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Bull Dozer

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Everything posted by Bull Dozer

  1. ;D game, set, match.......Thanks for coming out
  2. should have been more clear, link for Plancher being confirmed out.
  3. Ive torn both of my ACL's due to athletics and trust me if he tore a ligament or had something serious he would have been on crutches. IF he did however tear a ligament hes in great hands with Dr Leffers and our training staff. I know from experience.
  4. i dunno i think that games was moor a typical UK team making UL look good than anything. The reason why UK is always so horrible in the SEC is they always have a huge lack of team speed especially on defense. We all know that our defense has a great amount of team speed so UL wont be able to hit as many big plays against us as they did against UK. Our defense will also benefit from the fact that we wont have michael bush's punnishing running style to wear us down. You add that in with the fact the Brohm is coming off a major knee surgery and already was about as mobile as Bernie Kosar and i think our defense should fair pretty good against their defense. As for the defensice match up the best way to beat the blitz is with screens and misdirection plays that uses the defense's aggressiveness against them. The UL defense is young and will make mistakes we just have to capitalize on them. Another thing that will benefit us is that UL's DB's are all a bit on the short side with the tallest being LISTED at 6', and we all know how generous program heights are. All in all i think we match up very good with UL and cant wait for that game. But we gotta alot of business to take care of before that to make sure we get there undefeated
  5. I dont see how people arent amped for the UCF game.  This is a team we pretty much just put a beat down on last year and is 1/2 a season removed form and almost 20 game losing streak and is still for some reason seen as the premier "program on the rise" in our state.  ESPN respects their program way more than ours for some reason i can't comprehend (other than ESPN's hard on for everything Notre Dame ie O'leary).  Not to mention the big heads their fans have now because of this attention.  Seriously how could you not want to go to that game when we go over there and kick their head in and end their lil ESPN inspired fantasy.  In about 10-20 years when both programs reach maturity the same alumni who scoff at this game will be the same ones struggling for tickets like the rest of us. ÂÂ
  6. You dont want that then we will have to hear 4935734957 different excuses out of them till next year. I want them coming into the game with no one missing so when we go into their house and stomp on their pride they have nothing to say but we were the better team.
  7. 51-7 But only because myer will pull the reigns back in the second 1/2. This is the best response in this thread
  8. Couldnt disagree more here. These two games are tune ups where you want your offense to come together in real game situations against someone besides their teammates. Grothe is also young and needs as much experience as he can get before we get into the meat of our schedule. If you think Grothe is going to be the starter of the future hear it has to be time to turn the page on the Julmiste era.
  9. elitist adjective    Characteristic of or resembling a snob: snobbish, snobby. Informal high-hat, snooty, stuck-up, uppish, uppity. See attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude, self-love/modesty. noun    One who despises people or things regarded as inferior, especially because of social or intellectual pretension: snob. Informal snoot. See attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude, self-love/modesty. We seem to have alot of these here when it comes to supporting our bulls.  Ive Lurked here for quite a bit without registering but after the beef studs thread and this thread i have been driven to post.  I love my bulls to death but i know, you know, we all know that our program needs all the support we can get.  I honestly dont care if its from fair weather fans or us die hards as long as they are in some way helping our program go.  EVERYONE even the fair weather fans helps this program grow when they attend our games, heck even when they buy a ticket and dont go into the stadium they are supporting our program.  We our still in our infancy we have alot of growing to do no one can deny that.  Beacause we are still young we cant act like Ohio State, Penn State, or the big 3 we have in this state.  Support is support, and as we keep moving toward making it a big 4 instead of a big 3 in this state some of these people will become better fans its a part of the process.  As long as people are $upporting our bulls in some way shape or form they are ok in my book.  Its not about who is the biggest or most dedicated fan its about them being a fan at all, which 10 years ago was in short supply.  Basicallly less im a bigger and better fan/supporter than you and more bulls talk!!! ÂÂ
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