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Everything posted by Azmodi

  1. We need a ******* stop on Defense and we need our Offense to get going again. We've been stopped in consecutive drives, that's not helping. Our lack of Defense is gassing the Offense. I hope it all changes and this team wakes up this second quarter.
  2. Our Defense doesn't have a single stop yet. Please say you're joking about the positives.
  3. I'm afraid this game is over. We had a chance to crush FSU, they were down and uncertain. We gave them confidence on Offense and now their Defense is feeding off of it. I honestly think I'm cursed to never root for a winner.
  4. Make a call over the PA system. Anyone with eligibility left that wants to tackle someone, report to the USF locker room to suite up.
  5. Our Defense looks timid, scared. They're afraid to commit to the tackle and aren't wrapping up when they do.
  6. True except for the ESPN Talking heads being the ones saying that USF has no support because it's all FSU and UF in Tampa. That's why I chimed in.
  7. Our 20th season on the field is next year. We've just recovered from 5 consecutive down years. Who could even imagine a sellout without a top 10 team participating this year?
  8. All I want to know is where's that huge FSU fan support form Tampa. I mean the Media Talking Heads keep pounding it home how FS and UF own Tampa. Well where's their support?
  9. One guy complained about the price of tickets but, you've made several assumptions about the Bulls and the fans already. All with a negative slant. Why not blame FSU for sucking and ruining our chances of a top 10 ranking?????
  10. After reading some of the FS boards, I expect a very poor showing of FSU fans for this game.
  11. Dude, it's the FSU fans whom are dumping the tickets. I'm guessing you're a closet FSU fan.
  12. How is 50K+ actual attendance embarrassing? The embarrassment is that FSU lost and screwed this game up. Beyond that, US did it's part. Besides, no one else in our conference as hit 50 in their own stadium this year while playing a team with a loss.
  13. This just posted by Collin. Collin Sherwin‏@USFCollin 4m4 minutes ago Student tickets for the FSU game nearing 11,000. Total sales over 57k. Not bad for a game with a hefty face value.
  14. I heard that FSU was dumping half their ticket allotment on Stub Hub to pay for participation trophies for the FSU players who play in this game. I'm not sure but since it's now on the internet, it must be true. It may or may not look like this:
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