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John Lewis

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Everything posted by John Lewis

  1. I would hope that we'd be over that number. We can always offer more to students if the demand is there for them.
  2. I can still remember Jose bemoaning the NET in the Hardwood Club when they were ready to transition to it. He said that this will ruin the game and favor the power leagues. Looks like he was spot on.
  3. Have a little ways to go. Looks like there are around 600 seats left.
  4. I wouldn't expect a release today since it's a National holiday
  5. Good day of sales yesterday and last night by the looks of it. 300 level seats are being sold and the overflow student area will be in the 300 level as well.
  6. Still a considerable amount of seats in the 200 level remain.
  7. I can see where people would be weary there, but no one knows what the NIL figure is to land him.
  8. Very good question. While I would love seeing a regular season conference championship, there is something about playing in a conference like the Big East when we were in it.
  9. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised. The chance to play on the same team with your brother in your hometown.
  10. Looks like there are a good deal of seats in the 200 level that still remain.
  11. Agree with you on this. However, since MBB has never been ranked, it would be nice to see it for the first time.
  12. There are so many teams that had more points in the other receiving votes category that I am not sure we make up that many spots this week.
  13. Yes, the OOC schedule is soft. I would figure that is going to be greatly enhanced going forward. Hopefully we can be invited to some good tournaments that have good teams playing in them.
  14. This is the thing that bothers me the most in regards to how a team is viewed. I remember that we started off the 2011 - 2012 season 7-6 and went on a good run in Big East play. Obviously, playing in that league was a huge reason that we received an at large bid. 2 losses 2 and half months ago shouldn't be an anchor holding this team back from an NCAA Tournament bid. We obviously have to continue to win, but no one can say that we are not one of the better teams in the country at this moment.
  15. There are certainly rational points in our favor depending on how big a risk that the B1G would want to take to have a footprint in the Southeast.
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