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Everything posted by lotsofbull99

  1. This virus is a huge joke, being used now primarily to drive the electorate to vote how the cosmopolitan elite want them to vote in November.
  2. CJL would have turned this guy into a monster at Safety.
  3. I heard they're from Russia or UCF and the're trying to influence the outcome of the 2020 USF football season.
  4. Speaking Truth to Power! Having been a teenage boy when my Mother pulled a similar stunt, I can relate. It made me the man I am today.
  5. Disappointed by your lack of tolerance and inclusion for our diverse collection of new members. BOT Accounts Matter!
  6. USF is perfectly positioned for social distancing, with grotesque 60s/70s acrhitecture baring no semblance to classical western architecture or tradition is unlikely to offend any post modernists.
  7. That name is triggering, and reeks of Knight Privilege.
  8. What ever makes you feel self righteous for the destruction of the USF football program.
  9. Considering the madness of the country the last couple weeks and for the foreseeable future, it might be relaxing to sit down and watch some Wrastlin.
  10. Oddly enough, no one expected "Slow Coast", even though CCS spent most of the Birmingham Bowl talking about how USF needed to slow down.
  11. How many games into the season before we start regretting the CJS hire?
  12. Welcome to the Church of CJL, Peace Be Upon Him. We meet regularly at TBP.
  13. We don't even know which Quaterback that CJS hates yet. Also, Puc and I will continue to make sure everyone knows how life would be much better if CJL was still around.
  14. Many other sites have come and gone, but TBP, has stood the test of time.
  15. Why does USF Baseball under-perform year after year?
  16. Glad to see another has taken the Red Pill like Puc and I.
  17. Every time I think of USF football that's what always comes to mind. The truth will set you free.
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