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Everything posted by Sellular1

  1. I was in class with Charlie, Cuda, Curtis Kitchen, and Doug Wallace. History of Black Music... Cool. I had him either Fall 82 or Spring 83 (graduated 86). You? It was Fall of 84. I can't even begin to tell the amount of ***** they used to do. Seems like every other day half the hoops team was at our fraternity house and were high as kites.
  2. Every pre season reading Phil Steele's magazine and his prediction for USF.
  3. I was in class with Charlie, Cuda, Curtis Kitchen, and Doug Wallace. History of Black Music...
  4. that's like saying I want to date kate upton. of course he wants to grow their revenue. isn't it pretty much a given that every athletic director in the country wants to grow their revenue by 40%?? that's the guy's job. Come on man, look at the other post that has: "Cunningham says it would take a combination of increased ticket sales, donations, sponsorship deals and media rights to get from $70 million to $100 million." All signs point North. keep drinking the coolaid. there are 4 or 5 twitterers in west vriginia basements that need your hits in order to move out of their parents house OK, I wasn't being confrontational, but you went there. Have a great day! I wasn't being confrontational. Then "keep drinking the coolaid" would be considered .......? a metaphor refering to his unquestioned belief that some kooks on twitter know what they are talking about. Coolaid is actually spelled with a K. Get it right, get it tight.
  5. I too am a professor and I can attest that evening students do have more academic professionalism than do day students. But I can also attest that day students appear to have more creativity than evening students. I do enjoy teaching both.Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor... Spies Like Us...it never gets old. Now we are going to shave the patient Maybe you diick's not so dumb... It got me through college!
  6. There are 346 "D1" schools in college basketball playing in 32 conferences. This is how we stack up. Go Bulls! . POINTS PER GAME: 58.8 = 331st OVERALL REBOUNDS PER GAME: 32.6 = 256th OVERALL ASSISTS PER GAME: 11.3 = 280th OVERALL FIELD GOAL PCT: .389 = 334th OVERALL Now compare that to DePaul who finished last in the Big East POINTS PER GAME: 71.4 = 81st OVERALL REBOUNDS PER GAME: 34.2 = 190th OVERALL ASSISTS PER GAME: 13.8 = 115th OVERALL FIELD GOAL PCT: .434 = 177th OVERALL
  7. Not sure why people are so anal about starting a new thread. Do I really have to read thru the "in game" thread and make my post there that has nothing to do with the in game thread?
  8. Just checking... Up 8 pts with 3 minutes to play and guess what happens.
  9. I'm glad we got back to normal in the 2nd half. I couldn't take too much more if played like the 1st half. I was actually enjoying the game for the first 20mins
  10. Really? 16 points in the first half? What a total embarrassment this team is. My grandmother's wheelchair team could beat us.
  11. Right, Because last year never even happened; soccer in elite 8, softball in WCWS, mens bball to NCAA, womens bball to NIT. How quickly our fanbase turns. Hardly equate biitching with "turning"
  12. At least we put on a good game for Disney. Maybe we will get some more love.
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