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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. That's a very scary thought ... Not directly however if the overwhelming sentiment of the fans is negative toward say the coaching staff or other aspects of the athletic programs as a parent or potential recruit i would have to consider the reasons. For example. If you can't talk up your own program why would a recruit not be concerned. Speaking on the initial decision to commit after you're committed then you play ball fans don't way in on that you give it 100 Again, at no point did I talk down our program. Bullwinkle simply made a comment which I disagreed with, so I did. I am all for positive thinking and moving forward but lets keep it within the realm of reality here. USF has a long way to go. I believe that this 2012 squad, as well as the 2013 class can be a HUGE leap forward in what seemed like a step back last year. The timing seems to be just right. The NBC TV deal, the departure of WVU, the departure of the BCS format, the stellar year USF athletics as a whole had in 2012, the momentum that we appear to be carrying forward with facilities, all of that can catapult us to the forefront of news column if everything goes well. My point is that it hasnt happened yet. So let's not jump the gun shall we? But why not focus on all the good things to come? There's absolutely no benefit to pointing out USF's short comings at every turn on this forum. At every turn? I did it once lol. This is a discussion board. We discuss things here. Its ok to discuss things we need to improve. It isnt going to hurt anyone's feelings. I cant believe this forum of all places is harping on about being negative. You want to see negative? Watch USF drop 2 games early and then you'll see negative.
  2. This is a common misbelief with schools that are seen as "commuter". Having worked at a couple other schools, on campus housing doesn't necessarily solve the problem. It's the campus and campus area environment. Let's face it, we can build all the dorms we want, but USF seriously lacks the immediate campus environment that many schools have. You hit the nail on the head on this one. Including non-university owned housing, I would venture to guess that USF's surrounding areas likely house about 60-65% of USF's student population, and that may be on the conservative end. With that said, other than the places in New Tampa, like Peabodies, Acropolis, or Dunderbaks, there really isn't that much in terms of bars and restaurants that really provide some campus atmosphere. Part of the problem is Hillsborough County and Temple Terrace zoning restrictions. They're very, very tough in the areas around the university. An OCS can only enhance the campus feel over what's there now. Agreed. I also heard that all the churches in the immediate area would complain and protest if we tried to put up some bars, clubs, or lounges in their vicinity. There are soooooo many churches within a mile of the campus.
  3. That's a very scary thought ... Not directly however if the overwhelming sentiment of the fans is negative toward say the coaching staff or other aspects of the athletic programs as a parent or potential recruit i would have to consider the reasons. For example. If you can't talk up your own program why would a recruit not be concerned. Speaking on the initial decision to commit after you're committed then you play ball fans don't way in on that you give it 100 Again, at no point did I talk down our program. Bullwinkle simply made a comment which I disagreed with, so I did. I am all for positive thinking and moving forward but lets keep it within the realm of reality here. USF has a long way to go. I believe that this 2012 squad, as well as the 2013 class can be a HUGE leap forward in what seemed like a step back last year. The timing seems to be just right. The NBC TV deal, the departure of WVU, the departure of the BCS format, the stellar year USF athletics as a whole had in 2012, the momentum that we appear to be carrying forward with facilities, all of that can catapult us to the forefront of news column if everything goes well. My point is that it hasnt happened yet. So let's not jump the gun shall we?
  4. awesome. Hopefully this spikes some sales. We need more Bulls than Seminoles fans there damnit!!
  5. What length did I go to? I said that a coach like Nick Saban would bring way more with him than Skip Holtz has. It might sting, but I am not sure how you can disagree with that. I also said the SEC gets a million times more exposure than USF and the Big East does. Also not sure how you can disagree with that. Just because this is a USF board doesnt mean we have to just go around patting each other in the back and spoon feeding fairy dust. The things that need to improve wont do so unless they are pointed out. My angle is not to pat each other on the back eventhough it would be appropriate in this venue rather to encourage positive aspects of the Big East while sensationalizing USF Football. Time and place. Would like every opportunity to flip recruits from any school and any conference especially Fl. boys who wanna stay close to home. Don't wanna push um on the SEC side of the fence or acc side BigEast and USF a soft place to land... Believe me I would do anything in my power to flip recruits over to our side. I think USF has plenty to offer young athletes as well as young students. If you are willing to put in the work, USF will reward you for it. Nothing I said here though is a big secret or even really that negative. SEC coaches are more renowned than CSH and Big East coaches. Anyone who has followed CFB for at least three days knows this. I didnt say Skip wasnt a good coach or that he couldnt get them to the next level, because he can. Hopefully this NBC contract goes through and the Big East and USF can get pretty much their own dedicated network. This will be huge for exposure as we wont have to share it with FSU, UF, or Miami. Whenever we play, it will be on national TV. That is a big deal in my opinion. At the moment though, this isnt the case; so saying that the SEC gets more exposure and knobslobbing also isnt a big secret. Just turn on ESPN right now. I will also say that any recruit who makes his decision to attend a university and play Division 1 football based on what he reads on a message board...wow. Leave it to the coaches and the visits.
