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Everything posted by mj796

  1. I retract my statement, that is a fair point.
  2. 1. Getting CJL on the line to come in and help. 2. Ask CJL what to do. 3. Open Puc's third envelope...ask CJL.
  3. 1k probably included the workers. A few observations: 1. Boy was I wrong on that helmet/jersey combo - absolutely stunning in person. The black on a weekday night game was electric. The helmets were green in person! The picture did not do them justice!! Just an absolute jizzwhistle of a look! 2. The band 'upgraded' from the $5 t-shirt from last game to a $6 Beall's Outlet clearance polo. Improvement! Too bad we don't have actual uniforms to wear! Oh wait... 3. Only ONE big girl in front of the band!!! Massive improvement!! 4. I had club tickets for this game...I forget sometimes how lovely the club is. I also forget sometimes that we have an old man radio commentator who has all the energy of an extremely slow leaking balloon. I have heard his voice on other things too...just so forgettable that I, well, didn't remember. Very boring over the club speakers...must have been like 50 people in the whole thing and it was just a big yawn. 5. Speaking of the club, food options were marginally better there and they had Dunkin Iced Coffee. However, it was $9 for an Iced Coffee. Seems arbitrarily high, even compared to other food choices. 6. 2 people recognized me in my face mask, I recognized zero people including the 2 people who recognized me. How do you recognize someone in a facemask? I am so impressed by this skill. 7. Cade Fortin looked great for that glimpse before he got hurt...sadly, I retract all previous statements on Noah Johnson. 8. I'll tell you, special teams is all over the place. 9. The sidelines had noticeably better energy this time! 10. I am very bad at the live Coca-Cola app game. No idea how people are getting over 10k points.
  4. As someone who doesn't believe the government should be telling us what to do, I have to say that whatever mechanism the TSA wants to impose is (almost) entirely within their rights. Even though it is a quasi-governmental organization, it can set its only guidelines similarly to any private business. If a private business requires you to wear a purple t-shirt to be in their establishment, then you better wear a purple t-shirt if you want to go in. I was at the game, I saw the mask police, and had no issue as their policy is very clear and by entering, I agreed to it. This is a free country, but the entities within it are not 'free'. Just like the people kneeling during the National Anthem...they do not have freedom of expression at that time for they are employees. I don't care if the TSA guy literally sat down right next to you for the entire game, they have that right. Just as you have the right to say that you are not going to attend anymore. Not sure who wins there...you don't get to go to the game, the school doesn't get as much money, the TSA cop maybe loses his job because fewer people are going to the game. Seems more reasonable to just abide by the rules set by the private entity. All being said...anyone who is calling Sweden a 'failure' just isn't paying attention.
  5. All the more reason to stop quoting it. The notion that an on campus stadium is a significant source of revenue generation cannot be a shock to anyone. Misinformation is dangerous.
  6. Hey just an fyi, your autocorrect for 'Quentin Flowers' appears to be 'CWT'. Probably something to check into as the autocorrection makes it seem like you are saying a career mediocre-at-best coach is responsible for the performance of a once-in-a-generation QB talent. Even the tragic CCS was pretty good w/ Quentin.
  7. Charlie Weis coached at FAU...and he did well. Seems like he understands an 'inferior' talent level.
  8. I think this is the same comment you have shared several times and others have consistently noted that the UCF revenue increase is tied to their stadium, which actually functions in a net loss position (when factoring in interest on debt service). Including their on-campus stadium is not apples-to-apples to us.
  9. Can we just talk specifically about the helmet? I don't think this is the 'normal' chrome gold. I don't really know what it is...like a duller gold that is still shiny? I don't think it matches the jersey. I am rather impressed by the gradient, however.
  10. Does anyone know how to find out where the trophy is at? I have heard it was at Tiny Tap, now practice, etc. I really want to touch it.
