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Everything posted by ArmyBull

  1. @Calibull Said in another thread that he believes that B.B. will be the best QB to ever play for us. I gave him so much crap during my “down with QF he can’t throw” moments that I am inclined to believe calibull is dead on until proven otherwise.
  2. Just the talk of one gets people back to campus, just imagine what will happen when one actually exists!
  3. Sad to me that a guy, BB, who has bounced around multiple schools may be our best option. What the heck have we been doing for the last three years? At the end of the day I just want to win, but it would have been nice to groom a QB on the roster.
  4. This thread is not fun anymore, the vermin showed up. Just shut it all down, mods.
  5. This is a great question about the Sun Dome. I imagine an OCS could certainly compete price wise and win some events from Ray Jay. Obviously some they would not.
  6. Which is exactly the point, right now, this is the best we can do and we can build from here.
  7. Right, exactly, and that kind of over exaggeration does not belong in a feasibility study. We would be proud of what ever they build because it was ours. Take the eyes off Ucf and look to Houston, TCU, FSU. All with a similar build and we could do that for 150mil. Houston’s stadium looks great but because Ucf used a metal design it is a giant no. That is a problem.
  8. Ahh Trip, thought you were getting closer to flipping. You agree that student attendance could explode, right? If so you would have to be pretty stubborn to believe that those additional attendees would not turn into future non-student attendees.
  9. Despite the fact that dozens of other P5 and G5 schools have used the exact same model. Ucf being named in our feasibility study is a problem. Make it taller, put in a bigger video board, but it absolutely made us look like children to specifically say that “ we don’t want one like theirs.”
  10. I know we have talked about this over the years, but has your evidence expanded beyond the one FCS article you have used in the past. How about more recent evidence, like the fact that ucf is blowing us away in donations, alumni support, and attendance, despite the fact that we have played the three best years of football in our existence?
  11. That is the bottom line and our only hope is that something drastic changes. No matter how long we wait, the debt is going to be the debt. In another 10 years the cost of a basic metal stadium will be $250mil plus and the same excuses will be handed out. By that time our friends to east will have replaced thier metal with concreate and we will demand a 450 mil stadium for the same reasons we are using now. Depressing.
  12. Like UT would ever say such a thing. Go Bulls my man and smile every once in awhile.
  13. I’m going to with your a “glass half-empty” kinda guy.
  14. So if our administration came back and said "it is in our best interest to build something similar to what ucf has," you would cancel your season tickets?
  15. Not just more sound business sense than me, but more than almost every other administration in the collegiate ranks. I mean we are doing our own thing for sure, genius level moves.
  16. There absolutely is - look around college football. Generations of fans attending and watching football. Students saying that the stadium is too far away or they would attend. Refusing to see the evidence is different than there not being evidence. Hell, last year at the ucf game, I could be wrong, but thier student section now goes from the bottom to the top of both end zones. If you think there is no correlation to growing up in that type of environment and future support, . well... I don’t know what to say.
  17. Because we have not built our Fanbase from the inside. OCS gets students to games, students graduate with that experience, alumni (who were prior attending students) come back to games, they have children that grow up attending games, a culture and legacy develop... We can kick this can down the street for years but nothing will change. The future cost of building will continue to outpace our revenue.
  18. Or, our administration can stop acting like we can’t afford it and make an investment. That coupled with the fact that we can build a very nice OCS for 150mil. Then they can still break ground tomorrow.
  19. 8% on announced or actual attendance? I kid, I kid..
  20. Yet another group thinks that those glory days will come back and all we need to do is win.... that was and will never be the case.
  21. Further.... we have had more combined wins in the last three years than any three year period in our history. So no, winning is not the issue.
  22. How did the fan base change? We left the Big East and stopped playing P5 teams on a regular basis at home. We were the new shiny thing back then. Now everything has changed. We have had a few seasons of winning post BE, like last year, and attendance has sucked. We should have capitalized back then, but we did not. Thinking that winning now will bring us back to those days is missing what the real issue is. We need to build our fan base from within and an OCS is key to that. It is a long term view that folks can’t seem to grasp. yes, winning helps, but playing P5 teams helps much more for a fanbase as young as ours and we are not doing the things we need to do to build that fanbase from current students. The weekly P5 matchups are not coming back. The winning has.
  23. The report, game day attendance, and common sense disagrees with you, but you do you.
  24. Ahhhh yes, the old comparing basketball attendance to football attendance. C’mon man that talk is just silly for a number of reasons that should not have to be discussed.
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