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Everything posted by lotsofbull99

  1. You're right CJL was a strong Western Man of Action, which is forbidden is the day and age. All the Youth of Today can do is tear things down, they seem incapable of building anything, thus the new dark age.
  2. Because after the coupe against CJL, history ended and we have entered a dark age of football from which I see no exit.
  3. Dude needs to be on the football team if he can block field goals
  4. Those UConn games back in the day where painful to watch.
  5. CJS will go no where until he gets CWT's old bus back on the road.
  6. USF was Tier 1 when CJL was at the helm. The lack of a CJL and OCS are a huge draw back, and we'll never Make USF Great Again without those two things. If only the establishment would listen to Puc and LOB99.
  7. USF administration is like modern day politicians, they create and inflame the problem, then claim to have the solution to fix the problem.
  8. Until there is an OCS, USF football will never truly be on campus
  9. If only the Judyites didn’t decide to virtue signal, CJL would still be leading our team to victory after glorious victory. Emotional decision making by women in power is disastrous
  10. With CJL leading the team Noah Johnson will put up BJ Daniels type numbers.
  11. Again, you're blinded by TDS and propaganda, no one seriously thinks he would believe that injecting yourself with bleach is a good thing. However, anything you put in your body to kill a disease could be considered a disinfectant. Perhaps he made a poor choice of words, which we all do at times, however he's not a medical Doctor, and most people realize that, so I don't expect him to speak on things outside his area of expertise with 100% accuracy. If the leftist press applied the same standards to Joe Biden, that they hold President Trump to, he would not be the current Democrat candidate for President. This is nothing burger, just like Russia, just like Impeachment, and just like the China Virus. Leftist Propagandist trying to discredit the President. If we don't have a college football season this year, it's the fault of leftist news outlets.
  12. The WHO organization is in the pocket of the Communist Chinese, they're nothing but Anti-American propaganda.
  13. I can tell your a consumer of daily propaganda, as you're taking the President out of context.
  14. This issue, is never the issue, the issue is always the glorious return of CJL.
  15. The Judyites decision to fire CJL was a regrettable decision based on emotion due to media hysteria at the time about supposed abuse of college athletes.
  16. Then we're in agreement, I can under stand someone may be emotional about a sick relative, but I also believe we should make decisions base on facts and not emotions.
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