  11. I hope to watch a lot of fat USF lineman demolish other, less fat, Tulsa lineman. There are a ton of ugly fats wiggling in front of the band though, as I previously mentioned. I am not anti-fat, rather I am pro-USF. Our best people should be at the forefront. When we had hot Sundolls, they belonged at the center. Now we have the hogs in front of the band and the band wears $5 t-shirts instead of their gloriously majestic uniforms. To that end, we should invite the sloppy, casual band/hog wigglers to enjoy the game from the Sun Dome and maybe pipe in the band sound like the disturbing fake crowd noise. As also previously mentioned, this is not a knock against our large fans. To the contrary, I will take literally any kind of fan that we can get. I humbly support the positive marketing of our esteemed institution with the best and brightest that we have to offer. We have no problem marketing palm trees vs. other native ugly trees...ergo we should be marketing the people version of palm trees (maybe ADPis? Tri Delts?). I am very okay acknowledging that my comment would exclude me from any USF marketing. Again, I am supportive of that. I'm thrilled with the beer at this game...I intend to indulge in a few...but I hope to see things on and off the field that contribute to my beer tasting good, not bad.
  12. Hard to describe 'accountability' as a 'very underwhelming response'. Lots of mistakes will be made every game by every team...he is owning this one. This was a bad call, plain as that. When things go well, he gives credit to the players. When things go poorly, he takes responsibility. I really don't know how it can be any better?
  13. I don't know if this is in support of or against Gasparilla.
  14. Noah Johnson. We have Noah Johnson, the guy that for whatever reason seems to get the least opportunity even though he has the most experience.
  15. There is no rational human being on the planet that can look at JMc play and find any comparison to Jameis Winston, former National Championship winner. I very much assume you are referring to JMc ability to eat crab legs or say dumb **** or something else completely unrelated to football. I would bet Puc's mom throws a tighter spiral than JMc.
  16. There is a store on Kennedy Blvd called 'Heads & Tails' and it has been there for as long as I can remember. I went in a few times because they had USF stuff in the window...it looked like an episode of hoarders and primarily FSU/UF stuff. Anyhoo...turns out it was purchased by an alum (or maybe more than one alum) and the owner I spoke with was super engaging and is re-energizing the store, including a dedicated USF section which is supposed to be comprised of items you cannot easily find elsewhere. I personally bought a USF straw sun hat thing...not sure officially what they are called but never seen a USF one before! Given the closure of Bulls Outfitters a few years ago, there hasn't been a local place outside of the bookstore for USF stuff (to my knowledge). The new store looked great...though there was still quite a bit of FSU/UF stuff. It's always better to support a local, alumni-owned business than to feed to the Fanatics machine (in my opinion). I encourage everyone to stop by!
  17. I didn't say anything about the fans...just the hogmolly's in the band and Sun Dolls.
  18. Seems like that some of that lightning is still available...
  19. Saturday night was depressing on every level. I have to assume that we didn't even hit the reduced capacity level. The vibe in the stands was terrible...I saw very few students. There was piped-in crowd noise...it was very annoying. No tailgating is just eerie. Concession options were poor to very poor...no alcohol was crazy. I don't need to get hammered at a game but enjoying a beer certainly adds to the experience. I guess the band and these weird people dancing in front of them were always less attractive, but I definitely noticed how large they have become. I don't know why we need large, unattractive people dancing in front of the band but that group being spotlit in the front row certainly doesn't scream 'come to USF' which I imagine is something we want people to do. The band was wearing t-shirts and just looked sloppy/apathetic. Bands have cool uniforms...no idea why they wouldn't wear them. I think I have noticed this before as well and someone said it was too hot...seems like a lot of whining and is very weak. The Sun Dolls had a pre-recorded dance thing...it was also quite sad. All in all, it was terribly depressing and I am still rather miserable about it.
  20. I don't know how rep points work...however, I think that the rep point to post count ratio seems compelling. I would imagine it is a proxy for the value you bring to the board as opposed to the volume you bring to the board. Considering your ratio is the lowest I can find on a cursory search (using the 'more active' posters only), I believe you have supported my point...little buddy.
  21. You are universally recognized as the most irritating member of this board and I generally just skip everything you post, as do most of us. However, every now and again you say something so completely asinine or so completely offensive (i.e. telling Brad to suck it) that I become compelled to respond. Try to find some positivity and appreciation for those adding value rather than the borderline illiterate dribble you generally spew. I still have hopes that you can one day grow into a person of value to this alumni nation.
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