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Everything posted by Sellular1

  1. Anybody got a spare $800mil for the Bulls OCS?
  2. Ha! The first thing they tell me is that USF sucks. My neighbors are Auburn fans, they know better. I was at that game!!!!
  3. Ha! The first thing they tell me is that USF sucks.
  4. Ha! Just turned it on at the under 12 timeout. Down 19-3. What a F'n joke
  5. AC always looks like somebody just killed his dog. Rarely see that kid get fired up or try and fire up the the team. Probably because he's getting fouled to death all the time
  6. Can u guys imagine how bad we get our asss handed to us at Louisville... It's going to be 100-15
  7. That's why I'm here. To ruin your party. Ps: It looks like you said "F*&k you" to me, not "D*mn you" That's cuz he did... Damm you!
  8. "Inexcusable". Good thing you aren't writing the press releases. Ha!
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