cover anybody, but he sure is fast!" Jenkins. The extra year of experience can do nothing but help his game and the bulls' chances next year.
  9. :o :o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) The 6-2, 220-pounder has been timed at 4.37 seconds in the 40-yard dash. He holds the single-season area rushing record with 2,836 yards, averaging 236 yards per game his senior season (2004), while racking up 37 touchdowns and 222 points.
  10. I watched it in its entirety and got the overall feeling that there was always a "but" at the end of their statements... USF can contend in the big east BUT the big east isnt as good as the SEC/ACC Matt Grothe is better than Tebow BUT it's only cause he has a year under his belt USF went 9-4 BUT they would be a .500 team in any other BCS conference etc.
  11. Please show me any post where i said anything negative about Pat Julmiste, the man. That's not the issue here. What I'm saying is that it's pretty ridiculous that there is a 4 page post(and this isnt the 1st time) about a bad football player who is getting put up on a pedastal for doing nothing besides "having a good attitude". Where are the Ean Randolph 4 pagers? That guy made more plays in 1 season than Julmiste did in his entire career! 5 years from now - hell, 5 minutes from now - no one will yearn for the days of Pat Julmiste........ "Son, I remember those days..." "What days, Dad?" "The days of praying our QB didnt lose the game for us, son." "That doesnt sound too fun to watch...." "Well, it wasnt really. But **** that kid had a good attitude! He took that demotion like a champ, and he even smiled and gave high 5s on the sideline. What a classy guy he was." "Um, Dad....why do you care about him so much if he never had a winning season, and he never scored a point in a bowl game, and he made you pull all your hair out?" "Son, you have SO much to learn. Dont you know that it doesnt matter how well you perform? People should only love you if you try hard. The only way you'll get somewhere in life is by trying really hard. In fact, I'm sure that USF will accept YOU if you score a 600 on your SATs, as long as you try reaalllly hard and high 5 all the smart kids as they walk up to hand in their test..." Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go start a "praise s. nicholas and p. st louis" thread. Both of which are nice guys, with class, and guess what they DID something worth mentioning...
  12. i respect the work he put in, and im sure he took his demotion "well"..........but he really didnt have much of a choice, did he?
  13. Grothe left the game 4......FOUR.....times this year. This should be drilled into potential QB recruits' heads.
  14. Granted, I was only in the city for about 10 hrs, but I will back up the "no buzz" statement. The people at the hotel were asking me things like "what time does the game start?" and "who's playing?" and other things that you should probably know if you're hosting 100s of guests attending the same event. Oh, and the jubilation from those in our 2 car convoy was monumental when we found the Shoneys near our hotel. Chik-fil-a being open m-f, 7-2:30 was pretty ridiculous.
  15. THAT'S my point, ET. No one gives a **** about Will Bleakley, but we have a 3+ page post of people praising Pat Julmiste as if he did anything other than make us pull our hair out, throw things at our tv, and make our games absolutely PAINFUL to watch for 2 years. I'm sure Will Bleakley and Pat Julmiste are great guys, but the bottom line is that Julmiste was a bad football player. Sure he tried hard, but ALL players try hard. Isnt that what theyre supposed to do?! In 5 years, no one is gonna be longing for the days of Pat Julmiste and more INTs than TDs, his sub-.500 record, and his 0 pts produced in 94 minutes of Bowl game action.
  16. Miami never won the Big East?! Might wanna check on that...
  17. SORRY IM LATE! Might I point you in the direction of the following posts: http://www.thebullspen.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/nph-YaBB.pl?num=1156129408/all-0 and http://www.thebullspen.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/nph-YaBB.pl?num=1158591335/all-0 (this one was done after the UCF game. i used pics linked from the MikeG galleries, and they no longer show up, so that will explain the big blank areas. But if you want to go back and check the game pics from that game, it might make more sense to you. Basically comparing UCF's gold to USF's gold. One correct and consistent, one not.) Your welcome. 8-)
  18. Sheriff, what exactly did Seth do that was SO great that would make you love him SO much? You slobber on him more than E.T. does on.....well......everything.
  19. talking about traveling to bowl games not rayjay what hes saying is that if you get people(casual, non-hardcore USF fans) excited about going to home games regularly, they might pony up and travel.
  20. Well, January 8th is laundry day at most people's house. As we all know, that's very important, and a bowl game that is SO far away would be very inconvenient. Especially if you want to get home in time for the Gators ga--- i mean, for dinner.
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