  6. What length did I go to? I said that a coach like Nick Saban would bring way more with him than Skip Holtz has. It might sting, but I am not sure how you can disagree with that. I also said the SEC gets a million times more exposure than USF and the Big East does. Also not sure how you can disagree with that. Just because this is a USF board doesnt mean we have to just go around patting each other in the back and spoon feeding fairy dust. The things that need to improve wont do so unless they are pointed out.
  7. Because winning is everything? Guess again. Yes, in college football, winning is everything. You don't win and you get fired. Coaches get paid ridiculous salaries for results. He does sound like a cry baby. He exaggerated a lot and went with an extreme example, but I don't care if the program is squeaky clean or not (no winning program is). Stop making excuses and win a very winnable conference already. THANK YOU Dont get the NCAA involved and it will be fine. Staying clean doesnt mean **** if you dont win.
  8. Would love to have what they have, but they were fortunate the state chipped in a huge amount of money. It would be a nice goal to get something like the Gophers have. That is an awsome facility. It would have to be something long term. Something we get with additions. Start with 100 mil. Then add another 100 mil lol. Just keep going until that is the final product. Maybe 40 years from now lol
  9. We can expedite this by adopting ! Now you're using your head!
  10. If you call Judy Genshaft's office and tell her you are ready to write the $100mil check, they'll start building your dream stadium before the year is out. Just left a message. Left my contact name as "DataBull." Im not saying they should do it right now. They have WAY more important things to worry about. Conference realignment, finishing the rest of the facilities we have already started, academic improvement, etc. Im just saying laying the groundwork is a good start. People will be more willing to donate if they see renderings and actual plans. I know that I donated what I could to the new SunDome renovations after I saw what the renderings would look like and what they planned on improving. I feel like others would feel the same way. This is several years out, but you can at least do some blueprinting right now. Hell, just a sign on the planned future site of the stadium would bring excitement I think. Something that said "Home of the future USF Football Stadium(or whatever name)" Coming in 2020(or whatever year). Then include those renderings. I think that would get people excited and interested in our program. I honestly do. As far as recruiting goes, I think a stadium on campus like Minnesota's would be waaaaay more attractive than RJS 12 miles away. Again though, that is just my opinion. West Virginia just started selling beer at their stadium this past year. It is definitely possible for us to do the same. idk what regulations differ between WVA and FL though.
  11. definitely. I would be there for sure. If there was ever a year to try and bring it back, this would be it ... agreed. Let's ride this wave as long as possible.
  12. definitely. I would be there for sure.
  13. An OCS isn't going to get us into a big time conference. Actually you're mistaken there. An OCS will help in recruiting... don't say it won't... recruits aren't real jazzed about playing 20 minutes from campus by bus. We'll get even better talent. Better recruits should translate to better talent and more wins.... which could open up a spot in a better conference if and when a slot opens up. Oh yes I forgot about this. I think it will help in that regard as well. Again, speaking personally, I would rather play at the Swamp/Doak/ND Stadium/etc than at RJS. Just my personal opinion. That isn't the question. Obviously we aren't building a 90,000 stadium out of the gate. The question is whether you would rather play in a tin can or RJS. Why does it have to be a tin can? Why cant we start with something in between RJS and Brighthouse?
  14. An OCS isn't going to get us into a big time conference. Actually you're mistaken there. An OCS will help in recruiting... don't say it won't... recruits aren't real jazzed about playing 20 minutes from campus by bus. We'll get even better talent. Better recruits should translate to better talent and more wins.... which could open up a spot in a better conference if and when a slot opens up. Oh yes I forgot about this. I think it will help in that regard as well. Again, speaking personally, I would rather play at the Swamp/Doak/ND Stadium/etc than at RJS. Just my personal opinion.
  15. Is UCF in the SEC yet? Depends on who you ask lol imo, I dont think it will help nationally, but it will def help us in building tradition, cementing a fanbase, making us seem like more of a traditional university, helping remove the commuter school tag, etc. I think where it will help is less in the conference/winning games department, and more in the other little things that make a program special. The winning has to be done by the players, whether it is done on an NFL field, an OCS, or a Quidditch field. The most we can do is show up. I think that we can do a lot more showing up with an OCS. Look at UCF. Their gameday environment is way better than ours and their teams havent won ****. We can draw more people at 6-6 at an OCS than at RJS imho. I may be completely wrong, but this is the feeling I get. I know that personally, I would go to every single home game if they were at USF, regardless of record. If we were 2-10, I would probably skip that last game at RJS, I will be honest. It really depends on who we play and their record. If we are 2-10 heading into the Pitt game, and Pitt has the same record, yeah I doubt I will be at that game.
  16. And you get to start with your first beginning in October (or was it November). lol November. Yeah that plan was for you guys, not for me. I will have no part in such a crazy plan. But it'll definitely work for all of you guys!
  17. Yeah, USC and Miami have suffered terribly by not having an OCS. yeah but they have National Championships. If we had those, this conversation probably wouldnt be necessary. Exactly, it isn't about the stadium. A pathetic team with lousy attendence in a shiny new stadium won't win over the SEC. A national championship team in with 70,000 fans and the SEC won't care if USF is playing in The Trop. definitely, but since we arent a National Championship team at the moment, we can make up for it somewhere else.
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