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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. wow 1) Youre right; tradition doesnt help once the ball is snapped, but it sure helps outside of that. Tradition brings in fans. More fans = better gameday experience. Yes, winning can also bring in fans and create a gameday experience, but if you have tradition, you dont need to depend on it the way we do. 2)The point of the recruits bragging to buddies is a much bigger deal than you think. You obviously dont remember what it is like to be 17 or 18 years old. Kids DREAM about playing for UF or USC or wherever. Especially if their parents went there and they grew up at the swamp or something. The day that offer letter comes in the mail it is the happiest day of their lives. You always want to brag to your buddies. You always want people to look up to you and be jealous of you. Being in a group of guys who are all going to lower tier schools as the guy going to Notre Dame is a big deal and plays a huge role in perception. That is what recruiting is about at its core. The perception that this school is the best place for your future. None of them know which one may be best. The schools sell that perception. As a wide-eyed young adult nothing is more impressive than those flashy lights and colors and fancy uniforms. The history of wearing the same uniform as some collegiate and NFl legends. That is a huge part of the recruiting project and you are throwing it by the wayside. 3)Quality coaching is subjective. I like Skip Holtz. I also liked CJL. I think both are fine coaches. However they have yet to prove anything. On the contrary guys like Nick Saban, Urban Meyer, Les Miles, Gene Chizik, etc are all **** good coaches. As much as I love CSH and am grateful he is with us, there is no question any one of those guys would bring a hell of a lot more value to this program. I hope Skip can change that perception this season. 4)Dont you ever compare the exposure of the SEC to that of USF or any Big East team ever again. 5)Playing time also depends on the school. Next year, a freshman WR probably wont start for USF right away like some did last year and will this year. Our WR corps is very young and will make up the majority of our playbook for a while. Florida, on the other hand, may have room for a young WR to get on the field right away. This changes every year. 6)Yes, and hopefully this is our true breakout season. 7) I would recommend someone go to Miami, yes. Depending on the NCAA sanctions I will change my answer accordingly. If they get a punishment like USC just got for example, yes I wouldnt deter anyone from going to UM. If they get PSU quality sanctions, then obviously not. 8)Take off the G&G goggles for a little bit. Our thought process (me and AW) has never been about maintaining a colleges tradition or bandwagoning on a colleges tradition we chose to focus on getting on field sooner than later and going where we felt wanted. If ya put up numbers the conference don't matter as much. You wanna go to the NFL not be a career collegiate athlete and its over. If you can't get on the field don't matter the conference. I like USF a ton all things considered. I think if you're a Fl. recruit c/o 2013 2014 2015 come to the Pen. I encourage you to join us in the Big East we will be so dominant the next few years they'll be after us in the ACC especially with conference realignments in the coming years. In my opinion we will be the best team in college football Well said. I hope you're right. Looking forward to it.
  2. Agree 100% Exactly. Ill take whatever we can get. I would love a college version of lambeau field personally. Simple, one single bowl(which I think is important personally).
  3. If it is anything like the VTech one, Ill be happy lol. We need something unique, just like we have 12,501 student seats, VTech went "one inch bigger," we need something like that.
  4. Not a priority for ever athlete, even then only one piece of the puzzle. Lots of good reasons not to be in the SEC. AW and i were on the SEC band wagon until we educated ourselves. We were also on the 4 and 5 star bandwagon til we educated ourselves. Break down players in the NFL who were 4 and 5 * in hs no significant difference. Look at players overall in the NFL from different conferences not a significant enough reason to go SEC because its SEC. Problem is sooooo many kids 4 and 5 * are caught up in the hype the SEC is jam packed with speed and talent "on the bench" and I would rather dominate in the BE 3 - 4 years which is your audition for the NFL. this. The SEC gets sooooooooooooo much hype. Not saying they arent the best conference, but man is it just blown out of this world.
  5. i want to say with bowl money it is around 6 million Six? Seriously?! Wow I thought it was a lot more than that. That is pathetic.
  6. agreed. It could be one of NBC's flagship programs. Lets cross that bridge when we come to it though lol
  7. Would be $14 million to all sports members. ahh ok. I understood it as 10 million for football schools, and 4 million for basketball schools. 14 million would be pretty sweet indeed. Lets hope they go for this. That should create some good momentum.
  8. Would have liked to see higher than 10 million, but beggars cant be choosers. How long would the contract be for? Also how much do ACC teams make?
  9. Would love to get Adams, Stevens, and Collins. One from each school lol
  10. I would go to Vandy. I would at least consider them. Good education(it would be important for me as an athlete), great campus, cool colors lol, Nashville is the ****, etc. I would pick Vandy over Bama or Auburn any day of the week. Only advantage those schools have over Vandy is facilities and a winning tradition. Those are obviously big upsides, but personally, I like Vandy 10x more.
  11. Because recent history has shown that even the middle of the road SEC teams are better than the top end ACC, Big East and arguably the Big Ten teams.. I'm really not sure that's true. I think you can easily say that top end SEC teams are far superior to top end BE, ACC, B1G, etc. LSU and Alabama were pretty much head and shoulders above anyone else. I think Arkansas was close, but once you get into USC, Auburn, Missouri, A&M they really aren't better than the heavy weights in other conferences. Georgia and Florida wouldn't win the Big East this year. They certainly wouldn't be any better than middle of the road ACC and bottom tier B1G schools.
  12. Yup, we'll have lots of season ticket holders that will purchase their extra alotment of 4 tickets in order to make a quick buck from the FSU fans that will be clamoring for tickets. shame. I intend to buy my season tickets next week. That is 2 more on the USF side.
  13. we need to find a middle ground lol. Actually, I believe, last year at this time, many people on here were saying that 2012 would be THE best year for USF in football, rather than 2011. Looking ahead then to 2013, because of losing Daniels and so many first and second team seniors, despite having more depth across the board, I don't expect we will be better than 2012, So, IMO, THIS is our best chance to win the conference for at least two years. I hope you are right
  14. key word there is should. Those coaches in the big3 know how to play a mean fiddle. It is easy to see how they get swayed.
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