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Everything posted by bullnupe

  1. Yes... Tyler Moore is a done deal unless the world apocalypse happens. The sky is falling the sky is falling
  2. I should be able to get plenty of film on him this year. I will post on the board also. Several other schools have began sending letters also and a few coaches that have showed up at practice to see the Tackles really like what they see in Marc.
  3. Im happy someone else updated the thread besides me Thanks mama how much do I owe you.
  4. I think the sun dolls at the NCAA tourney last year have a lot of recruits looking to come here now
  5. We will need a STUD TE also Looks like we will only have 3 on roster after this year now that Virgin has left the team.
  6. I have a guy and girl from Georgetown that work for me. I say those colleges put out good workers.
  7. With Stevens, Adams, and Badet along with one of the 2 earlier commits we wont need to recruit but maybe one reciever next year.
  8. December graduation would be huge for Football but as a parent I always had mixed feelings about it. I guess its a plus he would still be able to go to his High school prom because he is still close to home.
  9. maybe if we all say happy bday to him he will come here.
  10. My choice is the oldest guy on the roster, Abdul Aleem. Recruiting expert Brad Winton of SLAM (a well respected online basketball site) expects Abdul-Aleem to compete for a starting spot immediately, “Abdul-Aleem is a physical, left-handed wing who bullies his way to the rim and has range that extends beyond the three. Abdul-Aleem was one of the best perimeter defenders that I saw this summer. He is very vocal on the court and plays with a passion for the game,†said Winton. http://www.collegian...e-bull-watches/ I win VEGA choose Musa also the debate is over. Had a side bet going there, didja? lol
  11. My choice is the oldest guy on the roster, Abdul Aleem. Recruiting expert Brad Winton of SLAM (a well respected online basketball site) expects Abdul-Aleem to compete for a starting spot immediately, “Abdul-Aleem is a physical, left-handed wing who bullies his way to the rim and has range that extends beyond the three. Abdul-Aleem was one of the best perimeter defenders that I saw this summer. He is very vocal on the court and plays with a passion for the game,†said Winton. http://www.collegian...e-bull-watches/ I win VEGA choose Musa also the debate is over.
  12. Hope at the end of the year you are asking should BJ be picked in the 1st or 2nd rounds
  13. Someone should go to a few of these practices and video tape how he does against my 15 yr old in practice.
  14. How many years before Temple wont be picked to finish Last?
  15. I have been saying since he signed that MUSA would be the one new player besides OMO that this season will give this team what it needs to finish top 5 in the conference. I think he will replace everything that Anderson brought to the team last year and add 15pts a game.
  16. Thanks Mama and Triple. mom and the coaches will edit his game footage this year. From what we are hearing from the coaches a few schools have asked for film on him but he only played in 4 or 5 games last year because he started on JV before being moved to Varsity. Triple can you edit the spelling of the Last name? Jimenez
  17. Can I get a thread for Mark now with the post from this thread included. I want to keep the board updated on a few things throughout the recruitment process. We still have 2 years until he will make a commitment. Currently USF Western Michigan and Famu are calling and sending letters.
  18. The coaches offices are located next to the weight room and all of the players see to have a schedule that alough the to have the free periods together. I have a feeling the he is getting the guidance. Hey question do you know if a kid can request a certain recruiter from different schols. We want Kevin Patrick. Mark has liked him since he was in 7th grade and we were at a USF scrimmage with BJ.
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