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The Great 8

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Everything posted by The Great 8

  1. I don't understand... You can only get in by season tickets or packages (or resale of either)? That seems too stupid of a decison to be real.
  2. Yeah. I didn't hear what happened. It's why Stanley made the start at X though.
  3. Lovie was the one instructing his team to throw it with less than 2 minutes to go.
  4. **** Charlie and his good guy crap. We're a G5 team. This bottom-feeder P5 team put up 14 points in garbage time because they were still throwing the ball with sub-2 minutes left. Get Kean some red zone reps and put up some more points.
  5. Easy there. There's zero evidence of that. We simply haven't seen Chris play at all.
  6. Sands is impressive and Kean is throwing darts. Starting to feel pretty good here.
  7. We should've played that last possession as 4 downs and drilled in that TD. Lovey obviously isn't quitting. We need to beat this team by 30+. Gotta get into the 50s now.
  8. It's way too early to call off the dogs. I'd keep first teamers in, mixed with some backups, for another couple drives.
  9. It's looking like Gilbert indeed was sharking us all. Well played. It was a risky move, but it should pan out if folks have less tape on us now.
  10. The open field tackling has been impressive tonight. We've had some blown coverages but tackling and speed have helped bail us out. That wouldn't have happened last year.
  11. No reason for him to get in-game reps anymore, really. If he's a practice phenom, that's awesome, use his skill their to improve the team. Antoine and McCants have proven to be better players in-game.
  12. I'm now optimistic that Gilbert was indeed sharking everyone else. It was a risky ass move though...
  13. We're starting to look pretty good offensively. Mostly because we've changed up from what we were doing the past couple games.
  14. I think it is. It looks like he's pressing, constantly. He's probably feeling the pressure of going undefeated and trying to get an NFL shot. I don't envy him, he has a lot of weight on his shoulders for a college kid.
  15. OMG DJ CAN STILL MAKE PLAYS AS A RECEIVER ... proceeds to run him up the middle next play for zero yards
  16. The TE unit sucks as well. Strong seems to have a loyalty to this kid from his playing days in UL, but it's clear he's not good at either of the things he's responsible for coaching for.
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