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Everything posted by ArmyBull

  1. Elon was smart to run that play so fast - we should have been on that
  2. This is perfect, getting the "lack of attendance due to weather" posts ready to go.
  3. Sounds like the beginnings of an OCS discussion.
  4. That's cool and all, its a good sign, but I wanna see butts in seats on game days.
  5. Sooooo, if there was no ucf we would not be going all in on South Florida? I am not a fan of the reasoning but whatever, it will always be USF for me. To each thier own.
  6. I mean, I guess we can spin it any way we want. But at the end of the day, if CSU can do it, I don’t want to hear all the reasons we cannot.
  7. Not to over simplify things, but does it really matter? They are making a yearly profit.
  8. https://csurams.com/news/2018/8/8/general-csu-athletics-financial-report-to-csu-system-board-of-governors.aspx lets discuss.. Highlights of the 2017-18 financial report with context for the first year of operation for Canvas Stadium: Canvas Stadium had a financially-successful first year of operation with revenue exceeding costs by approximately $4.6 million. Revenue from the stadium outpaced the CSL model by more than $4 million. Total stadium expenses (exclusive of the bond payment) were more than double the CSL model ($3.1 million vs. $1.4 million) The higher expenses compared to the model resulted from a commitment to deliver a quality game day experience for fans while mitigating impact on the community. Game day expenses were more than a million dollars over the CSL model ($1.5 million vs $480,000). Work is being done to reduce those costs in future years while recognizing that the landscape has evolved significantly since the 2012 CSL study in terms of security and other expectations for fans.
  9. Did they share thier opinions about an OCS... asking for a friend.
  10. I don’t mean to disrespect anyone but the underlying issues of those moaning in this thread is that we are no longer playing WV, Syracuse, and the rest of the P5 lot on a regular basis.
  11. I get the life cycle of fandom - but there is no life cycle on being a supportive Amunni. Kids, marriage, age, money, are all things that can impact ones ability to engage. But that is not what folks are saying, “if we were in a P5” or any version of that being an excuse for disengagement is an issue that extends beyond the university or ones circumstances. Don’t know what else to say about it.
  12. Should we not be clowned for this defeatist attitude? I would be clowning the heck out of them if they were talking like this.
  13. It is encouraging and like most here I am just venting about the perceived awfulness of our state of affairs while in the midst of some really great years of football. It is a maddening paradox of emotions.
  14. This whole thread is so very telling. Truth is we NEVER had a fan base, perhaps the BE was the worst thing that could have happened to us, long term. While the c. florida folks are celebrating increasing ticket sales, national championships (*cough*), etc. We are moaning and groaning that we are no longer part of the club... All of this, after the best three years of our existence. QF was amazing to watch, the games were exciting. Seriously, hearing all of the long time "fans" talk like this is pathetic, you guys should slap yourselves. This is YOUR team, YOUR Alma Mater. The "I will be back when we are in the P5" is a YOU problem, fix it.
  15. Really - this thread only provides ammunition to those who talk **** about our fan base being spoiled and such. Quitting on your school because we are not in a P5, getting rid of season tickets if we ever build a aluminum stadium, etc. in my opinion it is great to get rid in fans like this because they were never all in to begin with. I get different stages of life and priorities, but this extends way beyond that. Time to build that OCS and build our fan base from the ground up.
  16. With that being said, I am not typically a believer in Players who land at three different schools with two years of play remaining.
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