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Everything posted by Azmodi

  1. If I remember right, "Sampling the live stock"; meant killing one, cooking and eating it, NOT fornicating with it. Dang it, kids now a days.
  2. This boys and girls is why drugs are dangerous. Don't use drugs.
  3. I would prefer Houston to go undefeated until we beat them in the AAC Championship game. PS, It will make their tears all that more salty and who doesn't like salt on their popcorn.
  4. If we hurt there feelings in 2009,I hope we "Crush their souls!", this year.
  5. There's still two weeks until the game. I'm sure many of these seats will be claimed by then. Remember that many people get paid every other week. Friday is payday. Go Bulls!
  6. Looks like we're beefing up for that Big XII schedule.
  7. I like the image and the concept but, I wouldn't cry if UCF didn't tag along.
  8. I have one but, my mom told me to stop wearing it. The strap kept pinching my neck when I locked the clasp.
  9. Nah, probably because in the last couple day's his I-Phone was set to vibrate and now his new pair of jeans have an outline of that phone like a Skoal can does to a Red-Necks overhauls.
  10. Louisville's offense may be terrifying but, their defense isn't. I'll wager on FSU to skate by UofL.
  11. We did it back when I played. It's up to the team involved. Many teams have Defensive Captains and they call shifts. If they see a similar formation with a wrinkle denoting an opposite play then what the D is ready for, he signals the shift. It's helpful as you get everyone playing on the same page.
  12. He's gotten a lot of heat lately and deservedly so. I think he realizes that USF could possibly get into the Big XII and that could help him by association. USF gets into a top conference and his articles become far more important and closer to the front page then the back page. I'm also quite certain that it feels better to have people tweeting you questions then obscenities.
  13. I would suggest that if the Big XII is trying to position themselves for life as a power conference after Texas, they'd be wise to go with +4 (Houston, USF, UCF and Cincinnati).
  14. So the AAC has dropped Tulane and Temple? I know they're out of the running but, still in the AAC.
  15. Give me Alabama in the NCG. I'd have the team hike the ball as soon as the refs set it down every down. I'm betting Alabama would have a an instant outbreak of injuries. Not to mention Saban would be beat red on National TV.
  16. Read your own writing. It sure looked like an apologist's comment. I will always follow a P5 apologist's comment with a sarcastic remark. It's in my DNA.
  17. All I can say about the UCF vs Michigan game is, "That was fast!"
  18. Oh but we're supposed to have everyone who bought a ticket show up just after a Hurricane and with flooded streets and power outages. "Gotcha."
  19. Take some pics of the crowd and tweet them to JK and Tom Jones. Ask them to explain why no scalding article about their low turn out.
  20. Another liar. This has been done so secretively that he couldn't release this information even if he had it without serious repercussions. Just another Interwebs hack! He's also been found suckling UConn's Jocks after games.
  21. So, are we in yet? Admin peeps give us a hint. If Judy looks like the cat that ate the Canary, we're in. If she looks like she pissed on her favorite pillow and whipped with a cactus, we're not.
  22. When you're playing in a cavernous stadium that seats 69k+, 1/3rd of the stadium filled doesn't look like a nice crowd. It looks empty. We are fortunate to have RayJay but, we also suffer for it. I stand by the school and point towards the media just being hacks for whatever reason. That doesn't change the visual effect.
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